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Successful Outsourcing

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#1 · Posted: 6 May 2010 20:58 · Edited by: happywife

I'm at the point now where I am making enough to "live on" with my online marketing - which is way more than I ever anticipated in the beginning.

But now that I've learned so much, I see the tremendous potential to be able to make a LOT more money online so that I can do big things for my family, etc., if the Lord tarries.

However, I can only physically get so much done in a day. I can continue to work at the pace I've been working, and I know that my income will increase as time progresses, but gradually and steadily.

I've been learning about outsourcing and I'm almost certain that I will be going that route this year as the potential for growth is magnified immensely when you have others working for you.

I've outsourced on a small scale for little projects over the last 18 months with varying degrees of success and satisfaction. I'm curious to find out if any of the members here have been engaging in successful outsourcing and if they have any additional tips.

I've been watching John Reese's new videos on outsourcing this week and I'm truly impressed by what he's presenting. I'm most likely going to take the plunge, but thought I'd get some additional views (call it a second opinion).

So, do you outsource? Have you had good experiences or bad? Both? Any tips on getting the best bang for your buck? Anything else that you think would be helpful?

Thanks in advance!


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#2 · Posted: 6 May 2010 23:02

So happy for you Angie... and secretly watching as I consider you my Internet Mom.

So maybe in another year or so, I will be ready to follow in your steps with outsourcing.... can't wait!

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#3 · Posted: 7 May 2010 02:46

Thanks, Viola! You're a sweetie.

Well, let's hope I get the outsourcing thing down pat by then and I can point you in the right direction!


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Vishal P. Rao
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#4 · Posted: 7 May 2010 09:01

Working from home is great but in order to really build a business you either need to have your own employees or you need to outsource. Outsourcing is great but it does have disadvantages like quality issues, lack of control and non-commitment.

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#5 · Posted: 7 May 2010 09:28

Vishal P. Rao:
Outsourcing is great but it does have disadvantages like quality issues, lack of control and non-commitment.

Yes, that's my biggest fear. I think it would be wonderful if you can get connected with the right person/people who are happy to work for you rather than build their own business.

That's why I've got my fingers crossed that John's videos (and eventual product) will tip the balance in my favor as far as reducing the risks.

I guess deep down I think to myself, why in the world would someone want to write content for me when they could be writing it for themselves and building their own business. But, I know when I first started looking for ways to generate income online I'd have been tickled pink to find some legitimate and paying writing jobs.

I have a sneaky suspicion that I'll end up trying to talk all of my future outsource workers into becoming business builders and shoot myself in the foot in the process.


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#6 · Posted: 7 May 2010 19:40

I guess deep down I think to myself, why in the world would someone want to write content for me when they could be writing it for themselves and building their own business. But, I know when I first started looking for ways to generate income online I'd have been tickled pink to find some legitimate and paying writing jobs

You are right - I have several friends right now that have no interest in starting their own sites but are looking for ways to make money with writing so... hey, you never know!

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#7 · Posted: 7 May 2010 23:26

I outsourced when I was a newbie and was not happy with the quality so I dropped the company after a month. I didn't do the proper amount of research on the SEO so it was my fault. It's a solid alternative if you have the budget for it but I would be very cautious with your research. If you're happy with their product I say go for it.

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Vishal P. Rao
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#8 · Posted: 8 May 2010 02:02

I think it would be wonderful if you can get connected with the right person/people who are happy to work for you rather than build their own business.

I think it can be more a matter of luck. I have often got good writers but none seem to stay for long. Some stop their business whereas others do not honor time.

why in the world would someone want to write content for me when they could be writing it for themselves and building their own business.

I feel you need not worry much about that. Writers are writers by nature and marketers are marketers. Very rare people have both qualities inherent in them And I feel it should be that way too. One must not dabble in too many things. If you are a marketer, outsource your writing and concentrate on marketing.

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#9 · Posted: 8 May 2010 08:15 · Edited by: happywife

Vishal P. Rao:
I feel you need not worry much about that. Writers are writers by nature and marketers are marketers. Very rare people have both qualities inherent in them And I feel it should be that way too. One must not dabble in too many things. If you are a marketer, outsource your writing and concentrate on marketing.

There's probably a lot of truth in that. I'm probably more of a writer than a marketer, but I've learned that the money is better in marketing, so I'm trying to become better at that side of things.

I enjoy both aspects, writing and marketing, truthfully. I love to learn new skills, but I hate wasting my time on learning something that isn't legitimately "right," if that makes sense. I don't want to learn the right way by doing something enough times the wrong way.

When I learned to write, I wanted to write well. When I learned to market, I wanted to learn correctly so that I would be successful at it. (Still working on that one!)

Now that I'm trying to learn to outsource successfully, I want to follow a clear path, if possible, to reduce my risk of failure and wasted time and money.

I'm hoping that this new Outsource Force package is going to be for me in the area of outsourcing that SBI has been for me in the area of successful website business building.

That's one of the reasons why I'd like to know any tips or suggestions from others who have (or do) outsourced successfully. I want to know what I'm looking for so that I can determine if this is as good as it seems to me.


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#10 · Posted: 12 May 2010 23:49

Hello Angie,

What you're doing is really great. I am a work-at-home mom too and those outsourcing opportunities really help me a lot. The projects I get come from those other people who outsource theirs. Perhaps, in due time I'll be able to learn great things about outsourcing and probably apply it on my own endeavors.

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#11 · Posted: 15 May 2010 18:44

Hi Jane,

That's encouraging to hear. I know there are both sides of the equation to consider. The workers who perform the outsourced tasks earn an income, as well as helping me to increase my income.

I hope that in time you WILL jump the fence and become the person who is doing the work for your own business (or hiring others) because it is much more profitable in the long run.

Well, I did it! I signed up for the outsourcing coaching program. It was expensive, but I really feel like it will be worth the investment if I can keep up and apply what I'm taught.

Anyone else going to join me? The option to join the coaching program ends on Sunday night, so there's little time to sit on the fence. The online classes start on Monday!

I'd love to see some of my fellow WAHF members there to encourage each other along.


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#12 · Posted: 26 May 2010 00:27

I've heard that elance is pretty good but it depends. Another good site is They screen all their people. You can find good employees and legitate work at home offers on that site.

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#13 · Posted: 19 Jun 2010 02:41

Well, finally hired my first programmer for a major project via outsourcing. I used rentacoder. I've got my fingers crossed and hoping for a good result. At least with rentacoder, if they don't deliver, I don't lose my money.

It's an exciting step and I look forward to outsourcing plenty more in the future.


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#14 · Posted: 21 Jul 2010 06:44


I'm just starting out, so to speak, but I've been reading extensively about making a living on the Internet.

For the moment I'm writing my own articles. When things start moving forward, as I expect they will in a few months, outsourcing is a good option as I'm sure it will help keep my sanity.

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#15 · Posted: 21 Jul 2010 07:25

Definitely! Once your business starts to grow and expand and then it just becomes too much for one person to keep up if you want to continue to grow.

Outsourcing does have it's hassles, of course. It can take some trial and error to find someone who provides quality, but it's worth the effort in the long run.

All the best to you as grow your business!


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