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Has anyone successfully recruited through the internet?

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#1 · Posted: 24 May 2009 11:46


I'm new to MLM (I'm really loving it) and am trying to find new ways to spread the word. I have been really successful in finding customers through the web, but have never found any new associates.

I don't know if its possible. Has anyone out there successfully recruited a new associate through the internet? Can it be done?

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#2 · Posted: 7 Jun 2009 22:47 · Edited by: Mark_Worthen

Yes, I have recruited over 100 distributors through Internet marketing with my previous and current companies.

I have primarily used SEO, PPC, and networking to generate leads. I can give you more specifics on those methods and what might fit for you but I would need to know what your company's policy is regarding online advertising. Some companies severely restrict their distributors' ability to market on the Internet; others are more flexible.

All the Best,


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#3 · Posted: 8 Jun 2009 07:11

have been really successful in finding customers through the web, but have never found any new associates.

Why, yes, of course! if you can find customers through the web then you can find associates. Associates are just customers who go a step farther - instead of just buying the product, they also decided to go on and sell it as well.

I am myself the living proof that getting an associate through the web is possible because I joined an MLM through the web without even having any personal contact with my sponsor.

Just be patient. If you can get customers, you can get associates. It's like fishing. You might catch the smaller fishes first then, surprise!.. With a heavy tug on the fishing line, pronto! You catch a big one!

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#4 · Posted: 9 Jun 2009 09:36

Of course, you will get associates for your mlm business. Just continue on what are you doing. Your customers will become your associates.

Work hard. Cheers.

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#5 · Posted: 9 Jun 2009 09:42

I think that the internet is amazing. Not only did I meet my wife and business partner on the net but we also run our business using the many tools it offers. With the use of social networking, autoresponders and forum like this you most assuredly can build your business using the internet.

On this forum you will see many options on how to use the internet to recruit as many prospects to your business as possible. I wish you the best and believe it when we say it that you can build a business using the internet.

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#6 · Posted: 10 Jun 2009 00:07

Although I havent found any new recruits I have found way on how to get new recruits I've been working online for about a month now and Im starting to build my levels. Im joined social networking sites and forums to promote my business and to get people interested.

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#7 · Posted: 10 Jun 2009 01:25

Thanks for the encouragement! I've really got to spend some time reading this site and getting ideas on how to do it. I'm having a lot of success with my offline acquaintances - I'm actually spending most of my work time following up with them.
I'll keep trying the online stuff. it really is fun and I like learning.
Thanks again

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#8 · Posted: 12 Jun 2009 21:10

I was recruited through the internet.


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#9 · Posted: 13 Jun 2009 02:23

yes it can be done. remember to be honest and not promise any riches. their efforts will be rewarded as long as they stick to it.

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#10 · Posted: 15 Jun 2009 15:40

Since I live in the mountains I have no choice but to recruit online, it took me a few months of testing but I finally have it down.

Good luck.

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#11 · Posted: 21 Jul 2009 15:17

I am new to the Internet Marketing field myself.
I have a slightly different problem.
I can find people easily enough...... to at least look at what I offer, but for some reason nobody gets involved.

Does anybody have any pointers on how to turn a "viewer/hit" into an associate?

As an example, I have had well in excess of 100 hits from mainly a couple of classified online ads, so I know what seems to get the attention. But then I hit a brick wall.
I am wondering if it is me or the system I am involved with.

Hoping to get some answers.



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#12 · Posted: 21 Jul 2009 16:24

What is your product, are there any forums you can go on and build up your presence that are related to your product? There are forums for about everything. If you are selling pet products go to pet blogs and post or find a cat forum. Just an example, but forums drive the majortiy of my business and not work at home forums like this, but forums in my niche. Just an idea.

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#13 · Posted: 24 Jul 2009 10:03 · Edited by: Andreabeadle

I am in a couple of network marketing companies and have recruited all of my downlines using the internet. I have only physically met one person and have never had to hard sell either products or joining the business.

Oh and I was recruited through the Internet too...

There are far too many elements to this to summarise in a forum post but the key is in building relationships and positioning yourself as someone that people want to work with.

My approach is to try to find out what issues people are trying to solve and help them to find the solution. This involves honesty and integrity and I have told someone that this business wasn't right for them in the past.

I have 2 main businesses because it helps me to match people to a business rather than drag them into it!

I also use a generic training and mentoring system to help people develop their network marketing business online. Most people flounder because they don't have a good enough blueprint about how to go about things.

Step by step training and support really gets past that and makes people feel that they can duplicate your success.

Robin hits the nail on the head when she talks about niche. Working out who your target market is is critical to the whole process and when working online this needs to be tight enough for you to win...

In my opinion, you also need to have a smooth process to take people through which is consultative rather than selling.

Using these methods I have had people coming back to me when the time is right asking to join my business, and when I added my second business, this was the right one for someone I had not been able to recruit months previously. She asked to join me rather than someone in the US or Canada as we already had an ongoing, albeit online, relationship.

Sorry if that is a bit rambling, but feel free to contact me if any of that doesn't make sense!!


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#14 · Posted: 23 Aug 2009 23:48

The Network Marketing opportunity that I am currently with I found through someone I met on Facebook. My sponsor lives in another country and we have never met face to face. So far this is the best opportunity I have been involved with. I am fortunate to have found a company with a quality product and a sound business plan.

Most of my focus for prospecting for clients and potential business partners is, however, in-person. Business is about relationships and helping people. Relationships are easier to build in person than online. That being said, I have found some excellent resources on-line (such as this forum) that I would not have access to without the Internet.

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#15 · Posted: 30 Aug 2009 04:15

In my experience with people recruited over the internet there is a substantially higher drop out rate than for people who are recruited in person.

I think the problem is they are orphans. With out a local organization to be present to the support system is almost non-existent. When they hit the first speed bump they see greener grass on the other side of the fence.

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#16 · Posted: 30 Aug 2009 04:24 · Edited by: laurencewins

It is a shame when people have bad experiences with Internet Marketing.

I agree with Bob that it is a big issue in most places because most people are too concerned with themselves and therefore too busy too offer support where it is needed.

The other problem is people promote businesses rather than people.

The business I am involved with is terrific.
There is international support 24/7 and the best setup structure I have come across.

I know I won't be going anywhere else. I also know it takes time to build a business and a lot of people are looking to make a fast buck.

I wish you guys luck in whatever you are doing.



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#17 · Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:24

These forums are sooo huge! I dont even honestly know where to begin looking. I too would like to recruit some associates to help me out. Is there a place in these forums that we can post, looking for partners or something to work in my field with me? Some of the posters here Im sure make legitimate incomes working from home, and are hard workers, and knowledgeable. I just have an impossible time finding out who.

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#18 · Posted: 4 Sep 2009 03:12

Yes, absolutely. You can find associates online, whether for MLM or other business types.

This forum is a great source of info and another great place is

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#19 · Posted: 8 Sep 2009 02:17

If you go with orangeleads, you get free leads with name, email and phone number. Or you can just use name and email. So if you're comfortable using phone, then orange leads give you that option. 100% FREE. If you upgrade membership, you get even more priveleges, but there is already a ton of features on the website.

The website takes a little getting used to because it's so busy-looking, but I get emails everyday telling me people are looking at my homepage.

Absolutely great for traffic.

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#20 · Posted: 9 Sep 2009 01:28

There are a million ways to market both online and offline. The key is to market to the masses. The 2 best ways to do that are either voice broadcasting or bulk emailing. I use a call center to call all my leads for me to qualify them. Then I get on the phone with them and introduce the eager lead to my business. It has increased my sign ups by 300%. Always leverage your time to the best of your ability no matter if you are marketing or prospecting.

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