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The HARDEST Puzzle in the world.. Tease your mind for free =]...

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Matt Zenittini
Silver Member

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#1 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 01:43

I just started tonight.. I'm on level 7.. It is SUPER fun.

It is the hardest puzzle in the world =].

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Matt Zenittini
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#2 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 01:51

Level 8 =]]]

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Matt Zenittini
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#3 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 00:51

I've put about an hour into level 9 and have not been able to figure it out yet arghh.

You really should check this puzzle out .

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#4 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 02:45 · Edited by: solid42

On level 30..

I'm actually starting to hate the more simple ones... (wait until 26-29)

I cheated on one, but to be fair even now I don't think I would've gotten it. lol

I also got to a negative level earlier, but I haven't tried those.

Matt Zenittini
Silver Member

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Posts: 430

#5 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 19:00

lol nice. They are tough and take some time o.0.

When did you start them?

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#6 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 19:46 · Edited by: solid42

I started them when you first posted this. I started the negative levels now, apparently the positive ones lead you there anyways. (Some of the negative ones need info you didn't use during some of the positive ones.)

Some of the clues are off site, also.

Edit: They actually remind me of cracking tutorials I used to do on the web. You had to do basically the same thing, and extract information from the site to get through "levels".

Matt Zenittini
Silver Member

Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 430

#7 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 20:45

Oh wow cool.

Thanks for that bit of advice. I'm going to start saving all of my clues instead of erasing them after each level.

When you finish you get a cool certificate for completing "the hardest puzzle in the world!"

Off topic but I wanted to let you know that its nice to see you stick around. Lots of people post one or two and run. How's the venture into IM going for you?


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#8 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 21:04

A lot of research so far, currently I'm working on some templates for collaborative information type sites. I'm not sure if I should try to move to Wordpress or see if I can use a Wiki template or something.

I basically want a Home Page I can use to link to articles, blog entries, etc. I've read that Wordpress is great for this but I haven't been able to make it "perfect".

I'm trying to start from nothing and work my way up (aka, move free hosted pages to professional hosting once traffic is steady). I'm waiting on government checks, so I might try some better hosting once they get here.

I looked into some sites hosted by SBI!, and as much as I love the information provided the hosting package just doesn't seem worth it. I have tons of questions, but I'm also a pretty good researcher. As I said before, I'm not in a hurry. (But from what I've read, I might be one of those people who plans, and then plans, and then plans.. I'm a perfectionist).

Anyways, back on topic: I ran into this. I don't know if it's real or if it's a clue.

Matt Zenittini
Silver Member

Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 430

#9 · Posted: 9 Oct 2010 23:16

Unfortunately I believe it is real =[.

That kinda sucks but it is for the better I think.

That's cool you are really researching and planning. Just make sure you are doing as well =].

It's easy to get burned out if you spend too much time planning. What I have learned to do is just do a quick job of everything I start.. Lay the foundation and get it up. From there just tweak it better and better.

Do you have a business plan mapped out?

That is where I would start. It looks like you have at least a basic understanding of where you want to go. Which is great.

If you need anything I'm happy to help. Nice job on notpron so far.!


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#10 · Posted: 12 Nov 2010 06:01

I am taking a break from that. I got up to Level 8 and then I got very frustrated. This IS very hard!

Sean Dunn
Matt Zenittini
Silver Member

Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 430

#11 · Posted: 15 Nov 2010 08:12

I am taking a break from that. I got up to Level 8 and then I got very frustrated. This IS very hard!

Haha yeah but it is fun :P.

And addictive!

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