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ASD Cash Generator continued....

Business Opportunities and Programs Reviews Work at Home Forum / Business Opportunities and Programs Reviews / ASD Cash Generator continued....
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Joined: 29 Jun 2008
Posts: 67

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 20:06

With regards to you putting in a ticket... I put in a ticket last weekend... or so I thought, but in actual fact, when I thought the ticket had been entered, it had not, as there was a second SUBMIT button that I had to hit.

It's easy to see if it went in properly. If you check in that section of the site, it will show you a list of all outstanding/unanswered tickets and you will receive an auto email confirmation of your ticket. I had not received these on first attempt.

So, in fact, your submission may not have gone through.

Just sharing my experience. My sponsor set me straight with that!

Dave Earley

Joined: 17 Feb 2008
Posts: 12

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 20:35

Yeah, that's always a good idea to check your tickets, or try again if you don't hear anything.

If any of you guys are writing about ASD, feel free to submit your articles to my article directory.



Joined: 11 Dec 2007
Posts: 82

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 20:39 � Edited by: freebird658

Hello All,
I just saw this unfinished message on the news page:

Alert Pay & Direct Deposit are being phasing out July 31, 2008

Do to the lack of information received from IPay and Direct Deposit transactions resulting in a posting delay to member accounts we are hereby phasing out these methods of receiveing funds at the end of July 2008. By eliminating these

So if they eliminate Alertpay and Direct Deposits and they already stopped taking checks..what other alternatives will be left that will be easy and convenient for the members to purchase ad packages that won't cost a fortune in fees?

I wonder why they didn't finish the message!


Joined: 29 Jun 2008
Posts: 67

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 20:47

Thanks Andrew... It's good to know that I am not the only one questioning all the HYPE and finding NOTHING to support it.

Even going to the two sites that Jim posted (THANKS JIM!) I still didn't find any specific about the award.

All members have a responsibility to do their own due diligence and I tell all of my referrals the same. I don't take anything at face value! I'm very conservative and not a gambler at all. I found nothing negative on ASD and so I decided to go for it.

However, EVERY SINGLE PERSON who posted without having the facts have done by far more harm than good to the integrity of ASD and now we all have to work extra hard to overcome the B/S that was posted so flipantly!

Not only has this damaged potential new members, it's made me stop and think twice about how much I will actually contribute personally.

PLEASE be careful forwarding il-researched information.

Thanks all who have helped get to the bottom of this!



Joined: 29 Jun 2008
Posts: 67

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 20:55

Spelling is another point of credibility...

Do to....

Should actually be...

Due to...

The initial welcome video played so poorly on my computer, I went out and bought a new computer - figuring if I was going to take this business seriously I'd better have upgraded equipment.

So, now I'm hearing that it isn't necessarily my equipment?

Petty perhaps... but if you want to be taken seriously in business, attention to detail is paramount!

Again... adding to my nervousness.

Can someone please give me something other than opinion to reassure me of the HOPE this company seemed to be able to deliver?

Sorry to be negative... but I am being very guarded with my hard-earned savings!!!



Joined: 29 Jun 2008
Posts: 67

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 20:58

My sponsor as of about 10 days ago had taken out several thousand and has subsequently taken out thousands more every week.

So, if your quesiton is anyone really receiving money, my answer is ABSOLUTELY!

Yea!!! I got to contribute something positive!! LOL


Joined: 27 May 2008
Posts: 333

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 21:30

Hello All.

Andrew, I am married to a New Yorker so she sets me straight every day!

Jenny, I agree with many of your points regarding ASD's growing pains, and as you know I am heavily "invested" in the program, but the concerns brought about here on this Discussion Board are valid.

First, The "Rumor" about ASD Offer Universe I've posted today is not a rumor. Go to and you will see this statement:

The ASD Offer Universe Program Has Been Suspended.

Please consult ASD for more information on the status of the program.

There are reasons why ASD has Separated it's Joint Affiliation with Bob Cefail's In Touch Media which I don't have time to point out right now since I want to get out of the office and hit the road home right now!

I think in evaluating any Business Opportunity we list the Pros and the Cons to the Business...and I believe too many ASD folks are "Glossing" over the issues and concerns about long term financial viability, not to mention the "Less than Desirable ASD Service" to its members after they've Purchased their Ad Packages.

I think as a Sponsor to my growing Downline I am responsible to not just "Close a Deal", and blame the poor service on "Growing Pains", but I would have to face these same friends/family members when they may not get their 1% per day...

Here's why I don't believe the current Rebate Percentage Program is sustainable in the long term, yet that doesn't mean now is not the time to get into this a matter of fact, now is the BEST time to get into this business...because Member # 72,000 is going to get their 1% Monday through Friday whereas Member #500,000 may Not get their 1%.

I think ASD's Business Model will allow it to survive and probably thrive long term...simply because they will never pay out more than 50% of Gross Revenues...this will ensure that they stay financially afloat...

Yet...what this also mean is that the 50% Pie is FIXED and is not dependent on the membership numbers...whether you have 100,000 members or 1,000,000 as ASD grows in membership, their Ad Packages Revenue needs to Grow EXPONENTIALLY to Deliver their 1% Rebate. If the revenue growth is not there, the Rebate % will have to decrease to pay an ever increasing membership base.

Las Vegas rally they took about $11 million in ASD revenue...great for ASD! ASD gave 100% bonus to the buyer, 100% bonus to the sponsor, 10% Commission to 1st Downline and 5% Commission to 2nd Downline. All recieve 125% rebates so $11 million = $33,550,000 that they pay 125% to = $41,937,500.

On 11 Million Dollars Revenue ASD have a burden to pay back $41 Million Dollars (125%) to these members...

Tampa probably took in around 30 Million in Revenues...Great for ASD! But Add up the 100% bonuses to members and sponsers and multiply that by 125%...that's 114 Million Dollars ASD needs to pay back (and that's assuming No One UpGrades going foward!)

So will ASD Survive? YES. Because they have an Intelligent Business Plan of paying back only 50% of Gross Collected Revenue they can never be out of business...but that doesn't mean that member #500,000 is going to reap the same payout percentages we are currently benefitting from.

That's just my 2 cents opinion...

By the way, I'm Pro ASD, not against it...but I'm also not going to pump it up emotionally without showing the facts and numbers and emphasize to my downline that it is to their best interest to be Member # 72,000 rather than Member #500,000.

Just did my first Cash Out the last 2 days:

02 July 2008 00:15 $1,000.00 Cashout from cash balance. Ticket #
30 June 2008 23:22 $1,000.00 Cashout from cash balance. Ticket #

Will see how long this takes to get a check!


Joined: 29 Jun 2008
Posts: 67

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 21:47

Thanks for the straightforward post! That's what I'm about... skip the b/s just give me the facts!

Appreciate your sharing!



Joined: 15 Jun 2008
Posts: 40

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 21:50


Please stop with the math/numbers here! You have admitted that your original calculations are off base because you forgot that the max payout is 125%.

If you read all the threads you would have noticed that I stopped as soon as this was pointed out to me by Jenny. Lay off me please, I was just trying to help. I have a lot invested and am confident it's ok. You can forget I exist my friend.

Miami, FL

Joined: 26 May 2008
Posts: 56

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 23:28

Just curious...does this mean that ASD is no longer connected to Bob Cefail? That would make me a little concerned and upset, because regardless of the demise of ASDUniverse, I thought he is one of the best speakers that this company has...
He is definetly one of the main reasons why I was pshyced about joining...he explains things extremely well, and knows how to communicate complicated things...I saw him in Tampa and was very impressed. He seemed like one of the more intellegent people involved with this company...just my thoughts.


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 116

# Posted: 2 Jul 2008 23:59

Great post Iggy. It's important to point at the flaws at times whether you are a proponent or not. It gives the entire thread a sense of balance and possibly a more realistic approach.

Thank you.

Laura Licata


Joined: 29 May 2008
Posts: 15

# Posted: 3 Jul 2008 00:15

Hi everyone!

Does anyone know where to include the member number on the W-9 form requested by ASD?


Joined: 9 Mar 2008
Posts: 98

# Posted: 3 Jul 2008 00:36 � Edited by: annadenise

Hi, you just need to include your ASD member no. on your fax cover sheet with your full name when submitting the W9. I also include my email address and phone no. to be safe.

I too always tell people the pro's and con's of ASD and agree with Iggy's assesment.


Joined: 29 May 2008
Posts: 15

# Posted: 3 Jul 2008 00:40

Thanks annadenise! I will just do that

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 732

# Posted: 3 Jul 2008 00:49

This thread is closed. Please continue the discussion in the new ASD Forum.


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