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MLM without any upfront fees?,,,

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#1 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 15:34

Hi, dos anybody know of any MLM companies that do not charge any startup or ongoing fees at all? that includes website costs, starter kit costs, monthly standing orders, or any other kind of expenses. Or do they all use this system where they seem to earn income not only from the products that their agents sell but also from the constantly revolving turnover of agents? if any one does know of such a company please let me know, regards Nemo.

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#2 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 16:58

Hi Nemo,

I have been involved in MLM for many years and have never seen one that had no fees.

Please understand that in EVERY successful business there are start-up fees, advertising costs...ect.

The key in any successful MLM (and there are many good ones out there) is to find one that has a proven track record, find someone who actually DOES IT, and teaches it, and learn from them. When you do that you actually make money, which make the sign-up fees
worth your investment.

Good providence,

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#3 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 18:50

Hi Nemo,
Mark is right - the only way for mlm to work for you is if you make the investment. I know of one where you can get started for $29 and there are no monthly fees but in order to make any money you will have to move product. The websites are free.

I rarely recommend that as it just takes too long to make any decent money that way.

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#4 · Posted: 18 Jun 2008 20:28

Hi Nemo,

I joined 2 MLM companies this year to promote their products on my own website.


The first one was free to join, but you have to put in a personal order every month if you want to collect any commissions you've earned. If you haven't earned any or made any sales you don't lose anything by not purchasing anything that particular month. Starting out there is no minimum purchase, but as you climb the ladder the required purchase increases up to $200-$300 per month which is a bit much in my opinion.

The commission level for this company starts low and gradually increases in proportion to the volume you sell. One of the advantages of this particular company (apart from the fact that their products are exceptionally good) is that as you climb the ladder to each new payout level, you never go back down even if you have a slow period.


The second company that I joined cost me $100 to join as a Business affiliate (there are different levels you can choose from). What I like about this company is that the commission payout on your personally acquired customers is higher starting out. You get a 70% commission on their first order and then 20% commission on any repeat orders they place.

As you go down the tiers, the percentage is much less, but this is a plan I prefer because I am marketing online and aiming mostly for personally acquired customers. Any "downline" I produce will be a welcome bonus.

Another benefit is that I only have to purchase $20 per month in product until I reach a higher level and the most I will be required to purchase is $100 per month no matter how high I go. This is acceptable to me because the products are health supplements which I take daily anyway so it isn't a hardship.


To be honest, I prefer the quality of the products in company #1 over #2, but the compensation plan in company #2 over #1.

Having said that, I wouldn't recommend the products in #2 if I didn't think they were good. I am trying to build a reputation of recommending quality goods, so I wouldn't jeopardize that just for a higher commission. There is no long term benefit in that for anyone.

The nature of MLM is based on everyone buying some level of products if they are part of the company as a business builder. Both of these companies allow you to purchase the products at the wholesale prices easily without joining the business side of things. To me that was important because a lot of people are looking for product solutions for their health needs but are not interested in joining an MLM company.

If you are completely opposed to the multi level marketing (MLM) concept, you may be better off going with affiliate marketing. In that model there are no fees to join and no required purchases. The commission is usually only on first purchases unless the customer continues to go through your referral link for future purchases.

The advantage of most MLM companies is that once someone is your customer, they are your customer no matter how they go about purchasing.

You can sometimes find affiliate programs that offer lifetime commissions. Those are extra nice.

Well, I had no idea I was going to get so long winded on this, but I hope it helps you a bit, anyway.


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#5 · Posted: 20 Jun 2008 17:35

I just joined a MLM called My PowerMall. I don't see any upfront payments. I am not sure if I am going to do this yet, I may just put it on my website for those that are interested. I don't see anything wrong with the program. If anyone knows about this, or knows about any fees, let me know. Perhaps this program doesn't qualify as a MLM??? Does anyone know?

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#6 · Posted: 22 Jun 2008 00:37

I have yet to find a network marketing opportunity with no fee as well. She that are free programs like SFI they mentioin nothing about you having to be at a specific level in order to qualify to receive payment.

You will not make money at the free level, so you will end up having to invest something in order to be paid. thanks


Barb Thornback
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#7 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 13:41

I know of quite a few MLM programs that you can join for free and then when you are in profit or getting sign ups you can upgrade. A plug in profit site is great for this, but you still have to pay the hosting fees.


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#8 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 14:24

The program I'm involved with is totally free. No monthly charges, no fee to start.

You do have to be willing to work and give it a chance, though. If you already have some marketing experience it should be a breeze!

Good luck!


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#9 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 16:03

The program I'm involved with is totally free. No monthly charges, no fee to start.


I dont understand. If its MLM and totally free, where do the commissions come from?

No MLM type business could be totally free. Somewhere there has to be a commission paid in order for upline to be paid. If not, then it isnt MLM, correct?

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#10 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 16:10

Commissions can be paid through other means. The program I am getting involved with pays commissions on shopping rebates. It seems like a win-win situation. Each member has discounted shopping and share in the refund.

I am new at all of this and really want to make something work for me. I would like to know if what I am getting involved with is truly MLM or a scam. Has anyone heard about My Power Mall?

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#11 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 16:15

Hi Nemo,

There will always be an investment in every business but its always a question of how much. why not try the Plug In Profit Site.

You pay for the $15 for the domain name for 1 year and $24.95 for the hosting plus a free website set up with detailed 30 days training. How's that? You'll get the hosting for free when 3 people signed up under you.

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#12 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 16:25

Who actually pays the commission then?

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#13 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 17:05

I've seen a few programs that don't require any start up fees as well!!
I think a few programs out there now offer minimal to no start up fees.
I personally don't believe that you should pay to start up any program

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#14 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 17:14

To answer Bill, I am not sure who pays the commission, I am thinking it is the internet store. For instance, Target online may give a 5% commission if you shop on their website. There are several programs out there like Bondrewards and Big Crumbs where you get refunds from just shopping. This is the same discount we sometimes get just for shopping online. Online shopping saves the stores money because they don't have to hire anyone to help me or check out my merchandise. The stores can afford a rebate to get more people to shop online. So, I guess the answer is that it is possible that there is a no-cost MLM. Believe me I am not paying anything for what I am doing.

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#15 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 17:19

From my understanding - when an mlm is free to get into, it is almost impossible to make any decent amount of money....but then, if it's free - it doesn't really matter, eh?

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#16 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 17:20

Ok that makes sense.

So do you get paid on your downline's performance as well?

If so then it sounds like some sort of MLM. I have heard of PowerMall before but never really looked into it.

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#17 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 17:24

but then, if it's free - it doesn't really matter, eh?


But if you are looking for a business to earn something substantial enough to make a living... then I guess a free system wouldnt really be the greatest.

These new programs do not really sound like the earning potential is that great unless you sign up a ton of people. If you have 20 free signups you would have to wait a while to start seeing residuals.

I am not saying "free" means the program will not work. It just seems like it would take a lot more time to see any cash in your pocket.

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#18 · Posted: 23 Jun 2008 18:47

I am not saying "free" means the program will not work. It just seems like it would take a lot more time to see any cash in your pocket.

Amen - that was what I was trying to say - exactly

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#19 · Posted: 24 Jun 2008 11:56

That question is crazy. NO business in America cost nothing to get started. You shouldnt be looking for a business you be looking for a job. Commitment, consistency, and capital are all prerequisites to making money from home. Then its about lead generation, prospecting, and closing. Good Luck to all.

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#20 · Posted: 24 Jun 2008 12:02

That is odd, you said that it is about prospecting, but your signature says that there is no more prospecting with your system? hmmm..... I just thought that was ironic.

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