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To new Prospects looking into Coastal Vacations

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#321 · Posted: 30 Jun 2009 03:10

Hello Everyone,

To Texas Man ... what you need now, is your Level 3 Directors Release or you can't do anything to earn money. I can help with that if you just holler and ask.

Next, for a thought here.

If YOU sell someone Level 1, 2 or 3 .. or more accurately, if you OFFER the package to someone to BUY and join the business and they offer to PAY YOU. Are you too busy to take their money?

Of course not.

But ... what do YOU bring to the table as an UPLINE? Nothing right now that would be of value.

You need a strategy. You need tools. You need a story. You need an approach. THEN you're worth being an upline.

That being said .. mainly for other readers who need to hear that whining, complaining, blaming .. all sound good but won't pay the bills --- if you want help, it's here for the asking.

But when you ask, as Harold said, it isn't going to be "how to get your money back" from the person who sold you.

You do need help. Starting with a dose of reality and truth. So, you have it --- time to make some money, right?

Have a good week ... you can do it.

Jim Stevens
The Work At Home Guru

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#322 · Posted: 30 Jun 2009 03:17

To DC,

There is nothing "unlawful" or "pitiful" ... there's actually a couple of call centers, one does make the outgoing calls to qualified leads and the other doesn't.

But they do both say clearly what they do.

Again, the Directors Releases and plan, strategy, story and a dose of personal responsibility and an ACTION PLAN, cures most of what is wrong most of the time.

That's all available here, but only if you're ready to hear it and then take the action.


Now isn't the time to throw your hands up in the air and toss in the towel. There's no quitting in the game of life.

Just for the record ... ALL business types including MLM and Sole Proprietorships and any other form you can think of, leaves the trail littered with failures.

But it isn't because the businesses are "bad" ---- it's because most people aren't prepared for the trip.

So .. now that you're here why not GET prepared?

Have a great week ....

Jim Stevens
The Work At Home Guru

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#323 · Posted: 30 Jun 2009 11:06 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer

First I must apologize for my slow response in the forum. For the past few weeks I have been spending the majority of my time advertising my business in other venues. I see that the topic of being left in the cold by a Coastal Director is still a very hot topic. Let me also say as I don't know both sides of the story I will not judge what anyone has done but will rather offer what I think of as a solution.

My goal in bringing anyone in our Coastal business is to make them a self sufficient business owner. Now each and every member we bring aboard has different needs and we address that in the interview stage with them. If the director Texas man is talking about is anything like my wife and myself they got into the business for time freedom and encourage our new prospect/trainee to use the tools available to learn about Coastal Vacations. This includes the various websites, the live calls as well as forums such as this. But it all comes down to asking the right questions. So let me go over how Texas man might be able to get on the right path.

1- Knowledge is key

To be able to market the Coastal Travel Package you must first know what it is and what it contains. The way to do this is to open your package and activate it. Inside the package are documents that have all of the addresses and telephone number you need to do this. With this knowledge you will understand what exactly it is you are going to be selling. This will help immensely as you talk to prospects.

2- Treat this venture as a business.

If you were about to open a new store you would have to understand what it is you are selling as well as who is your customer base. In Coastal you are selling a travel package and your customers are other people looking to either start the same type of business (thing in terms of lets say a franchise situation) or people looking to travel. Many choose one or the other as their target market and many of us (myself included) do a combination of both. To be able to sell you must have some sales ability. This is a point lost on many. They say all the time I don't know how to sell. Well they are hundred percent wrong. Anyone can sell. To sell you must be able to present a product to someone looking to buy. Buyers come in all shapes and sizes and I will tell you finding people to sell travel to is easier than most sales. Look at it this way. If you find someone that likes to travel (most people do but hate the high cost) and you show them how to travel at a discounted rates well that is a simple way to make a sale. If you don't feel comfortable selling yourself invite them to a live call where the person on the phone doing the call knows how to sell. It's that simple. When I used to host the call for the Coastal Synergy Group I constantly made sales for myself and my group as well as the rest of the entire organization by presenting the info and answering questions. So if you can't do it YET then let the expert do it.

3- Don't give up or get discouraged

Most businesses cost more than $11000 to start and fail within the first year. Even after you make the investment if your business fails you have nothing to show for it. In Coastal you have an amazing travel package. We have saved well over $11000 on our own personal travel using our package. One example of a huge savings was a trip to Disney. We stayed in a 5 bedroom luxury pool home 10 minutes from Disney for $735. The home normally rented out for $3500. So even if you don't make a dime you can save all the money you spent on your package by just using it to go on vacation from now on. How do you learn how to use the package? Get on the live calls.

4- Advertise Advertise Advertise

Did I mention you should advertise? Give everyone you know that travels a vacation from your package. Texas man you stated you have the level three package so you have access to every vacation Coastal offers. Give them away. Once people use the vacations they will be asking how they can get more. This will give you people that will buy your package and give you tons of testimonies on how great the trips are. Testimonies = sales. Advertising word of mouth is the easiest and less expensive way to advertise. You can also find millions and I mean millions of free and inexpensive venues to advertise on with the internet. Give away vacations to stores, schools and non profit organizations. The publicity you will receive will skyrocket your business.

As you can see if you take a step back and think out a game plan you can succeed in Coastal. My goal is to never make anyone we bring in dependent on us. The only reason they need us as a director is to buy the package as you can only buy from members. If you understand this no matter what your director does or doesn't do it never matters.

I hope something I have written here helps anyone looking at Coastal Vacations. I love this business because it gives us all a level playing field with a product anyone can sell. If you take that attitude then you will be successful as well.

texas man
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#324 · Posted: 30 Jun 2009 19:59

Thanks for the advice, ateamfuntimer. I wish I had your zeal for the business and the know-how to make it work and make it profitable. My wife and I got into the business because a long term family friend (a Diamond-level Director who had been with Coastal for about 3 years at the time) talked us into it. He sold us on the idea that we could both quit our (bad word here) jobs and do this from home in less time than one of us spent at our regular jobs. Well, rather than just up and quit our jobs, we elected to do it in the evenings after we got off of work. I honestly tried. I drank in all the knowledge I could get my hands on. I listened in on hours and hours of live calls listening to everyone extol the wonderful beautifulness of Coastal. I spent hours on the training web site, and in the back office, trying to understand what I was doing and why so I could answer a prospect's questions. Well, I had more questions that I needed answered. All I got from my "long term family friend" and director, was go listen in on this live call, or visit the web site once again and maybe you will find out. JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!
Maybe I am just dense or something like that, but for the life of me, I never have understood yet how to even activate a vacation. I would read that all you do is call this number, talk to this person, etc. But, unfortunately, I never did. It always took money to go on these "free" vacations, and we never had any. Since the business took every dime I had, and kept taking it, how was I going to try it out? I was struggling to make ends meet, as I am now, so, I STILL cannot activate any vacation, much less sell one.
Everything you said in your reply ateamfuntimer sounds great. In fact, it sounds verbatim what our director told us. Go to the training web site. Go listen to phone calls. Try this. Do that. I never expected it to be this hard, or for our business to be so like a telemarketing business. This turned me and my wife off so bad, after we got into it, that we finally gave up. We were told that the people we talked to would be INTERESTED in hearing about Coastal, and was ready to sign on the dotted line. All we had to do was to count the money. Nothing could be further from the truth. These people who were supposed to WANT to start their own home based business, were hanging up in my face. I never got even to 2nd base with any of them, and I called somewhere between 100 and 200 people who had no idea what I was talking about. These were supposed to be people who had entered their personal information so that they could be contacted. That was a lie. We paid good money for these contacts, and not ONE was interested enough to answer the dadgum phone on the follow up call.
I didn't expect it to be super easy, but I never expected it to be so dadgum hard or expensive. Someone has mentioned on this forum that we could "sell" our package. I have not heard that before. If I could sell it, I would, and just cut my losses. As bad as my wife and I would love to go on a cruise (which we have never been on one yet), I would sell my package in a heartbeat to just cut my losses on this one.
At this point, I think I might just be too far gone to ever try to do this business again, unless I were to get a new director, but this person would have to be the type that wanted to help ME, not help himself to my money and then run. Not sure on this one. It would take a lot of soul searching and discussion with my wife on this one before we ever bail out in that deep pool again. This time, the lifeguard would have to be on duty full time.

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#325 · Posted: 1 Jul 2009 09:02

Im glad that you replied to my post. Your story is one that many people need to hear no matter what business they are involved in. You brought up a point that I wanted to expand upon a bit but before I do I want to talk to all the new prospects wondering if they really can do this.

For a long time the word was to get started at the highest level. That word has gotten many people in trouble. It should really be getting started at the highest level you can afford. Now I will say that getting started at the highest levels does have its benefits. First and foremost the package gets better at the higher levels. There is no price that can be put on having the unlimited cruises that come in the premier package. In addition you save money by coming in at the higher levels as opposed to upgrading later. But when I talk to a prospect as much as I want them to come in at platinum as the profit for a level 3 director like me is the best most of our sales are at the premier level. I encourage prospects not to spend their life savings as if they don't succeed then they have no safety net.

Now the point I did want to talk about is something that has bothered me about home based businesses for a long time. It's the buying of leads. In our early time in Coastal ( also understand ive been at home based businesses for over 20 years having started in Amway back when I was 20 ) we bought leads from various lead vendors. The organization we were part of used a preferred lead vendor. They were a preferred vendor as they actually sponsored many of our events. Now they had expensive leads priced at about $10 a lead and inexpensive leads priced at a few cents a lead. After talking with a few leaders in our organization I found out they used the inexpensive ones and had about the same results. You see leads that are generated by someone other than you make you have to play a numbers game. You mentioned that you made over 200 calls. To be honest that was less than a day's work when we got started. We found out that generating your own leads cut that work dramatically. There are many ways to do this and if im not mistaken in this Coastal forum in the Adams Advantage thread have given some tips on how to generate you own leads. Understand this sales rule. People buy from people they like period. This happens in all sales. I just watched a T-Mobile (cell phone service) commercial and they talk about sending out a financial team to promote their service and you see people not interested but then they send out Catherine Zeta-Jones the attractive actress and the results are different. Why well people (especially men) like her and are willing to listen. So we learned to generate our own leads. I get a good number of leads everyday from this forum for the post I make. People like what I have to say and then contact me. People buy from people they like.

I want to finish with this point. I really do feel your pain. To be honest Ive gotten alot of people that were already in Coastal to work with me for all the reasons that you stated. One of the downsides for us has been we have wasted alot of time with many people that say they wanted to work with us and did nothing. Remember they had already bought their package so we made no profit and spent alot of time training them. Now im a Christian and believe in giving back as I have been blessed so much. Give and ye shall receive is my motto. So we post as much real world ideas, tips and strategies to help as many as possible. Im even starting a new training call in the very near future that will go over these trainings. So my advice to you is to find a director you can have a real sit down conversation with and go over your concerns and where you can find a good business fit for the director and you. You should ask questions about support and what they offer. I will say that my goal is to teach others to be self sufficient and I believe the advice and training I give my people allows them to do that. I don't hold anyone's hands. Im not available 24/7 as I got into Coastal to get the freedom it affords. I like spending time with my family. I have a 16 m/o son that wants daddy all the time and to be honest I think if I had one wish it would be for the day to be longer so I could spend more time with him. For that reason we train our people well so we can have that time. So you have a big decision in front of you. You could try and sell your package to someone but you know like anything that is bought used it hard to get your entire purchase price back or you could come up with a real plan to learn how to make some money and recoup your cost at the very least. Decide wisely. As I say all the time my door is open. You can contact most directors from this forum as just about everyone puts a way to contact them in their signature line or their profile. You can get to their profile by clicking on their username. I wish you the best in whatever decision you make.

Wow that was long winded. Sorry I went on so long but you had alot of points that I need to touch on. BTW my wife hates me being so long winded and making such long post. Wish there was a way to make a few videos to handle all these questions. I guess that is something Im going to have to add to my new website to go with my training call.

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#326 · Posted: 3 Jul 2009 01:16

Hey Texasman,

Reading your post ... I may be able to help.

You can private message me through the system, or just
shoot me an email to [email protected] with how
to reach you.

Let's see if this thing can work for ya.

Jim Stevens
The Work At Home Guru

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#327 · Posted: 2 Sep 2009 01:06

I got caught up in all the excitement too & joined Coastal! I have to admit that I wasn't thinking about the extra added cost of advertising. Once I realized that, it scared me, however there are leaders with Coastal that are happy to share with you how to advertise for FREE or minimal cost.
The BEST thing you could do for your business Texas Man, is to gain FAITH in the product you're marketing! To do this it will be necessary for you to activate the pkg. & go on @ least one or several of the vacations. Even helping family or friends with one of the vacations will build FAITH in our product.
I wanted to see if all of this was true, b/c frankly it does sound a little too good to be, however I had a friend of ours who was planning a cruise to Alaska for her & her husbands 25th Wedding Anniversary. I asked her to do some research on her on, both online & thru Travel Agencies to get the best deal, & I'd do the same research with our pkg. We got together about a week later & compared quotes. She took the BEST DEAL, which was with OUR pkg. saving $800 on the same cruise line, the same departing port, etc. that she had found her BEST DEAL on. That SOLD ME all over again on our Coastal Pkg.!
I understand your concerns & hope that you don't let that $ you spent just lie on the shelf, gathering dust.
Get on the B.oard O.f D.irectors "Basic Product Call" on Thurs. nights @ 9 p.m. EST 1-712-338-8000 PIN 1103# Listen to our amazingly wonderful Product Director, Stephanie. Make sure you take notes or record the call. Your are welcomed & encouraged to do so. Also, make sure you get on the "In-Depth Product Training Call" on Wed.'s @ 2 p.m. EST on the same # & PIN code, once you've went to the "Basic Product Call." There are other wonderful calls to get on too, or listen to the recordings.
Sometimes it just takes same of us longer to go thru the learning curve @ running our own businesses, however the main things to remember are to (1) Have faith in yourself & the product you market, (2) Operate your business with honesty & integrity, (3) Leverage the best Training System for duplication of your team, (4) Edify the leaders, as well as those just getting started, &
(5) NEVER GIVE UP, b/c that is really the ONLY way you'll fail!!
I wish you the best of success in whatever your decision!
God Bless You!
Susan in AL

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#328 · Posted: 2 Sep 2009 08:59

Get on the B.oard O.f D.irectors "Basic Product Call" on Thurs. nights @ 9 p.m. EST 1-712-338-8000 PIN 1103# Listen to our amazingly wonderful Product Director, Stephanie. Make sure you take notes or record the call. Your are welcomed & encouraged to do so. Also, make sure you get on the "In-Depth Product Training Call" on Wed.'s @ 2 p.m. EST on the same # & PIN code, once you've went to the "Basic Product Call." There are other wonderful calls to get on too, or listen to the recordings.

Great advice!

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#329 · Posted: 14 Sep 2009 14:36

I joined Coastal in 2006 but was never able to make my 2 qualifying sales. The Official Coastal Sales Center looks like a better avenue for me and I am thinking of joining soon. Can anyone give me some advice or share their experience with the sales center. Advertsing is my strong suit, making sales over the phone is not. How soon can I expect to see a ROI if I follow the suggested advertising plan correctly.

Thanks for any input.

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#330 · Posted: 23 Sep 2009 16:42

Coastal Vacations is an amazing opportunity. The best thing about it is all of the innovative ways members have come up with running their business. For many it is one of the closer sales centers. For others it is pounding it out on the phones themselves. I for one have a sales background so this method has worked well for me. In addition many have done fundraisers, home shows, seminars and autodailing to become successful.

I believe it works because of the product we have. The package sells itself. It is the best deal for travel on the market. In addition the business opportunity is top notch. We make at least $1000 on each and every sale. What would $1000 do for your lifestyle? It has totally changed ours.

If you are looking at Coastal as a business opportunity or as just a great way to save money on travel then I suggest contacting on of the members that post in this forum. They of course would love for you to join them but will definitely give you the real deal on how Coastal has worked for them. I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Ed From Ohio
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#331 · Posted: 23 Sep 2009 22:34

Much of what is already stated here is true (some self promotion and misinformation as well). I have to say that I have been involved with Coastal Vacation since 2003 and have enjoyed great income as well as great savings on my vacations. Hopefully this will help some in their research.

As far as the product - it is a legitimate product - I use the product and save at least $1000 on every week long vacation. Weekend get aways I have saved more than $100 per night.

The opportunity has been very good for our family and you should quickly learn that if you help more people get their business going you will make more money.

The official coastal system is reliable and has a lot of great resources. Many of the other groups within are good as well-but staying in the official coastal loop has many benefits.

One key I have found with Coastal Vacations as well as with any business is the marketing system. If you don't have a marketing system you are basically out of business very quickly. Don't get me wrong Coastal has great marketing ideas and some great lead generation systems.

Since I got into the work at home business I learned how to prospect and market in a variety of ways. The Key in your marketing is not neccesarily whether it is offline or on the web-it is more what ever suits you-As Long as you have a Proven System to Marketing and Leads. Offline can provide very fast results-if you know what you are doing-which is where I got started. The nice thing about Web Marketing and Leads generation is that you can reach literally millions of people, create streams of income, and even get paid to advertise by those who don't join.

Find a mentor who has a legitimate system that you can copy that generates leads every single day, that pays you whether they join your primary business or not, and actually trains your new members in marketing so that you wont have to go into marketing training once they actually do join your business.

I hope this helps.

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#332 · Posted: 5 Oct 2009 12:33

Coastal isnt for everyone. But if you like travel and can market yourself well this might be the best opportunity for you. There are many systems out on the market to run the Coastal business or if you are like me and have a bit of computer knowledge you can create your own websites and save a bit of money. As travel is a product everyone loves you have a large customer base and can generate leads very inexpensively.

In addition if you are good at B2B you can use your package to increase the sales of various businesses. If you like fundraising you can do great as well.

I see Coastal as a business that anyone can do well in. Now the objection I get all the time is the cost but to be honest at $1295 for a lifetime of vacations this is a steal. My first trip was to Florida and I stsyed in a 5 bedroom home that normally goes for $3500. We got it for $735. A savings of almost $2800 more that double the cost of the Level one package.

So as you read these threads you will see many opinions about Coastal Vacations. Some are from members or former members. Some are from people in other opportunities. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Mine is as follows. If you want a legit business opportunity where the kit you buy has value and you can make real money ( at least $1000 every transaction ) and is inexpensive to run then we need to talk. Coastal might be the opt you are looking for and we might be able to start a great partnership.

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#333 · Posted: 12 Oct 2009 12:29

This is the best business for someone that is looking to be involved in the travel industry. The Coastal Package has so many incredible deals that allow you to save thousands on the travel you are already doing. Imagine getting a condo for $250 for the week. What about a cruise for just the taxes and port charges. You can even get discounts on food at thousands of restaurants as well as discounts on the things you need to travel with like clothing.

Now what makes it even better is that you can make at least $1000 on every transaction you complete. What could be better? Even if you are new to home based businesses there are systems in place to help you run your business. The Coastal opportunity is for anyone that is willing to take a chance and put it on the line. So my suggestion to you is to take a look at all of the information and make a decision to get started today. We look forward to answering your questions and getting you started asap.

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#334 · Posted: 28 Oct 2009 00:34

How much are the level 1, level 2 and level 3 packages?

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#335 · Posted: 29 Oct 2009 01:37 · Edited by: ProMarketer

Best way to research prices is to get with a Coastal Rep and get the full story and do your full research. I have been a thriving Coastal Director for 6 years. Not only are their 3 levels but their are combinations of the levels. Investments go from $1295 to $11,000 with profits between $1000 and $9705. Before you start any opportunity though you should have a marketing system in place. For example, my system for any opportunity teaches marketing first. This is great, so that when you step into an opportunity you hit the ground running.

We recently added one of the top mlm programs to our arsenal with a monthly cost of a couple hundred a month. But because of our effective marketing system we brought in nearly 500 people in less than a month. This is not to brag but you will not have success in any company if you don't have hot leads to talk too and a great marketing system.

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#336 · Posted: 9 Dec 2009 09:03

Are you looking for a hot business opportunity to get started in? If so Coastal Vacations is something you should look into. Yes im a bit biased as ive been involved for 5 years now. Let me give you a few reasons why I made the statement I did.

1- Product

Travel is an ever growing product. It's at about 8 trillion now. Its something everyone loves and something people will pay top dollar for. With Coastal we offer incredible deals so the savvy traveler will see the sense in it.

2- Compensation

The number one reason to get in business is to make money. Commissions are from $1000 - $9705 on every sale. That's alot of money. One sale a month almost pays for most peoples mortgages. That is nothing to laugh at. Ive been involved in many opportunities but never one where the commission is so lucrative.

3- Customers

To sell a product you need to have customers. Well everyone travels whether it's for business, leisure or for family events. In addition many reps use the vouchers in our package to help charities and non profits raise money. We specialize in this. On one occasion we raised over 3k in less than 20 minutes for a local church. Lastly imagine if a business could offer the travel vouchers as incentives to get customers to do business with them or to retain and reward previous customers. It's easy to find customers with this opportunity.

4- Marketing Systems

There are dozens of groups in Coastal with marketing systems in place. I have a sales background so I created my own that we use but even if you have no experience you can plug right into an existing system and be on your way right away.

I hope something ive said makes you take a deeper look at Coastal Vacations. Id love to talk to many of you ASAP to go over any questions. My wife and I are constantly creating new options and ideas to improve upon an incredible business opportunity. So good luck in whatever venture you decide to join and we will see you on vacation.

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#337 · Posted: 9 Mar 2010 05:54

I was looking for a travel opportunity this sounds interesting, can you book your own vacations and get paid ?

[Link removed - Admin]

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#338 · Posted: 9 Mar 2010 15:24

No you can't really do that easily with Coastal. You can spend money
buying into their affiliate travel agent program, that's not really what
you are after.

And ... having spent 8 years with Coastal and involved in the travel
industry, right at this moment in time, I'd suggest you consider other
businesses for now to earn money that are an easier "sell" than a
high ticket travel item.

Yes, people are traveling. But those that are, are looking for direct
"book it and go" travel, not paying $1,300 to $11,000 and THEN be
able to save money on trips.

Just a thought ...

Jim Stevens
The Work At Home Guru

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#339 · Posted: 9 Mar 2010 17:36

There is a card in your Coastal Package that allows you to book travel for profit as a travel agent. I found however, that it made more sense to sell them a package. Sure as a travel agent you can compete with companies like expedia and all but you are not svaing them much on a room. You are better off selling them a $1295 package and earning a $1000 profit while saving them thousands on every vacation. I tried that part for a while-trust me the time you spend booking is not worth the small commissions.
I have been in Coastal since 2004 and you are not just getting them a discounted trip. Example: They are able to stay in a 7 night condo for less than $300 for the entire week. That is not a discount - that is a steal. A person can save enough on 1 vacation to recoup the cost of their package. Then all their vacations forever are at the same steal of a rate.
It is not hard to sell Coastal if you have the right approach and the right marketing system. Attraction Marketing is the best way to build your income quickly with Coastal. That or going after businesses. Good luck with your decision. If you need any marketing advise and on how to find the best prospects for less then check out some of my free training some time.

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Derek Paul
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#340 · Posted: 4 Mar 2012 20:57


Ijoined your group in 2005 right before hurricanne Katrina took away my home and everything else in New Orleans. I would like to get active with coastal again . Please email me or call to discuss.

Thank you

Derek Breerwood
Email= [email protected]

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