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General Marketing Myth #1 Revealed

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Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 73

# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 12:49

Myth #1 - "It's who you know that matters!"

It's NEVER who you know that matters. It's always WHO KNOWS YOU that matters.

And NO, they are not the same thing. Not even close.

This is true in offline business as well as online.

Why is this an important topic for you?
Because the vast majority of marketers go around trying to get to know people.

"But Danny, OF COURSE we try to get to know people!"

Yes - and I am telling you that YOU are the reason that your marketing efforts are not getting the results you desire.

Everyone is out there looking for the Golden Contact! Hoping that they will meet the person who will make it all happen for them!

How many of you would do better to BECOME THE GOLDEN CONTACT?

I tell you what...if you want me to, I will give you a list of ways to BECOME THE GOLDEN CONTACT in your marketplace so that you can have a steady supply of HOT TARGETED prospects.

Talk soon!


Joined: 5 Feb 2008
Posts: 68

# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 13:00

That is so true. It took me a while to figure that out but once I did, it completely changed the way I did business. I was a lot more confident in my abilities and in leading and helping people. I think it would benefit a lot of people if you would share your list. I would always like to grow more.


Joined: 11 Mar 2008
Posts: 113

# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 16:06

While I get this, I think the number one IM myth is "Do what you love and the money will follow." What if you love Tibetan Yak Jello Wrestling? Always find a starving crowd already spending money and get in front of that traffic train!



Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 73

# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 16:49

While I get this, I think the number one IM myth is "Do what you love and the money will follow." What if you love Tibetan Yak Jello Wrestling? Always find a starving crowd already spending money and get in front of that traffic train!


I think that generally people CAN do what they love and find that money can follow if they are monetizing it properly. Yes, there are exceptions...but not many. You have duly noted one exception that I cannot argue with though....

Your "myth" is noted and perhaps will be included in a later edition of "GENERAL MARKETING MYTHS REVEALED!"

Thanks Billy!



Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 62

# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 20:36

I so agree with this Myth, I know a person who was struggling online and suddenly changed his thinking and got his name out there instead of promoting a program. Now he is one of those people that people want to know.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1627

# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 21:26

Yes, I agree it is important for people to know about your product or service. I have spent many hours offline searching for a supplier


Joined: 6 May 2008
Posts: 19

# Posted: 11 May 2008 12:01

I couldn't agree more. As people grow in this business they often go through a process of self examination, it which they identify that which didn't work for them before. These tags can be practical as in the company, or marketing, or comp plan, or whatever. The things they identify can be internal, as in confidence, posture, fears, and many more.

What ususally happens for the successful home business marketer is this.

1. The internal issues get sorted out (trial/error/ or pain avoidance)
2. The external situation rights itself as a result of #1 (Gee, things seem to come together now)
3. The person who experienced the before and after picture now has a story to tell.
4. They tell the story
5. People relate based on their own experiences
6. A relationship evolves and then becomes a business relationship
7. More success for everyone

Glad to be on board with everyone. Much success to all.


Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 129

# Posted: 12 May 2008 02:39

Myth #1 - "It's who you know that matters!"

It's NEVER who you know that matters. It's always WHO KNOWS YOU that matters.

Danny, i just replied to a post in another section of this forum, on the power of article writing. I wish i had seen your statement above, before i wrote, I would have quoted it. Here is an excerpt (sp) of that article.

The main thing is write about something that really interests you, something that you have passion about. You can bet there are other folks out there who have like passion and interest. The most important thing, in my humble opinion, is to make it your own, your own thoughts, your own words, speak from your heart. That's what will attact people to it, cause them to stop and read it. Don't be overly clinical or analytical. Let your emotion come through. People identify with that, more so than some "cold" didactic thesis like you would find in some trade journal.

You need the first part, the R&D, the logical, well written and well developed presentation of your point, in order to establish credibility. But you need the second part, the passion, emotion, words from the heart, to grab your reader's attention, cause them to first identify with you, then remember you, and most importantly, pass your words, your articles on to more readers, thus establishing you as someone worth reading.

My emphasis was, get people to "feel you," "identify with you." This causes people to want to get to "know you," and then they will be willing to "follow you." You become the Golden Contact, the one who can make it happen. I firmly believe people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Just a thought........................Mitch

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Joined: 6 May 2008
Posts: 19

# Posted: 12 May 2008 22:53

Absolutely love the post quote on passion. A message that has depth and can actually get through to someone is the message to send. So how does one send that message? Simple enough, when you share your story, and how you overcame. People relate, and if you help them overcome, you usually have made a friend at some level.

I believe in the network marketing dream. It only takes tools, and the right opportunity to make dreams come true.

Keep On Marketing

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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 357

# Posted: 14 May 2008 11:03

Hi Danny,

That was quite an interesting perspective you offered. It makes a lot of sense to me.
Isn't it amazing how a slight change in one's thinking can turn the light on!



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