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#1 · Posted: 27 Mar 2006 00:50

If you are looking for a way to make a living online, consider internet marketing. You can make money by blogging, writing articles, and pay per click advertising. I'd suggest trying the first two before the last, but you can get started very quickly if you know the right programs to promote. There are some very good, reasonably priced products which teach internet marketing, so do some research and you'll find them. You can get a good ebook on internet marketing for $97 which teaches Google Adwords, and I know of one which sells for as low as $15 which teaches the basics of article writing and blogging.

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#2 · Posted: 27 Mar 2006 07:05

Yes, its true, after running successfully adsense on my websites and earning a handsome income, now I am turning towards to adwords and yes, if you get good experience to manage campaigns on adwords you can make some very good money easily without direct sales, cold calls, not even own website... just sit back and get regular payments...

But, as said earlier it should have some research before investing on adwords and you can search for those stuffs on SE's like putting 'Adwords Tips' 'starting adwords campaign' 'best adwords tutorial' etc...

Always invest on your own decision, Don't invest that you cannot afford...

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#3 · Posted: 29 Mar 2006 21:35

Adwords is one of the fastest ways to get results and one of the fastest ways to lose money, key words for home business are some of the most costly on google, if you know what you are doing you can find some cheap effective keywords, my sponsor has made a fortune from adwords and swears by Perry Marshall, if you want to use add words you might want to try one of his programs,

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#4 · Posted: 30 Mar 2006 01:59

So what other sorts of methods are there for driving traffic into your site? You can advertise on google...or???

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#5 · Posted: 30 Mar 2006 10:43 · Edited by: A8ch

Quoting: Aegist
So what other sorts of methods are there for driving traffic into your site? You can advertise on google...or???

Or... you could establish a newsletter/ezine which would help you develop a list of disciples. This would serve multiple purposes, such as:

1. creating your own established market base
2. a testing ground for new ideas and products
3. an opportunity for you to expand your influence via articles
4. a launch pad for more ambitious projects, and more

Each of the above would contribute to increasing traffic and sales.

Sports Arbitrage is a highly specialized marketing niche and it's abvious from your Web site that you know your stuff. You have a knack for taking a complex subject and explaining it in simple terms so that a novice could understand.

That's a very desireable skill which is envied and appreciated by many.

You could use that skill to enhance your online presence as an "expert" to drive even more traffic your way, by:

- developing an online course that deals with the intricacies of sports arbitrage and charging attendees a handsome fee.

- setting up a teleconference call to address particular aspects of the game. Record the call, then make it available for free download from your web site.

To obtain a copy visitors would have to "register" for the privelege, thereby enlarging your subscriber list and perpetuating its growth.

I could go on... but I wouldn't.


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#6 · Posted: 30 Mar 2006 18:36

thats all great thanks. I think much of that is still a ways off though. I have many lessons to learn about arbitrage myself still, and then there is simply the need to finish the basics of the website, such as the service provider reviews and eventually the bookmaker database, which was the key focus in the begining.

After them I might consider adding more things like that. But in the meantime, increasing traffic flow is something I enjoy doing too. The more the merrier!


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#7 · Posted: 31 Mar 2006 00:48

Fair enough, Shane.

Here's another traffic generating idea you could consider that might not take extended time to implement - an arbitrage report.

The title could be something like:

- The Essentials of Sports Arbitrage
- How to Identify the Sure Bet
- Sports Arbitrage Explained
- Sports Arbitrage Pitfalls to Avoid

Come up with a title that is, eye-catching and provocative, then explore it in a brief but useful 12 to 15-page PDF report that would be available to visitors FREE... Well, in exchange for their name and e-mail address of course.

There'll be links in the report to your Web site for more information and readers would be encouraged to pass it on to others interested in the subject. The report could be promoted from a separate Web page optimized for the search engines to exploit the keywords and phrases in the copy.

This would get you a boost in traffic too.


Zamri Nanyan
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#8 · Posted: 16 Apr 2006 23:10

Here's what I do.

1. I create a website where I put a subscription box. Then, I send out an e-course on the subject that I choose to my subscibers. These people will get info and promotions from me repeatedly. That solves the problem of finding new web visitors every time I do marketing for the website.

2. In the e-course, I'd recommend products that I'm affiliated with. I get comissions from the sales. I also use articles in the e-course and allow people to reprint the articles. If my subscribers reprint the articles with my link in them, I get free web traffic to my website. It can also result in sales if I'm promoting any products in the articles.

3. The same articles or new articles are also posted on my website. It's the same idea where I get sales if anyone orders a product from the link in the articles. At the same time, I also put a Google Adsense code on my website. Anyone who clicks on any of the Google Adsense links will generate an extra income from me.

4. The articles that I post on my website are targeted content to my niche. Search engines love websites with targeted and relevant contents. Therefore, my website will be indexed on major search engines higher. It will add another method of promoting my website - which is search engine traffic.

5. I do article marketing as well, where my articles are sent out to hundreds of article directories. I do it using free and paid services. With every article that I distribute, I include a link back to my website in the resource box. That will bring anyone who reads my articles and clicks on my link to my main website where they will go through the process of subscribing to my e-course and getting articles and promotions through email.

As you can see, most of these methods are like a web. They relate to each other.


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#9 · Posted: 9 May 2006 19:44

That is so true content is king and it will always be.


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#10 · Posted: 30 May 2006 01:30

Quoting: Zamri Nanyan
Here's what I do.

1. I create a website where I put a subscription box. Then, I send out an e-course on the subject that I choose to my subscibers. These people will get info and promotions from me repeatedly. That solves the problem of finding new web visitors every time I do marketing for the website.

2. In the e-course, I'd recommend products that I'm affiliated with. I get comissions from the sales. I also use articles in the e-course and allow people to reprint the articles. If my subscribers reprint the articles with my link in them, I get free web traffic to my website. It can also result in sales if I'm promoting any products in the articles.

3. The same articles or new articles are also posted on my website. It's the same idea where I get sales if anyone orders a product from the link in the articles. At the same time, I also put a Google Adsense code on my website. Anyone who clicks on any of the Google Adsense links will generate an extra income from me.

4. The articles that I post on my website are targeted content to my niche. Search engines love websites with targeted and relevant contents. Therefore, my website will be indexed on major search engines higher. It will add another method of promoting my website - which is search engine traffic.

5. I do article marketing as well, where my articles are sent out to hundreds of article directories. I do it using free and paid services. With every article that I distribute, I include a link back to my website in the resource box. That will bring anyone who reads my articles and clicks on my link to my main website where they will go through the process of subscribing to my e-course and getting articles and promotions through email.

As you can see, most of these methods are like a web. They relate to each other.


This is definately very good advice - this is what internet marketing is all about - at least to a certain degree - internet marketing is very multifaceted.

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#11 · Posted: 6 Jun 2006 07:37

What about viral marketing?

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#12 · Posted: 7 Jun 2006 21:10

that sounds really intriguing

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#13 · Posted: 9 Oct 2006 02:00

Quoting: lhoudini
What about viral marketing?

Does anyone know exactly what viral marketing is? I've seen the term come up, but I have never fully understood what the term refrs to.

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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#14 · Posted: 9 Oct 2006 07:08

In my words, Viral Marketing is something in which you do 1% of the marketing and the 99% is done by others. For example, funny photos/pranks. Haven't you got those emails, which you referred to your friends and they to their friends and so on? That is viral marketing. Another example is ebook/reports with resell rights.

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#15 · Posted: 30 Oct 2006 00:10

I did find an ebook which teaches viral marketing. It is called "The Worn Paper System" - a great ebook!

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#16 · Posted: 17 Oct 2008 23:43

Viral marketing happens on Social sites also correct?
I have not tried it...

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#17 · Posted: 18 Oct 2008 11:19

Vishal P. Rao:
In my words, Viral Marketing is something in which you do 1% of the marketing and the 99% is done by others. For example, funny photos/pranks. Haven't you got those emails, which you referred to your friends and they to their friends and so on? That is viral marketing. Another example is ebook/reports with resell rights.

Thanks for that definition. I had never really understood it before either. That would definitely be an easy way to go about it. I have just been doing the affiliate thing for a while, but I may begin to incorporate some viral techniques.

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#18 · Posted: 24 Oct 2008 09:05

Internet marketing can be very profitable if you know what you're doing.

How did you guys got experienced in IM? By obtaining knowledge before you begun or by learning from your mistakes?

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#19 · Posted: 25 Oct 2008 23:41

How did you guys got experienced in IM? By obtaining knowledge before you begun or by learning from your mistakes?

I bought a few different guides, but the thing that helped the most was joining Wealthy Affiliate. I had a little prior knowledge before joining, but it has been great to have such experienced people in the WA forum to discuss my problems and questions with. I have made 9 affiliate sales in the two weeks I have been there.

Using the skills I have learned there with the One Week Marketing course has really got me on the right track.

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