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New to the network marketing industry

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#1 · Posted: 25 Apr 2010 23:08

Hi everybody! I have a quick question for the forum:

I'm new to the network marketing industry and I'm looking
for a good company to join, does anyone have any good

I look forward to hearing from the forum

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Matt Zenittini
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#2 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 01:56 · Edited by: Matt Zenittini

I recommend GBG =].

They have a low price point and a great pay plan to put money in your pocket fast. Plus their product has a 97% retention rate! That is unheard of in this industry.


Yeah I can help you..

But you have to prove you want it.
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#3 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 07:21

The question is what are you looking to do and how much do you have to spend. Low cost = less payout at first (You can build up your org and get higher payment). Higher cost = better payout at first and in the long run as well.

Do you want to sell products? What kind of products interest you? How many people can you recruit in a month? Are you looking to do internet only, are you looking to do some people to people building?

Tell us a little more about your expectations and I'm sure we'll all come chiming in about how we've all got the best for you, and how it fits your needs.

Mike McClurg
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#4 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 11:01


I suggest a consumable product.
and chose a company that has a
business model in place.

I wish you much success

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#5 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 11:17

Looks like you have some great choices there for a start.

I personally am not currently in network marketing but I wish you good luck and much success!

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#6 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 11:36

Hi Shawn,

Before deciding on a company I would get specific in your goals.

What are your interests? What do you believe in? If into fitness/health strongly consider starting with a company selling fitness/health products.

The more you believe in a product or service the easier it will be to sell.

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#7 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 11:46

I would recommend not leading with any particular company on the front end. I would suggest that you get the proper marketing training so that what ever company you decide to join, you can be a success in either one. This is the mistake that I made starting out and if I were in your shoes, I would wish that someone would have told me that. Good luck...


Matt Zenittini
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#8 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 12:11 · Edited by: Matt Zenittini

Higher cost = better payout at first and in the long run as well.

That is not true at all..

If it is why is walmart essentially the most successful business model?

A low price point brings in the masses and nobody gets used.

Plus traditional MLM have a 2% retention rate after just 3 short months.

Vs a 97% retention rate ( in GBG's case ).


Yeah I can help you..

But you have to prove you want it.
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#9 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 16:57

Hi Shawn-

The rules of this forum prevent us from recommending specific companies for you to join.

But I agree with searching for the company that matches your specific interests. If you don't like or can't see yourself using the products or services of a certain company, you will have a difficult time convincing others to do so. Find the one you are passionate about.

Since you are new to network, read, read all the 'How To' books on the industry that you can. And FIND A MENTOR! Find someone who is successful and will be available to talk to you or email the answers to your questions.

Network Marketing has changed drastically since I joined my first company. The internet has revolutionized the business since many companies no longer require one to attend in-person meetings. Both excellent training and interactive Webinars to bring your prospects to are available online in many companies now. That's why I got back into this business. I can be at home in front of my computer while my prospect can be in another state or country for that matter and be receiving the same information at the same time. And those that offer this service usually have archived calls that you can listen to 24/7 at your convenience.

Also, take a hard look at the compensation plan of each company. There are hundreds of different ones. Make note of the minimum amount you will have spend each month if your company has an auto-ship. Then try to figure out realistically how long you estimate that it will take you to start making a profit with their plan.

Investigate, investigate, investigate before taking the plunge into any company, get some good training and your future success will be much more likely.

Best wishes to you!


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#10 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 17:13

Hi Shawn, you say you are new and looking for a good company to join. Are you currently in Network Marketing? The reason I ask is there are many factors to consider before finding your niche.

What are you looking for?

Do you want to sell a product or service? Is there something you are passionate about like the environment or health?

You'll probably get lots of responses to your question so you should have plenty to check out. Just do your do-diligence and find a company that shares your passions.

All the best to you,

Ginger Hogue

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#11 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 19:22

On an added note, I would definitely invest more in myself that I would a company. Companies come and go, but all that's left standing is you. Educate yourself and increase your value because any prospect that will consider joining you will want to know that YOU are going to help them reach their goals and dreams. If making money is part of that, then you will be the one.

If you don't develop your leadership skills and learn how to market, you're pretty much asking for disappointment.


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#12 · Posted: 26 Apr 2010 23:00

I too am looking for a good MLM and in my search I found a site called MLMrankings dot com.
It has tons of info on most MLM companies and I find it most useful in my search. Maybe it will help you as well.

Lou Maldonado
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#13 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 01:31

I've found network marketing much better than MLM. With MLM, I hated the fact that you had to chase after family and friends trying to sell products. Absolutely hated it.

I found a fantastic network marketing business where I don't have to chase family and friends and I'm really enjoying it.

Legitimate home based business. Low start up costs, no skills needed. Anyone can do it.
Matt Zenittini
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#14 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 05:50 · Edited by: Matt Zenittini

I've found network marketing much better than MLM. With MLM, I hated the fact that you had to chase after family and friends trying to sell products. Absolutely hated it.

I found a fantastic network marketing business where I don't have to chase family and friends and I'm really enjoying it.

Network Marketing and MLM are the same business model.

The rules of this forum prevent us from recommending specific companies for you to join.

No it doesn't =]..

They prevent us from making self promotional posts and from using your personal links in a post.

To recommend a company to someone who specifically asked, without any type of personal link, is not against the rules.

Mike McClurg:

I suggest a consumable product.

I absolutely agree.


Yeah I can help you..

But you have to prove you want it.
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#15 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 12:40

lol - amen Matt. Looks like you got it covered. Everything I was going to comment on got covered really well.

Especially the bit about the high investment stuff... Having been there, done that... I can heartily endorse your answer. Paying $11,000 to get into an mlm or network marketing business doesn't guarantee any more success than paying $39 to get in. I know - I did it. lol

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#16 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 15:46

Shawn , LGNLinda hit the nail right on the head. Do your research, it will take patience and never give up, too much stuff out there so be careful not to overwhelm yourself. Must definitely find a mentor!

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#17 · Posted: 28 Apr 2010 08:46

Online marketing is exactly like any other type of marketing � it's built approximately the same triggers. Creativity is the single best tool anyone can have in marketing and the same holds true for the online world. Marketing success by no means goes to those with the biggest budgets.

#18 · Posted: 12 Jun 2010 01:59

How about an update? I'm sure we would all be interested in what business model you ended up choosing and why.

What factors motivated you to go in the direction you chose?

Who successfully "recruited" you, and why?

Your experience with the process could be very helpful for new people seeking an opportunity, and for giving us all some insight into the sponsoring aspect of the industry.

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#19 · Posted: 14 Jun 2010 07:17

Matt Zenittini:
That is not true at all..
If it is why is walmart essentially the most successful business model?
A low price point brings in the masses and nobody gets used.
Plus traditional MLM have a 2% retention rate after just 3 short months.
Vs a 97% retention rate ( in GBG's case ).

I wasn't clear enough. Usually if you pay more the comp plans usually higher potential pay.. it doesn't mean You'll actually get paid more.

Matt Zenittini
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#20 · Posted: 16 Jun 2010 02:36

I wasn't clear enough. Usually if you pay more the comp plans usually higher potential pay.. it doesn't mean You'll actually get paid more.

Most (not all) Higher ticket companies are charging (in disguise) money to join their business.

If the higher ticket company is one of them I have a great idea...

Just tell your friend that you are recruiting to let you borrow $100 (fast start pay) and tell him to throw away his other $200.. Now all he has to do is go out and find 3 people to let him borrow $100 and he is good to go.

I hate some MLM companies.. Not saying the one you are in I have no idea =].

I personally like the low ticket companies that don't charge for the business.

You are right though.. The companies that charge large amounts to join can pay higher commissions.. ALSO the way that payplan is structured the little guy.. The guy that just joined is being USED.

I hate payplans that use the little guy.. That is just terrible.


Yeah I can help you..

But you have to prove you want it.
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