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Work from Home Mom based in Austria

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Kasia G
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Joined: 6 Jul 2009
Posts: 1

#1 · Posted: 6 Jul 2009 16:10

Hallo everyone,

my name is Kasia, I am 37 years old, I just came across this forum today and was attracted - so here I am and now want to briefly introduce myself:

I have been in a classic corporate career, last stage as senior business line manager and marketing director. On the other side I am a loving and caring mother of two adorbale (I know all moms say so) little boys called Lorenzo (7) and Alessandro (3).
I just saw them sleeping, each day I fell worse missing out so much on their childhood, and I dared to follow my dream: I quit my secure job and started now my adventure online.

I am all new to this but determined to win, as the burning desire inside me is huge, my wish concrete ad my reason bigger than anything could be: motherly love is stronger than anything and motherly love allows humans to make the impossible possible.

So here I am to learn as much as I can and help and motivate where I know.

Great meeting all of you in here
Your Kasia from Austria

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#2 · Posted: 7 Jul 2009 11:54

Hi Kasia from down under There is an amzing lady on here that goes by the name of happywife. She is from Australia as well and will probably greet you soon... she is the bomb.

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#3 · Posted: 7 Jul 2009 18:24

There is an amzing lady on here that goes by the name of happywife. She is from Australia as well and will probably greet you soon... she is the bomb.

That's pretty much what I was going to suggest - contacting happywife - she has been doing affiliate marketing for a while now, and helps out a lot of people from this forum.

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#4 · Posted: 7 Jul 2009 21:15

Kasia G:
I am all new to this but determined to win, as the burning desire inside me is huge, my wish concrete ad my reason bigger than anything could be: motherly love is stronger than anything and motherly love allows humans to make the impossible possible.

Thats the spirit you need and try not to take too much at time as most people who join forums sometimes find themselves overwhelmed by the wealth of information. Like a it and dont spread yourself too thin by trying every method discussed. Welcome to the forum.

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#5 · Posted: 8 Jul 2009 12:42

Hi there Kasia,

Welcome to the forum. wow what a big spirit you have. have you start your internet business before you quit your job?

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#6 · Posted: 9 Jul 2009 16:15 · Edited by: happywife

Hi Kasia from down under There is an amzing lady on here that goes by the name of happywife. She is from Australia as well and will probably greet you soon... she is the bomb.

That's pretty much what I was going to suggest - contacting happywife - she has been doing affiliate marketing
for a while now, and helps out a lot of people from this forum.

Well, with those glowing reports (you make me blush ), how could I fail to stop by and say hello and welcome.

Although, I have to say, speed reading in forums leads to minor mishaps. Kasia is from Austria, not Australia! Grin!!

All the same, Kasia, we are so pleased to have you here with us, whatever country you're currently residing in.

I think it's absolutely wonderful that you want to do all you can to enjoy the time with your boys. The years speed past so quickly you'll cherish those precious times more and more.

I see you already have something that you are promoting in your signature. I'm not familiar with the program myself, but I'd be very careful of those sales pages that promise instant riches ($17,000 in two weeks?).

I've never seen one that lived up to it's hype yet.

The truth is that you really can earn money online and stay home with your boys, but it's a slow process filled with time consuming work. That's not to say it can't be enjoyable, but it isn't going to be "quick and easy."

Just like you had to put in the time to learn and become a business manager and marketing director offline, you have to be willing to put in similar effort online. You probably have an "edge" on the rest of us who started out without any marketing experience.

My advice to most people is to build a niche topic website around a subject you know a lot about or have a great interest or love for. Turn something like that into an online business. It makes the whole experience so much more fun.

There are a number of different tools and resources available to teach you how to do this. I happen to use SiteBuildIt (SBI) and think they are the best, but other people have found success using different programs or tools.

Have a good look around and see what you think would be a good fit for you. Just be prepared to put in several months of learning and building before you start reaping the benefits.

If you have any specific questions, we'll be more than happy to answer them as we are able. We also look forward to reading what you have to share as you give your own input.


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