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safe lists

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#1 · Posted: 4 Jun 2007 00:55

hi all,

can i get an opinion on safe lists? pros and cons. am considering as a list building alternative.



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#2 · Posted: 12 Jun 2007 14:02

In general they have performed pretty poor for me. Ive tried 3 or 4. The only one that I had some mild success with was planetx. I always managed to at least break even with it. This, however is not a recomendation !

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#3 · Posted: 18 Jun 2007 22:17

Could any one explain to me what a safe list is??? I have not really been informed.


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#4 · Posted: 27 Jul 2007 04:47

Late but sincere.

A safelist is a group of owners of emails that you can mail to after you join a "safe" list. The term is used because you are not spamming and you do not risk losing your ISP.

When you join a list of other marketers, home based business owners or similar business owners, you give other members the right to send you email. They in turn will accept email messages from you.

I dabbled in safelist from time to time. The best one I think is Herculist.

The problem with all the safelist is that people are NOT really reading your message because it comes in your inbox in droves.

You open up your email and you spend hours deleting emails

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#5 · Posted: 15 Dec 2007 06:27

Yes I wouldn't spend a lot of time on it. The same time can be much better invested on other things. These people don't want to read your messages so much, they want you to read theirs.

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#6 · Posted: 13 Dec 2008 06:54

If you joined a safelist:-

You are able to send emails to most of the safelist members depending on your membership

You will receive a lot of emails from those safelist members

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#7 · Posted: 17 Jan 2009 12:59

I've recently tried to market a 'make money online' offer by giving away a free report through an ad at '2bucksanad, which is an offer at Clickbank.

Market a 'make money online' program by giving something away - I've heard that's how you get success with safe lists.

Not much response so far...

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#8 · Posted: 23 Jan 2009 01:37

Yes safelists do work if you use them
properly. Never lead with your biz
opp, that's what everyone else is doing.

Send them to your lead capture page that
offers some type of free training course or
newsletter. Then once they are on your
list and you provide value and build a
relationship with them, you gently lead
them to your primary biz opp once they
know and trust you.

Just blasting out emails to safelists that
say "join my biz" will never work.


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