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Greetings from a work-at-home-dayd

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Joined: 15 Feb 2009
Posts: 2

#1 · Posted: 15 Feb 2009 13:41

Hey fellas - I found this forum while searching for something else, and I was pretty excited to see a section just for dads. I've been a stay-at-home dad here in Silicon Valley for about 5 years now. I've got a 5 year old and a 2 year old, and they make it pretty much impossible to get much "real" work done. I've had some limited beginners success with CashCrate, and now NeoBux. Its the perfect thing to do when the kids are chowing down on snacks and watching TV. Anyway, I love meeting and hearing from other stay-at-home dads. Its really a unique situation we're in, and can be super-challenging at times. I like to tell people that I'm equal parts parent, teacher, cop, lawyer, judge, doctor, EMT, coach, clown, actor, cook, waiter, zookeeper and of course, punching bag.
Just thought I'd introduce myself!

Follow me as I blog about my experiences with CashCrate and NeoBux - honest and insightful!
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Posts: 2968

#2 · Posted: 17 Feb 2009 23:48

Welcome Dan - even though I am a work at home mom....

I am sure there will be some dads along soon... I had to pop in when I saw you were from the Silicon Valley.. We live in a very small rural area in Montana but my oldest son may be moving to your area so I am intrigued with it.

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Joined: 15 Feb 2009
Posts: 2

#3 · Posted: 18 Feb 2009 13:32

Well, the biggest thing I can tell you is that its quite expensive! Or, to put it another way, expen$$$$$ive. Actually, the bulk of that expense is in the housing. I mean, take your average 50's tract home, which might be $100-300K and stick it on the "peninsula" which is the area south of S.F. and north of San Jose, and it costs a million bucks.
Groceries aren't too bad from my observation. Milk is down to $2.99 a gallon here. Eggs are about $2.00 a dozen. Gas is about $2.15 a gallon.
So, the downside is the cost of housing, but the upside is that there's lots to do, the weather's great and its very pretty. You've got San Francisco's dining, museums, parks, activities, the wine country, San Jose's dining and activities, coastal activities, santa cruz/monterey...its just great.
Anyway, just a snapshot of life here! Best of luck to your son!

Follow me as I blog about my experiences with CashCrate and NeoBux - honest and insightful!
Gold Member

Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 2968

#4 · Posted: 18 Feb 2009 16:43

Sounds nice though - especially as we are anxiously waiting for spring here!

The food prices are better than here - our milk is over $4 a gallon most places...

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