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Do You Share "The Journey" With Your Downline?

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#1 · Posted: 5 Apr 2009 06:39

I was watching a Hannah Montana video the other day, (hey, give me a break... I have a 3 year old that loves her) and saw a new music video she has called "The Climb". It reminded me so much of network marketing.

I believe we have way too many people joining this industry everyday that are looking for that "lottery ticket" to wealth or the easiest "auto pilot" business to success. Unfortunately, those of us that are eager for that first sponsor or another quick sale are providing success stories and all of the hype of joining their business without mentioning the climb it took to get where they are today.

I think it is very important to share with my prospects the actual journey I took to get where I am today. They need to know that they are going to fail their way too the top. They need to know that they need to increase their knowledge of the business and increase their self value. It's important for them to know that it just doesn't happen overnight....maybe not even weeks, or months.

As leaders, if you start to share your journey, or your climb with your prospects you wll start to weed out the tire kickers and uncover the diamonds that have the true entrepreneurial spirit in them. Those are the people that will build a strong business for you and themselves!

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#2 · Posted: 9 Apr 2009 05:01

I completly agree with you, i also feel that since most people are tire kickers, then what happens we as recruiters sometimes feel like we don't want to waste time trainning them.

We really need to get over this and educate and train everyone so we can improve our chances of success.

Dont take anyone for granted.

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#3 · Posted: 9 Apr 2009 05:47

Sharing with your downline can help them to avoid the failure that you met before and guide them with the success steps.

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#4 · Posted: 7 Jun 2011 13:01

Agreed ... great post. One of the reasons so many folks quit is because their expectations were improperly set - normally by their sponsor.

This isn't "get rich quick" ... it is in fact a journey. MLM is a business and a profession, and it takes quite a while to get good at it and create a viable organization.

Just like any other business on the planet ...

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#5 · Posted: 7 Jun 2011 17:27

I followed my upline's "journey" and did everything he told me. We did end up at the same place too. That place was the poor house. The only reason I didn't lose as much as him was because I got out early.

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#6 · Posted: 7 Jun 2011 18:10

So funny, this thread is 3 years old but "Journey" is the name of my blog.
Wonder if Kesharn was reading it back then.
Yes, I try to share my success secrets with my downline if they want to learn.
I gave up posting my failures a few years back when I realized it drew the wrong traffic.
There are probably over 200 redacted pages on my website that were critical of others.
You can't move forward when you spend all your time looking back.

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#7 · Posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:20

I followed my upline's "journey" and did everything he told me. We did end up at the same place too. That place was the poor house. It is not only business it is over than that.

love is life
Matt Zenittini
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#8 · Posted: 15 Jun 2011 08:56

I followed my upline's "journey" and did everything he told me. We did end up at the same place too. That place was the poor house. It is not only business it is over than that.

You have to follow successful people to become successful .

Yeah I can help you..

But you have to prove you want it.
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#9 · Posted: 15 Jun 2011 16:33 · Edited by: FreeCashMan

I followed my upline's "journey" and did everything he told me. We did end up at the same place too. That place was the poor house.

While that statement is humorous, it is sad. And Matt Z is on point. You have to make sure you are tapping into a successful system. Not just the person, as a new person that you join with is fine, if you also have access to a successful plan or system to implement your success.

Very often people think it's just a matter of joining an opportunity but it's equally a matter of marketing your opportunity, Consistently and Effectively, for success.

If others are succeeding where some are failing then you will find those that are failing are not doing, or have not learned to do, as those that are succeeding do.

But, know that you can be a Winner in the home business arena.

"What is the primary difference between winners and losers? The winners do it! They do it and do it and do it and do it and do it until the job gets done and then they talk about how great it is to achieve something unique and how glad they are that they didn't quit like everybody else and how wonderful it is to finally be someone they're proud of and make a difference in their life." - A.L. Williams

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#10 · Posted: 22 Jun 2011 11:02

That's a great quote FreeCashMan and I'll add it to my list of inspiring quotes.

It's critical that you are also part of the right opportunity. While the mere fact that an opportunity exists usually means it can be profited from in some way, if you're part of something that sounds ridiculous it's going to be a hard sell. If you are truly helping people with a product that has proven results, all of your efforts will be much more effective than if you were promoting something worthless and that was only about the money.

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#11 · Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:10

Great post kesharn2!! I agree 100%. It is much better to manage expectations up front and prepare your new team members for the journey ahead.

Thanks for sharing

Bob Kononiuk
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