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Ever Use MLM Leads?

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#21 · Posted: 22 Oct 2006 10:02

I can remember buying thousands and thousands of leads when i first came into the business. I was looking for a couple of hundred people to magically buy into the business. They kept telling me it was numbers game so i bought tons of numbers...

Well it just ain't that easy. There is work that you have to do. A learning curve must be traveled but it can be shortened. And you must build relationships with your team.

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#22 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 11:14

The internet is an amazing tool for generating and converting your own leads. The reasons are many, but primarily its a medium that allows us to convey a lot of general information on the front end. In this way its easier to get people to "filter themselves" so we onl;y speak with intersested, generally qualified prospects.

The internet can help draw people to you by conveying a rich picture of who you are as a leader and what you can offer in terms of support and guidance.

- The income opportunity is secondary, IMO, to leadership. Many people, such as me in the past, have joined the right opportunity, but under the wrong mentor.

It very feasible to use the money you would flush down the toilet on leads to advertise offline and drive traffic to a sizzle call, then a website, etc... Doing online marketing (which is what I do right now) is a considerably more complex process than running ads and sizzle calls.

If online lead generation calls to you, get very smart about it. Otherwise results are likely to be dismal. It depends on what you are selling, but fishing in the right ponds with the right bait will vastly improve results with Automated Lead Generation

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#23 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 11:51

There are two variables that determine the conversion rate of leads.

1. Quality of lead - you will convert more of the expensive phone verified real time leads no doubt because they are more qualified.
2. Your skilll level - some people have an amazing skill level which sees them convert 9 out of 10 leads, while others can go through hundreds with no result.

To raise up your skiill level I recommend
She has helped me to convert more leads into signups.

It also depends on your business presentation, whether online or face to face and whether you can get the prospect to think that it is simply and they can do it. A lot of it comes down to belief, and people can hear that belief (or lack thereof) in your voice over the phone.

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#24 · Posted: 7 Nov 2006 18:23

The only purpose of advertising should be to capture the e-mail address of the visitor. If you are not doing this then you are flushing money down the drain. Once you have captured the e-mail a relationship of trust is to be established. It is only then you can think in terms of a sale.

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#25 · Posted: 8 Nov 2006 06:26

I used to spend a fortune on leads myself. I didn't know better. Now I do know that only Direct Response marketing is the way to go. Kind of like Magnetic Sponsoring and PIF4P. These guys have the right idea.
You need to capture peoples details on a squeeze page and then send them useful information to warm them up. Once they trust you, you can pitch them on your opportunity and no sooner.
You will just waste your time otherwise...

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#26 · Posted: 22 Jan 2007 12:17

Has anyone ever just started calling out of a phone book? Cold market? Is there any way to do this without getting people mad at you? I need ways to get the word out about my business and I am LITERALLY on a shoestring budget. HELP!!!

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#27 · Posted: 6 Feb 2007 03:42

Have a co-worker who buys bulk leads, 20Kto50K at a time. Anyone know where you can buy bulk leads like that?

Alice Crane

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#28 · Posted: 12 Feb 2007 11:57

i think the best leads i ever get are from the forums

Global Domains International
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#29 · Posted: 5 Mar 2007 22:53

People people people...

Generate your own. Save yourself the headache and the financial loss. Plus as you generate your own you'll talk to less people with greater result.

You just have to learn some new skills, but isn't that what this industry is all about?

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#30 · Posted: 17 Mar 2007 10:54

Quoting: AtHomeTracy
Has anyone had success using the MLM Leads services that generate leads for you that you pay for?

Although this is a fairly old post, I'd like to put my two cents in as to what I do with leads...and works at about a 70% conversion rate

I call the lead while it is still hot. I tell them the reason for the call is to start the interview process to see if this business is a fit for them and if their a fit for this business and my team.

Then I go straight to their "why" (dream), something they are passionate about, and hammer that hard. This brings emotion into things.

After I find their why I direct them to more info and set up a conference or 3-way call.

Every call after that I always bring up their "why"(dream) during the call.

During the whole process I work on developing a friendship with them. Once you develop that friendship they will trust you and follow you.

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#31 · Posted: 18 Mar 2007 17:17

In my opinion, the best lead is a lead that you generate yourself. When you buy leads from lead companies you have no idea how they were generated. They are usually sold at least half a dozen times, if not more, unless you buy exclusive leads.

You should use a lead capture page to capture the prospect's contact info for follow-up and you should also use attraction marketing to "brand" yourself as an expert and a leader. People want to work with someone who is knowledgeable and successful that can help them achieve the level of success that they desire.

You should also use a funded proposal marketing system so that you can cover your advertising expenses and generate a profit as you build your business.

Hope this helps.

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#32 · Posted: 21 Mar 2007 00:15

A lot of good advice in this thread.

I get the most leads from websites, blogs, and Squidoo Lenses using as much SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as I can. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads are my second largest source of leads. I rarely buy leads because I can generate better targeted, less expensive leads on my own.

One point that I learned the hard way is to not buy leads or advertise until I have a plan for how to talk with prospects. Whether it's a script that your sponsor gives you that you eventually integrate into a natural conversational style or a specific traning program, there's no sense paying good money for leads if you're not sure what to say to them!

My favorite traning program is Professional Inviter by Tim Sales. It's about $125 and worth every penny.

I also pay $30 a month to use Tim's Brilliant Compensation video clip and that more than pays for itself because it eliminates the "silent MLM objection" with many propects (they tell me it did) and it makes for a nice "brochure site" to brand yourself and provide something of value for your visitor.

My sig file link goes to my Brilliant Compensation page if you want to see an example of the customization you can do with it. (It's nothing fancy but it serves its purpose well).

All the Best,


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#33 · Posted: 24 Mar 2007 15:48

If you are buying leads or are creating your own thru capture sites
you need to get to know your product, company, and compensation plan. The best leads out there are only as valuable as what you are woth in your presentation and knowledge.
You need to become the "expert"on your product or service. If you then decide to create a capture page or site, you can give the prospects a lot of high quality content. When folks search the internet, wether it's for a home-based business or a new widget, they want information first of all.
I search the internet before I buy any product I am unfamiliar with, to see the pro's and cons, to see the pricing, and to check out the quality. Providing the client with this kind of info will presell them to your product line, your compensation plan, and most importantly on you. People will buy "you" before they buy your program. This goes for self generated leads or purchased leads lists. This is only part of what is considered "posture'.

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#34 · Posted: 10 Oct 2007 00:27

I started out buying leads and it really didn't work out that well. It did give me some experience with talking to people on the phone and made me more comfortable with this type of situation. But the best leads by far are the ones you generate yourself through advertising online, off-line, etc., getting them to contact you first. That way you know they are already somewhat interested and you just have to get to know them better so they can believe that you are somebody they can put their trust in and maybe have a business relationship with.


Rebecca West
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#35 · Posted: 24 Oct 2007 17:12 · Edited by: BeAChampion

The much better alternative to buying leads is to develop the necessary skillsof how to create you own leads.

Because you will spend a lot less money in creating your own leads and you'll also getter better results.

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#36 · Posted: 6 Nov 2007 16:18

I found it interesting that even when dealing with "targeted leads" who had expressed an interest in my particular business, most were still not really interested once I contacted them. I do not know whether they completed an online form expressing interest one day, and then decided the next day that it wasn't really what they were looking for, or just what the deal was.

Anyway, I decided that my time could be better spent elsewhere. I would rather submit articles and buy inexpensive advertising. Buying leads got me nowhere.

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#37 · Posted: 7 Nov 2007 21:09

Wholesale leads is where you get the most bang for your buck. Check out Coastal Budget Leads dot com for wholesale prices.

Jay NaPier

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#38 · Posted: 28 Dec 2007 08:37

I think it is much better to generate your own leads. That way you're sure that they want to hear from you for 1 and you're also sure that they're not being sold to a bunch of other people.

If you're willing to spend money on leads, why not use that money on PPC advertising to advertise your own leads capture page?


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#39 · Posted: 29 Dec 2007 16:16

Wow! There is some really great advice in this thread. I completely agree that the best quality leads are ones that you generate yourself and spend time coaching and nurturing. Personally I have had the best luck networking one on one with people. That being said I am also lucky enough to work with a company that actually provides its reps with a steady stream of customers that can potentially become associates if one is willing to take advantage of the opportunity. For me slow and steady has definitely been the approach in building my downline and I treat their success as I would my own.

I hope everyone here has an awesome and prosperous 2008!


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#40 · Posted: 29 Dec 2007 16:23

i would never pay for leads, it just seems like it defeats the purpose of presenting yourself as an intimate business partner. I would never trust anyone that i've never had an interation with at least once.

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