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Article writing tips?

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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
Posts: 112
#21 · Posted: 25 Aug 2011 12:53

For me the toughest part of churning out lots of content isn't the research and writing, it's deciding what to write about. Here's what I do when I need to generate a lot of content:

Say I'm writing blog posts about flea collars for dogs

I'll open a text file and just copy random facts into it from researching flea collars.

For example:
I find that most collars are made with a combination of the chemicals: 2-isopropoxyphenyl N-methyl carbamate, 3-(1-methylbutyl) phenyl N-methyl carbamate, I-napthyl N-isopropyl carbamate,

and some are made with: 2-chloro-1(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) vinyl dimethyl phosphate

Now from that factiod alone, I can write articles on whether the first type is safe, whether the second is safe, whether one type is more effective, and whether there are alternatives to the 2 main types - 4 potentially informative articles from one little fact! During your research, you discover that 2 of the chemicals have been shown to cause allergic reactions - that's 2 more!

You just fill your text file with a lot of facts like this, then expand on the facts in terms of how they affect your would-be customers.

If it's not a niche you're intimately familiar with, the first few will be really slow because you'll have to to a lot of research. After that first few, you'll get into a groove and be writing them quickly, virtually off the top of your head.

Anyway, that's what I do if I need 50 pages of genuine, informative content. If you just need fluff, I guess I'd suggest paying someone a buck apiece to churn them out for you...

Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1354
#22 · Posted: 26 Aug 2011 00:46

Excellent advice Henry!

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