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How the Law of Attraction can help you with your business

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#1 · Posted: 14 Jan 2008 15:48

I first started using the law of attraction after I read the Secret and Magnetic Sponsoring. They both helped me tremendously and I saw a significant increase in my businesses and in my life. Achieving the goals I wanted to accomplish and finding the right business for myself.

In network marketing; do you want people to pursue you or do you want to pursue others? It only took me a short time to realize that I did not want to chase people into my business. So I had to change my whole way of marketing my business and my thinking.

People follow leaders or people they like and trust. Think of a celebrity and their entourage. Their "crew" gains social status through their association with them, making them more attractive to others. But true leaders dont really follow anybody except to also gain more leadership skills.

Anyone can develop these skills and use them to their advantage. Please share with us your experience on attraction marketing and if it has been successful for you. Thanks.


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#2 · Posted: 20 Jan 2008 18:33

What have you been doing differently?

I've finally found it - a MLM where everyone benefits, not just the top: My Pride and Joy :),
#3 · Posted: 6 Feb 2008 02:06

I agree those programs are great!

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#4 · Posted: 6 Feb 2008 23:23

The Secret is amazing!!! I ws given a dvd called Pass It On that is kinda like the next step for ppl that really dig The Secret... It lays out the action plan that we need to take to truly realize the power of the Law of Attraction.

You see, the root of the power is that the affirmations and the subsequent change in our thinking causes us to take appropriate action. Hard to realize that sometimes just from The Secret and the way it is presented.

#5 · Posted: 30 Apr 2008 12:44

It wasn't until I learned about Law of Attraction that things really began to change for me as well. I was in such a chasing mentality that I was always chasing after prospects and things I wanted and never really was able to attract any kind of success to me. After I learned about it, I attracted a mentor to me who has shown me how to apply LOA toward my business. Ever since then I have achieved so much. He taught me the importance of branding yourself online. It is so true that if you really want to be successful online you have to step into that leadership role. Also you need to be able to show others how to become successful. When you can show others how to be successful they will follow you for life.

I also love the values that Attraction Marketing use. Definition of Attraction Marketing is to give more in use value than cash value received and to communicate, empower, inspire, and develop relationships based on the needs, wants, and desires of the marketplace and not our own.

I love being able to help others succeed. Thank you for sharing.

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#6 · Posted: 11 Jun 2008 21:22

Attraction marketing is the best thing you could learn to help any business. After learning about the secret , it can really make things happen if you just apply them.

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#7 · Posted: 11 Jun 2008 23:02

I have one basic problem with "The Secret." I know I will be opening a can of worms, here, but oh well, here goes. I am a Born Again Christian and I know something about Spiritual things. Not all spiritual forces are good or benign. "The Secret" was written by someone who is basically a Humanist and into "New Age" philosophy, really more an occult religion than a philosophy. This religion at it's foundation says that WE are all equal to God.

More precisely, it says that we ARE gods. That flies in the face of a true Christian who believes there is but ONE God, and we are not Him! That was the same line the serpent fed Eve, in the garden. Now, if you don't believe this way, please do not be offended. I'm not attempting to sway anyone, here, and I'm not trying to put anyone down. I just want to articulate why I have a problem with the underlying philosophy behind "The Secret." I believe it's dangerous, and opens people up to an unholy Spiritual influence. Like i said, I knew I would be opening a big can of worms!!!

That said, I DO believe in positive thinking, and I do believe you can set yourself up for failure if you constantly have a negative attitude. I subscribe to the philosophy, mantra, if you will, "what you believe you can achieve." Expect success and you will achieve success. Expect failure and you will achieve failure. Those are spiritual laws founded upon scripture. They absolutely work!

I also believe in the concept of "Attraction Marketing." Branding oneself, being a leader, offering massive value to people, adding value to their lives, before ever expecting to be paid, all are sound principles upon which to build a sucessful business. No one will ever be attracted to a negative nellie who always finds a glass half empty. People are attracted to positive people, leaders who lead by example. Those they will follow. "Attraction Marketing" Works!

Ok, let the beatings begin, I know I will receive a few, LOL!


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#8 · Posted: 12 Jun 2008 05:25

Hey Mitch, no beatings from here!

I've always avoided the discussions on attraction marketing because of the reasons you have stated. I understand the foundation of the current phenomenon and its basis in humanism.

Like you, I do believe there are similar principles in Scripture as you have mentioned, but the foundation is different.

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

The joy of the Lord is what gives me a "positive attitude."

Just wanted you to know you weren't alone as a voice crying in the wilderness.

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#9 · Posted: 12 Jun 2008 05:35

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

That was the very scripture I was going for, though I know there are others. Expect the worst, you will reap the worst, expect the best, you will reap the best. But, and here is where it differs from the "Humanist" philosophy behind "The Secret," God is always in control, not man. A minister friend of mine once said, man refusing to obey his creator is like an ant standing in front of a moving steam roller, shaking his fist and comanding it to Stop! How absurd!

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#10 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 11:27

I don't personally see how the messages in The Secret would go against God. If one really wanted to glorify God they would need to see and understand their unique power worthiness they have within. Everything we have, all of our abilities and talents, are God given. The Secret is about learning to take responsibility for your thoughts and, consequently, your actions, so that you can make a better life for yourself and others. What better way to glorify God than to make the most of His gifts?!
Christians, don't be afraid of The Secret, the Law Of Attraction, or anything that inspires self-growth and prosperity.

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#11 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 17:46

you know as much as I love this concept and have gradually begin to apply to my business...

what I've realized, all of us first need to add value to our own family, friends, relatives etc...

because how do you expect to add value to others when your own relationship with the loved ones is not strong & I know we all share great relationships with our close ones, but we can further empower it with prosperity if we become a better human being...

that's an important component I feel...

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#12 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 18:22

Christians, don't be afraid of The Secret, the Law Of Attraction, or anything that inspires self-growth and prosperity.

It's not really a matter of being "afraid" of those things as it is of being able to discern the difference between glorifying God and glorifying man.

The foundations of humanism teach that man is his own god and that he has the power within himself. Whereas the foundation of Christianity based on the Word of God teaches that without God we are nothing. Our "unique power worthiness" does not come from within but from Him. Everything good in us is from Him as our Creator.

When man sets himself up as his own god he decides what is best and right rather than adhering to God's laws. He doesn't have to be accountable to anyone outside himself.

The fact that so many people find these philosophies appealing speaks to the power of the subtle message and the nature of man. Sometimes we can be quick to accept ideas that 'sound good' on the surface, but when you really think about them in the light of the Scriptures you can see the error and potential danger to those who do not know God's Word.

As Mitch and I both pointed out, some of the principles are true and have a basis in Scripture. It's the underlying foundation that is being called into question.

Just because something promotes self growth and prosperity does not necessarily make it Godly. (Think of Lucifer and his desire for self growth and prosperity. )

Not everyone will agree on this, of course. I really had no intention of getting into any type of argumentative discussion, but I felt compelled to concur with Mitch on this so he wouldn't think he was alone in his beliefs.

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#13 · Posted: 19 Jun 2008 15:42

The Secret" was written by someone who is basically a Humanist and into "New Age" philosophy, really more an occult religion than a philosophy. This religion at its foundation says that WE are all equal to God.

More precisely, it says that we ARE gods. That flies in the face of a true Christian who believes there is but ONE God, and we are not Him!

The Secret examines a single universal law - The Law of Attraction. That law is one of several that exists for our benefit. Expressions such as new age, occult, philosophy, religion, and Christian, are simply the inadequate labels we use when we try to distinguish subtleties in various beliefs, which actually overlap in many places.

The result is that none of us is wrong, no one is completely right, and everyone is probably more confused than they'd admit. I guess it's the quest for knowledge, understanding and enlightenment that fuels the debate and keeps life interesting.

Anyway, here's where I want to focus attention:

"This religion at its foundation says that WE are all equal to God. More precisely,
it says that we ARE gods. That flies in the face of a true Christian who believes
there is but ONE God, and we are not Him!

1. WE are equal to God - We shouldn't take this literally because in our current existence we are clearly not equal to God. But as humans we are created in his own "image and likeness" with a spark of His divinity (spiritual nature/DNA) in each of us. We therefore have the potential to become as close to God-like as is humanly possible.

2. We ARE gods - Yes we are. We were given dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth, along with the power to think, reason, choose and create. We are gods as it applies to our tiny domain in this realm of the universe.

3 There is but ONE God, and we are not Him! - This one's tricky to explain. There is indeed one God/source/soup/substance from which all else is created. We are part of this source and can never be separate from it. It's only an illusion of our reality that makes it seem that way. Is the ocean spray any less a part of the ocean?

It's obvious that we can't see the big picture from the vantage point of the all-knowing creator. So we are reduced to a perspective that's reminescent of the story about the blind men who describe an elephant after having touched a different part of the animal.

Each reports a different description from the others, naturally. No one is wrong, and no one is completely right either!


Kurt Henninger
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#14 · Posted: 20 Jun 2008 01:53

Using the law of attraction is absolutely the way to go in an MLM. It does not come easy, and it is a skill to learn, but it makes MLM SO much more fun.

It creates a totally different dynamic in a conversation. Imagine only talking to people who are interested in what you have to say as a network marketer or mlmer?

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