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What System Are You Using to Promote Your MLM?

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#21 · Posted: 26 Jun 2010 03:20

Elur MLM:
The REAL System is yourself...

I agree well said, I found that the leads I found myself are the best leads. Of course the internet helps otherwise we will not be here.

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#22 · Posted: 8 Jul 2010 06:29

There are some tips:-
1) Blogging
2) Article Marketing
3) Forum Posting
4) Blog Commenting

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#23 · Posted: 14 Jul 2010 10:08

I am one of the few L4 leaders in MLSP. I like the funded proposal.

the eventual evolution for most is to have your own but having one that converts well is key.

just make sure the system you use that the leads are YOURS. I've heard horror stories of another system where the own ripped the affiliate links and used it for himself. sad by true. protect your list guys.

My Personal 7 day Internet Lead Generation Bootcamp. How I generated over 1,500 leads in a month part time and now a L4 member in MLSP.
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#24 · Posted: 19 Dec 2010 10:55

I love network marketing but anything to do with Jonathan Budd, run away.

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#25 · Posted: 19 Dec 2010 12:47


I will be checking into CarbonCopyPRO

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#26 · Posted: 20 Dec 2010 08:04

When you use a marketing system to promote your business online, make sure you follow the plan and commit to it for an absolute minimum of 6 months

Stay consistent with effective marketing is the key for success. Too many, especially new people to marketing online, are of the impression that something magical should happen in 30 days. Well not if you have not established a list and are new.

Get into a regiment of what marketing methods is wise also. Have things that you do daily or every other day and keep at it.

Btw, gjohasson how are traffic exchanges and safelist working out for you? Many people say they are not good places for marketing.

Matt Zenittini
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#27 · Posted: 21 Dec 2010 07:02

I love network marketing but anything to do with Jonathan Budd, run away.

Any reasons in particular you feel this way?


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#28 · Posted: 21 Dec 2010 07:41

Well designed PPC ads driven to a quality, effective capture page using the Prosperity Central system. This is a very effective system. I have an affiliate link if anyone is interested you can PM me.

Best Prelaunch MLM: XIMO Health.
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#29 · Posted: 21 Dec 2010 15:35

cool signature Matt

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#30 · Posted: 31 Jan 2011 05:22

I use MLSP...I like the entire concept of helping people understand how to use the Internet through its teachings, etc.

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#31 · Posted: 2 Feb 2011 08:32

I agree, what happened to old fashioned network marketing? I believe the best way to build a business is to build relationships with people. Talk about what it is you are doing. People will see the excitement in you, and to me, that is more convincing than using a system to bring people into your business.

I am not familiar with what everyone has been sharing about on here, and I am sure people are searching for better ways to market their business, because I am, but I still feel the best way to market a business is to use your mouth!

I hope everyone is succeeding with the system they are using.

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#32 · Posted: 3 Feb 2011 09:37

I like to create my own lead generation pages, but know that not everyone who is starting out can do that. I will create pages for
team members who do not know how to do so though.

Systems are great, but if a lot of people are promoting the same
lead captures pages online, well your advertising may not be as effective as it could be.

If there is a system that allows you to make your capture page more unique to you, and one that allows you to collect your own leads in auto responder of choice, that would be ideal!

I just have not found such a system yet.


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#33 · Posted: 6 Feb 2011 22:00

Systems are very important and i also feel the best way is to have personal contact with prospects. Doing business online is effective but will have its limitations because we always have to use tools for communication and they are what we rely on due to the distance factor. Simplicity is key too.

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#34 · Posted: 7 Apr 2011 19:10

This page is old one thing I hate is voicemail marketing I get them on my cell phone all the time hate it. They get my number off my website. That is why I have 2 cellphones lol. Anyway when I try to explain to people I don't need marketing or advertising for my product they just don't get it.
If I say we have pin levels dropping like flies with people that has no networking experince and all we have is 4 questions we ask folks and give them a sample I know it sounds unreal but it is real the reason it is real is because of the product it like a miracle that instanly gives satisfaction.
Let me put some facts up that the 4 questions work. We had one lady go from a unemployed housekeeper to six figures in a year. We have two 27 year old sixfigure earnes. We have a 22 year old never did networking just turn diamond. We have a 77 year just turned Sapphire. We have a young lady with 5 kids single mom on welfare just go Sapphire with no car. We have 5 diamonds in the month of march. It is crazy my upline turned Diamond in 5 months and he owned a contruction business before. And all they do is ask the 4 questions. The coffee business is massive stream of income and you have coffee that pays and is healthy. It is all over with the testimonials are off the hook. We have big time marketers dropping their other companies just to come ot our company and becoming Emeralds and Diamonds in a matter of months. We have no experience people becoming sapphires, rubies etc. You see the lines at Starbucks you no Mcdonalds made all there money on coffee and don't even do a hamburger commercial no more. You know subway is doing breakfast to serve coffee. Wake up and smell the coffee it is simple it is easy. Love Love it! Team Revolution

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#35 · Posted: 8 Apr 2011 20:11

You are definitely promoting for Mr. Budd lol. His technique is pretty pathetic because all you're going to do is try to help him make money. He teaches all the methods to get leads to his sales pages and other affiliate programs for him to make money.

In the end, you are not branding yourself, but you are branding Jonathan Budd.

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#36 · Posted: 8 Apr 2011 20:20

[url= st?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4d9fc71d307b01f6%2C0][/url]
Freedom in the Cup Friday this is the most Interesting Radio Show people give live testimonials about my coffee live. I love this everyday we do this. Best Radio Show Ever. You don't need those kind of programs if you have leaders that are positive energetic love this biz.
This is not a promotion it is just a drip. lol It is up to you to understand what you are listening too.

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#37 · Posted: 8 Apr 2011 23:36

I take several approaches to market my MLM which I highly believe in:

1) Craiglist was awesome until they blocked the URL
2) forums like this one
3) recruiting friends
4) Working with merchants and non-profits who can make tons of ongoing money with this program
5) Checking in with my people regularly and urging them on, providing personal coaching and mentoring works! People need the feedback and guidance makes a huge difference.
6)I'm just jumping into article marketing - will let you know how it goes
7)Have fun, promote a company you believe in and your enthusiasm in making a difference for others sells more than anything else!

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#38 · Posted: 16 Apr 2011 13:11

There is some good advice on this board! Glad I joined. I haven't come up with a system yet (i'm very new to this) except for promoting the product (which I LOVE) by using it and talking about my results on my facebook. I also include all my links on forums I frequent. Beyond that, I am a stay at home mom and don't really have the chance to talk to REAL people everyday face to face!

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#39 · Posted: 16 Apr 2011 18:41

I use the Renegade Network Marketer, Magnetic Sponsoring, and Building on a Budget to get the funded proposal.

To Your Success,
Gina Lopina
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#40 · Posted: 1 May 2011 18:59

Currently, I use The Renegade Network Marketer and Magnetic Sponsoring. But has anyone heard of the Leaders Club?

To Your Success,
Gina Lopina
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