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1 Page Adsense webpage can bring you more than $1200 without any EFFORT...!!!

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Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 514
#1 · Posted: 17 Jul 2008 10:10


I have an idea of generating some good income without any effort from your side.

The Steps involved are

1) Find a good nitche that can bring you a good price per click.
2) Create a webpage with just a page. Put the adsense ads in the top fold. Match the colour of the ad to the color of the text so that you get a rocking CTR.
3) Advertise with google adwords the webpage you created and make the bid less than $0.05
4) People come to your site and some percentage of them cliks the ads.
5) If you spend $1 a day, you can earn $5 with that. (Approximate). So you gain $4 a day.
6) So for a year you earn $4 x 365 ~ 1200

You just earn $1200 without any effort. Just with a small investment.

Important tip : Dont cluter the page with ads. Just use a single ad unit and that too large rectangle works fine.

I like to know about your opinion upon this. And any one please reply if i can improve this technique.


15 Mins / Day = $748.54 / Month - Get Paid $5 for viewing an Ad for 30 seconds.

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Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1264
#2 · Posted: 17 Jul 2008 23:48

What you are trying to say is called AdSense Arbitrage. It works well on paper It's almost impossible to find niches that will give you more click through rates than bids. And that too for a new site, you can forget about it.

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#3 · Posted: 18 Jul 2008 11:04

I was going to say 'without any effort'??

But I have to admit it is refreshing to find a topic other than ASD for a change - lol

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Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
#4 · Posted: 18 Jul 2008 12:59

LOL really it's taken me almost two days to get thorugh the ASD stuff. And I still don't know if it's legit.

Like Vishsal said on papers it'll work but requires more effort than just plopping a page online and spending a $1 in advertising. Oh if only it were that simple.

If you could build a page similar to that with some useful information I would article blast the hell out of it to drive traffic and focus more on selling the niche item while using the adsense income as more of a suplimental.

If you're going to go through the trouble of creating a niche page why not promote the niche item(which will probably gain you more money)?

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#5 · Posted: 18 Jul 2008 14:01

I like your concept, but I think according to Google Adsense TOS, you aren't allowed to engage in PPC advertising to get traffic for the sole purpose of people clicking on your Adsense ads.

Also, at 5 cents a click, you would spend $1 to get 20 visitors...many people will FAIL to get one click on their Adsense ads even with 100 visitors, so unless you have a highly optimized page and know exactly what you are doing, you aren't likely going to make any money with this approach.

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Posts: 37
#6 · Posted: 23 Jul 2008 11:15

Evidently, some people make money with AdSense. There must be a key to getting it to work somehow. I'm sure trafic has a lot to do with it. One member mentioned using articles to point to your site. I'm sure that would help.

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