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Multilevel Marketing VS Affiliate Marketing - Why The Latter Is BETTER!

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#41 · Posted: 23 Oct 2009 08:31

No matter which way you look at it , if you do MLM or Affilliate Marketing(personally I think MLM is affiliate marketing on steroids!) you need to learn how to do thing you say when yo say Affilliate MARKETING or Multi Level MARKETING

Ill say it again....MARKETING!

You need to learn MARKETInG to have long term success.
Without these skills you will fail. All the best affilliate marketers and mlm'rs are MASTER MARKETERS.

I doubt would hear any say "There's so many free advertising websites out there, blogs, twitter, etc. that you don't even need to spend any money at all."

Quite the opposite i imagine.
He who has the most leads wins the game !!!

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#42 · Posted: 24 Oct 2009 13:22


Let me clarify about the comment I made about "free advertising". It is free because when you sign up you don't pay anything to let someone know about your link or whatever. It doesn't cost me a dime to get my link on this website. Just like with twitter. If I go on there and I start chatting with people, I'm friendly with people which gets there trust. In turn I say something like "hey check out this link, are these people for real?" This gets sign ups for the things I'm markeing and its free. There is no ppc, no google adwords/keywords. Just simple marketing that works.

I guess in a way though when it comes down to it, my time is money so it isn't neccessarily free. But no monetary expenses come from it.


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#43 · Posted: 24 Oct 2009 18:43

Hey Chris
YOur right about links on twitter etc
And you are right about your time.....may i recommend outsourcing some tasks to save you time and maximise your profits !!

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#44 · Posted: 24 Oct 2009 20:28

The cell phone thing sounds interesting

where can i find out more info ? is company web site where is explained by simply watching videos. No cost distributorship is rare in the industry, and in addition, you also receive a full blown social media site like MySpace, FaceBook and YouTube, all at no cost, nothing comes close in all my years of researching industry, and I have seen it all.

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#45 · Posted: 24 Oct 2009 20:42

One thing to consider re : phones
How to direct traffic to the site and stand out amonst all the others who promote the same site ???!!!
Marketing Knowledge thats how.!!

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#46 · Posted: 24 Oct 2009 21:40

You need to learn MARKETInG to have long term success.
Without these skills you will fail. All the best affilliate marketers and mlm'rs are MASTER MARKETERS.

amen and amen!

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#47 · Posted: 24 Oct 2009 22:25

glad you agree mountaimom5

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#48 · Posted: 25 Oct 2009 00:06


As days go by I realize more and more how short they really are. You are right in saying that I should outsource some things to save time. There really has to be a fine balance though, depending on the market you are in and what kind of advertising you do.

Thanks for the tips...good luck all...


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#49 · Posted: 25 Oct 2009 02:36

Chris ironically Ive found that the more automated your systems are the more human contact you can give where it counts! Also this way you spent more time on the activities that get you paid instead of the drudgery like doing presentations or sending emails and so on.

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#50 · Posted: 26 Oct 2009 08:12


What sort of automated systems are you talking about, auto-responders in emails? I'm not sure what you are into that is extremely automated. I mean there's only so much you can automate when it comes to affiliate marketing. You still have to go out there, find products, set yourself up with an account with clickbank, get a domain, foward the domain with your hoplink, etc. Now, there are some steps that help you find products like using and google alerts to tell you all the new products on the market. But what else really is there?

I guess it all depends on what type of affiliate marketing you are into I suppose. Recurring billed products and services are definately more automated as far as the money coming in goes. So if this is what you are talking about then I understand, but if not, then I may be lost.


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#51 · Posted: 26 Oct 2009 17:02

Im refering to the whole sales funnel. Yes I have an auto responder but I dont have to find products, I certainly dont use clickbank, I dont forward domains. People apply to do business with me then they are taken through an automated system to make the sale. This levl of automation enables me to just deal with serious people and weeds out tyre kickers. SO MUCH of my time is saved its unbelievable compared to how I used to do business.

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#52 · Posted: 26 Oct 2009 17:16 · Edited by: shaun

Actually Chris just reading your post made think AHHH Too Hard !!
Recurring billing is the way to go. Do the work ONCE and get paid over and over. Sounds like you're doing the work over and over.

Personally I prefer to work online WITHOUT dealing with traditional internet-marketing headaches of affiliate-marketing & Clickbank products...or selling those crappy e-Books. There are already too many doing that.

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#53 · Posted: 28 Oct 2009 14:30


Yes, I totally agree with you about the recurring billing. Right now I am in the process of picking some websites I am going to advertise my affiliate products on. I don't have a lot of cash to start due to a skeptical wife (ha), but I think the best way to affiliate market is to advertise on high traffic sites where you know you are going to get the sales. Do you have any advice or expertise on that specifically?

Hope to hear back soon.


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#54 · Posted: 28 Oct 2009 14:44


The whole reason MLM is attractive is because there is a degree of automated growth, where in an affiliate deal, it is a one time commission in most cases. With the merger of MLM and affiliates programs becoming more common, I see a future in this strategy just as I saw it a decade ago when I had concept to have multi tier affiliate plan.

As we all, know, it is all about repeat business, no matter what business you are involved in, repeat business is where you succeed or fail. Few will have enough time and resources to capture enough new customers each month to succeed, you have to have a business where there is a repeat sale every week, month or year as I see it.

I built several traditional businesses focusing on referrals and repeat business, and it works perfect for any business. When I shifted away from traditional businesses, and went full time with online marketing, the same rules apply, referrals and repeat business are most important, even when you can reach more online, you still need referrals and repeat business as I see it or you will not grow your business to maximum potential.

I research only recession proof businesses that everyone saves money and for those who want to make extra money, the opportunity is there, although not hyped like most deals are. If you can create a loyal customer who is saving money on what they are already purchasing elsewhere, then you have a residual income every month on each customer. And if they are saving money and are happy with quality, convenience, customer service, etc., they will refer others even without the income opportunity. When you combine the above attributes, now you have a long term income opportunity.

It is not rocket science, it is back to basics, save people money, provide a quality product or service and deliver, people will stay loyal to you, and how many companies really offer any verifiable savings over the competition? I have researched this to death, and if there are a handful of companies offering true value, that is it. I am amazed at this, but think about it, if you are pumping a clickbank same old same old deal millions of others are also promoting, how is the world are you going to make a long term income with this burned out strategy?

All the so called secret niche ebooks out their being pumped by the so called guru's is almost funny, they rotate testimonials back and forth every other month, so as I see it, if you cannot figure this out, then you will throw away a lot of money on these affiliate deals as I did until I saw what was going on. I won't name them all hear, but the same dozen names pop up as testimonies on each others deals, over and over again, so you tell me, how is the average affiliate marketer going to make any real money with the industry dominated by the guru's?

I have seen it all, and in my research have spent a ton of money and time, and no doubt in my mind, affiliate marketing is dying off fast, and the reason why more are going with multi tier strategies now, even if two tier, it is far better than one given market saturation and everyone blowing money on PPC wars. lol A niche is like finding a needle in the haystack these days.

I love the wireless mobile industry, why, everyone has a mobile phone, billions worldwide and growing, yet how many are making money off this most profitable of all telecom products? We all know VOIP is the future of telecom and landlines are on steep decline, and now you can combine VOIP with COIP, Cellular Over Internet Protocol specifically for wireless, and as company just went from affiliate to MLM, this is what I look for in a business today.

Transfer buying is my focus, and this is the future of industry, offering true verifiable savings to the masses which become repeat buyers and happy to refer others even without the income opportunities. And when you combine free business opportunity, no obligations to purchase every month, plus true verifiable savings with an unlimited income opportunity, this becomes viral, and that is what I have wanted for years, and now, it is finally happening.

Success to all,

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#55 · Posted: 30 Oct 2009 06:09


Im surprised your not also int ACN for phone internet voip etc plus directv

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#56 · Posted: 30 Oct 2009 18:17 · Edited by: FREEBUSINESSES

Im surprised your not also int ACN for phone internet voip etc plus directv

Why would anyone go for $500. up front, it never made sense to pay to play.

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#57 · Posted: 6 Nov 2009 13:41

I totally agree with that on reccuring billing, I am using webinars and creating a total system right now which is going to just be the turbo-charger on the team that we already have building down here in Naples, FL I am now planning my website ( to actually on a billing basis allow access to all my webinar presentations and then further a good friend also offered the advice, save people money and offer a month even free when they prepay, you gain capital to further your business and systems and also they save money, win win!

I present Weekly Webinars with Sales Training helping my team&prospects to work with the net to create a solid efficient brands. IT/Insurance Sales Management/Sales and Artist. Check out my site@
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#58 · Posted: 6 Feb 2010 09:53

This business is all about learning how to do things. It takes time. Sure there are a lot of people who drop out but if you keep learning and you take action, you will eventually succeed.

Don't forget guys and ladies that between the years 1990 and 2000, there were brand new 100,000 new millionaires in the US alone. Think about that. So people are doing well with this business.

Education is important in this business. You want to get to know that product, you want to get to learn how sponsor others into the business, you want to learn how to talk to people, and you really want to learn how to never quit because quitting is so easy to do.

It is all about education.

It's like this:

You want to become a nurse so they send you to a hospital and give you a needle and tell you to go ahead and get blood from people. What would happen? People would run away from you because your are not really a nurse. They just gave you a needle and told you to go and poke some people. Again, these people would run away from you.

Same thing with any other career that you go through. You will need the proper education to get into it, right? So education is important and it relates to network marketing too.

You have to be educated and it takes time to learn the ins and outs of how to really succeed.


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