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MLM meetings

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#1 · Posted: 18 Jul 2006 16:55

Hi. I understand that this forum is sort of a place for people to meet and exchange their ideas. But what I am looking for right now is any kind of meeting in my area, where I live (Seattle, WA, USA) and work (in MLM). I would like to find out more about it and meet like-minded people.
Anybody has any idea on how to go about my search? Googling it?
I tried - didn't get me what I was looking for. And BTW, if there is no such thing as "MLM friendsters" club I'd be whilling to start one if anyone wants to join me.
P.S. United we stand, devided we fall

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#2 · Posted: 19 Jul 2006 02:20

Two MLM's to check out:

1. Cognigen - its free to join - see my review in the "Business Opportunities/Program Reviews Section here in this forum.

2. Arbonne (its kind of like Mary Kay). It cost $29.99 to join, and I have a friend who I can get you in touch with who is a rep.

3. Team Builders is also pretty good - I have a different friend who belongs to it, who I can also put you in touch with...I also wrote a brief review about it (but it cost about $200 to join).

4. And don't forget, there's always Amway...

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of MLM's because of the fact that you hav to get people to join and go to meetings and that kind of a thing - but some people do make money from them.

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#3 · Posted: 19 Jul 2006 12:19

Hi Olga -

You might want to do a search for 'networking clubs' or 'breakfast clubs' in your area. One of the busiest nationally is BNI ( It's not strictly an MLM business organization but it is a place to network with other business minded folks ... their main thrust is to work referrals for each other.

There's a group online that you might like to check into .... see the link on my website that leads to my NWM story (right side under picture). Ebook link at the bottom of that, membership link at the top


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#4 · Posted: 19 Jul 2006 12:52

And Getagrip -

I think Olga was asking for generic groups where she could be around others who appreciate the industry rather than company specific meetings ... but SINCE you opened the door <GRIN>...

Cognigen is free to join ... but the margins ... oy vey! They do have some awesome support available online depending on which team you join though

Did you know that Arbonne has one of the most ruthless clauses in their P&P in the industry?? My feeling is that most people who are involved must be unaware ... or else how could they bring people to the company to build a lasting business??

Never heard of team builders ...

and Amway??! ... are you kidding?? Name recognition alone blows that as a viable opportunity.

Make it a great day,

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#5 · Posted: 19 Jul 2006 13:54

Thank you all, esspecialy Andrea! That's right, I am already involved with MLM through one great company (would you like to join in )?
I am looking for LIKE-MINDED people at the moment. So, I'll check the links from Andrea. Still, I am whilling to organize a club myself (in Seattle) if I get enough friendly responders.
Good luck to you all!!!
P.S. I am myself a very big supporter of MLM

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#6 · Posted: 19 Jul 2006 14:06

You betcha

I'm pretty sure that Tom Schreiter has a "How to Start a Breakfast Club" article on his site:

If you don't find it, let me know and I'll hunt around.


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#7 · Posted: 19 Jul 2006 19:07

Quoting: agoodsaid
Did you know that Arbonne has one of the most ruthless clauses in their P&P in the industry?? My feeling is that most people who are involved must be unaware ... or else how could they bring people to the company to build a lasting business??

What ruthless clause does Arbonne have? I have a friend who is in this company, she might want to know about it. If you don't feel comfortable posting it on the message board, please email me at [email protected]

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#8 · Posted: 20 Jul 2006 01:56

Quoting: April47
What ruthless clause does Arbonne have?

That would be good to know...

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#9 · Posted: 20 Jul 2006 02:26

Hi Guys -

It's a "Terminate at Will" clause... basically, they have the ability to end the relationship without any reason other than they choose to. Talk about building on a house of cards.

Speaks directly to the integrity (and intentions) of the company management.

Will paste below.

There are other 'non-distributor friendly' points to this business, but this is the shining star. And the first indication that one might want to look for a better contract to sign.

Oh and btw, the signing sponsor is required by contract to notify anyone coming on board of this point (among others) ... or they are in violation of their agreement.

Just imagine, you work hard, you build a viable business, you get the car (which I hear is is easy to get, difficult to maintain the required volume), you come to count on a certain income from your hard work (and rightly so) ... then one day, when your check has become a liability to the company coffers (or someone has a bug up their butt that day, no matter) a letter arrives ...

"We regret to inform you ... as of today, you are no longer a distributor for us".

Or even, "We have decided to switch to a direct marketing company" (thank-you for the customer base ... have a nice life)

Talk about a crummy way to treat your sales force.

The sad part is that those already Arbonne-ized are unlikely to want to hear any part of this. It's a really bad deal.


>10.3. Agreement terminable at will
"You may terminate your relationship with Arbonne at any time by providing a signed written notice to Arbonne. Arbonne may also terminate the relationship with you (including any partnerships, corporations or other entity) at any time by providing written notice. You or Arbonne are not required to have any reason, nor do you or Arbonne have to claim or prove any cause to terminate this relationship. If and when the relationship is terminated, you shall have no claim against Arbonne nor any right to claim or collect lost profits, lost opportunities or any other damages.Termination will result in the loss of all benefits as an Arbonne Independent Consultant. No promises or assurances have been made to you that the relationship will continue for any particular or specified period or term, or that you will ultimately attain, achieve or realize any or all of the success or benefits of the opportunity made available by Arbonne."

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#10 · Posted: 20 Jul 2006 16:51

Well, even if they do want to hear about it, what can be done for them at this point? They will just have to quit (and loose it all the same) or hope that they will never get that kind of letter.
As to the Big Al's site, I almost forgot about him (I am signed up for his newsletter already). I visited it again, but couldn't find anything about "breakfast clubs", but came across lot of other usefull stuff. Thanks again.

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#11 · Posted: 21 Jul 2006 12:20

Ok, here is the answer to my own question. If you want to meet like-minded people in your area try "meetup groups". There are tons of them in any kind of imaginable area of interest. And, yes, I found one, near by, for Network Marketers. Yeah!!! Good luck everyone and thank you for your help. Olga.

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#12 · Posted: 25 Jul 2006 16:37

the chamber of commerce is also great for meeting people.

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#13 · Posted: 10 Oct 2006 01:20

Quoting: agoodsaid
It's a "Terminate at Will" clause... basically, they have the ability to end the relationship without any reason other than they choose to. Talk about building on a house of cards.

Believe it or not that is the state employment policy here. It gives employers the right to discharge a person from their job without reason. Technically... if they give you a reason then they can be held accountable for the reason that they give if it is unfair so... most of the time they simply say they are letting you go for no reason at all and they are held harmless from any retalliation by the employee regardless of the emlpoyees feelings on the matter.

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#14 · Posted: 14 May 2007 22:31


I disagree with you. Until Arbonne I was extreamly skeptical of MLMs.
I'm a successful photographer and never thought about doing
something like this. Infact my girlfriend had to practically drag me to our
first arbonne meeting. I can truthfully say that it was a great experience
and I felt very positive about being involved after that first meeting.

Since then, my fiancee and I have been involved with Arbonne for a
little over a year and in this time we have been very succesful at it.
Ive met hundreds of people involved in this company and we always
hear Positive things. Until reading this post Ive never heard one
negative thing said about this company. The thing that separates
Arbonne from mary kay and all the rest of them is that Arbonne's
products REALLY work! My fiancee and I personally use many of the
products and I can say they are the best ive ever used.

All my life ive had skin problems (dry skin, excema). I spent
countless hours at the dermatologist and all they could do is give me
steroid cremes for my excema. Which would only slightly help and the
excema always came right back after I stopped using them.

I started using Arbonne's RE-9 line. Its actually making my exema go
away and stay away. I couldn't believe till I seen it. For the first time in
my life im actually getting rid of my excema and I'm not using any kind
of medication or steroids. Arbonne's products are all natural and
botanically based. This alone seals my trust in this companys products.
I also personally know other people who have had the same experience
from using Arbonnes products.

Now onto the Business side of it. This company has been a Positive
experience for both of us and we have met Hundreds of people involved
with Arbonne and never once met anyone that had a bad experience.
Most people we have met are very successful and inspire us to keep
going and growing. Not any of the people we know that have the car
have ever lost it...and the car is just one of many things arbonne does
to show their consultants/sales team how much they value them. The
Income possibility's are limitless with this company. You get out of it
what you put into it. Right now we are making a nice extra income and
we plan on continuing to grow and one day being able to make Arbonne
one of our main sources of income.

I would recommend to anyone who wants to increase or even
replace their income, Plus... discover incredible Health and Wellness
products... Arbonne is the company for you.


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#15 · Posted: 15 May 2007 03:02

If you want to meet like minded people you can always register to and do a search for people in your area. Or even set up a network or your local area. Thousands of people in there and you can do it for free.

I went in now and just typed SEATTLE in the search and here is the result:

More than 1000 matches, the first 1000 are available.

Happy hunting.


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#16 · Posted: 23 Jun 2007 03:00

I would have thought you'd choose an MLM first, then after that they usually send out meeting times in their newsletters. Although I guess that doesn't help though if you haven't decided what MLM company to be a part of yet.

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#17 · Posted: 30 Jun 2007 13:06

Hi all. Thanks for the new link "proamo", I'll try that source as well. I've tried organizing my own meetup in Seattle. It did ok for a very little bit. Untill we end up having someone to try pursued us into thier company Which, I am sure happens a lot in MLM social seeing It's just the nature of this great business!
Since my first posting I've learned and discovered lot of sources for MLMers. Network Marketing seminar by Chicago University Ph.D Charles King is a fantastic opportunity to meet other proffesionals of MLM and to learn everything about this business including legal aspects of it and to get charged up with inspiration that will help you for many months to come in building your own business.
P.S. Just in case there is some misunderstanding: I choose a company , but it's located in EU and although this company is going to "open" US very soon not too many (if any ) gatherings/meetings happen in the area as of right now.
Good luck to all of you, partners!

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