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2020Unlimited - Has anyone here seen this yet?

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#41 · Posted: 10 Nov 2007 00:58

Not a bad day for a Friday, which is usually the slowest day of the week. I had 1 personal sale for 32 total and my group had another 3 sales for a total of 36. Grand total of 68 sales. Still looking for a reliable source of solo email ads, anyone out there willing to share their source?

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#42 · Posted: 11 Nov 2007 03:39

Hi Marv etal,
I just joined 20/20unlimited.
I have been watching these posts for a while now.
Hopefully I will experience some of this success I have been reading about.

At the moment, I am awaiting a confirmation email that will have "referral information" for me. Much too tired to do much web research right now, still I am excited about the possibilities.

Anything you can tell me at this point would be both interesting and helpful.

What with all the web information, I hardly know where to begin.
And of course, I am salivating over the possibility of getting PAID (i guess they will notify me by email?).

Hoping to learn more asap!

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#43 · Posted: 11 Nov 2007 07:36


looks like an interesting idea, I have had a look around the site and am interested, I am surprised about your success with solo mails, I have found these to be mostly a waste of time as they are mainly resellers and the ad quantities overwhelm the viewer, btw the one you recommends looks as though it has gone bust.


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#44 · Posted: 11 Nov 2007 07:58

Hi Maricel,

The solo's I use are not some of the junk out there that is sent to bulk email boxes that get auto-cleaned, but these solo's, thru searchpost dot net are of high quality that go to people's contact email address, they only send out a couple a day to keep the list responsive. I buy straight from the source, that's the only way a group like this can grow the way it has in the past 3 weeks. I just found 2 more personal sales in my inbox this morning. Well have to run, have to install 2 serveillance system today.

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#45 · Posted: 11 Nov 2007 18:28

Quoting: AppealMarketing

The solo's I use are not some of the junk out there that is sent to bulk email boxes that get auto-cleaned, but these solo's, thru searchpost dot net are of high quality that go to people's contact email address, they only send out a couple a day to keep the list responsive.

Hi Marv,
I don't know when my posts will be viewable but I am still reading and trying to learn. Like MARICEL, I too found that most of the SEARCH POST sponsored links were dead. I am wondering what that is all about.

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#46 · Posted: 11 Nov 2007 23:44

Hi, Appeal (Marv)!

I am a new 20/20 member (#112) and am very impressed with your co-op ideas & efforts described here so far. Obviously it is too late for me to sign up under you as I only stumbled upon your posts and website yesterday, after-the-fact. However, I would like to know if there is any way I can get 'on board' with one or more of your campaigns anyway--perhaps at a slightly higher cost than your direct signups. Just thought I'd ask, and I think others here would be happy to join as well, were you to offer a package of this kind, since you are a trusted poster.

Of course I am always looking for reliable recommendations for low-cost advertising venues. I am going to purchase the $7 safe list package you offer... Any other ideas you have for someone in my situation would be appreciated (by me and others here too, no doubt).

Thanks for all your ideas and inspiration so far!

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#47 · Posted: 12 Nov 2007 03:51

Hi TJamMoneyMan,

Welcome to 2020 land, it's been a while since I've been to their site and it doesn't look good, I'll admit that, but their contact solo email ads sell like no other. Last week one I4B customer made 3 sales from 1 ad and ordered another one. Multiple 2020unlimited customers have had many sales in the 2 - 4 range. I deal with someone named Lana, who is very professional and does her best to keep the MANY ads I submit straight, sometimes there are problems and they figure out how to fix it and will rerun any affected ads. No one is perfect. 2020unlimited is exploding right now and mostly due to the effectness of the searchpost,net solo ads. Ilm member 006 and we are up towards 120 members, mostly in the last 3 weeks. If you have any specific questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them for you.

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#48 · Posted: 12 Nov 2007 08:55

Hi Marv,

I signed up under you thanks for the mail, I would be interested in a coop ad but it does seem that your favourite place has bitten the dust so to speak. Do you have others that you have tried and produce results?

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#49 · Posted: 12 Nov 2007 10:56

Hi Maricel,

Thanks for joining the team, if you could PM me with your name so that I know who you are, that would be great. has not bitten any dust, they are running ads daily for the co-op. and producing sales for every ad. I'll be sending out my newsletter later tonight to all my customers and prospects and you'll see the great results that has produced for the group. I have tried others, but no other produces the amount of sales. Although new co-op ads will be in the first week of Dec. right now. If anyone out there wants a copy of my newsletter, you can go to my main site (1st one in sig.) go to the Ezines link and can signup there. Comes out once a week either Monday or Tuesday nights (very late night!!)

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#50 · Posted: 14 Nov 2007 04:29

Quoting: AppealMarketing
So they say even if you do no advertising yourself, you will still receive instant $20 payments into your Paypal account.

Now here's what i mean Marv, about no advertising, 'no effort' being presented as a fact, but who could this have actually happened too?
You were sign up number 006.

I mean, I think you are honestly representing what 'they say', but it seems to me that what 'they say' can be no more than theory, at this point anyway. I mean, SIX MEMBERS!!!

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#51 · Posted: 14 Nov 2007 07:55

Of course it was theory at the beginning, member id's are now in the 150 range, don't you think 2020 have made a few sales by now? Any sale they make directly goes to the members in the form of a rotator. Anyone who actually believes you can get into a business and not have to work it are delusional.

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#52 · Posted: 14 Nov 2007 16:52

Quoting: AppealMarketing

Of course it was theory at the beginning, member id's are now in the 150 range, don't you think 2020 have made a few sales by now? Any sale they make directly goes to the members in the form of a rotator. Anyone who actually believes you can get into a business and not have to work it are delusional.

Well, that's what I mean Marv. It was theory, but presented as fact.
I don't think I am being delusional but 'NO EFFORT' was what THEY said not I!! (but now they have ME saying it on MY website!)

If they are at the 150 mark (or even the 010 mark) then of course they have more than a few sales by now (since you joined).

My (very specific) question remains unanswered, who has actually gotten a sale from this 'rotator'? ESPECIALLY in light of the 144+ sales that have come about since you joined. (and you yourself indicated that you are probably driving about 70% of sales).

You seem to think that I expect sales without doing anything. That is indeed NOT the case, but that is exactly what this 'rotator' is all about. That is the 'no effort' mechanism that they sell this program using.
Now I am 'delusional' because I took them at their word, and want an explanation?

Maybe I am delusional in expecting advertisers to truthfully represent their product, but I don't think so though. There is such a thing as 'truth in advertising' after all, unless of course, I am being 'delusional' for even THINKING such a thing.

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#53 · Posted: 14 Nov 2007 23:23

Hey TJam,

I myself cannot answer your question: My (very specific) question remains unanswered, who has actually gotten a sale from this 'rotator'?
So I've went straight to the source, I sent an email to the program owner, John. As soon as I hear back, I'll post his answer.

Now to get back to some interesting news: Sales!!

I had last reported in on my groups sales on Nov 10th, was then
32 personal & 36 group sales for a total of 68 sales.

As of tonight, NEW totals are 37 personal sales and 49 group sales for a Grand Total of 86 Sales. 18 sales in 4 days!!!!!

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#54 · Posted: 14 Nov 2007 23:47

I remain more than just a bit frustrated with 20/20unlimited.
I didn't sign up under you, so I can't persue that co-op offer your site mentions.
I haven't heard much from my sponsor on that program either.

In fact, I haven't heard ANYTHING!

I guess I'll have to contact HIM/HER, but I can't see why that should be.
I would think a sponsor would want to reach out, if only for the financial benefit.
HE should be telling ME how best to promote the site!
HE should be offering ME a CO-OP advertising program!!

I'd like to do a solo email ad for 20/20 but at a $50 price range, well I think that's a bit much for a program that states on it's FAQ page:
"Do I Have To Advertise Or Recruit New Members?
No. 20/20Unlimited Is Designed To Automate The Recruiting Process."

I understand that there are free and low cost promotional resources BUT, I haven't heard much in the way of positive experiences with such cheap advertising methods.

I could understand paying $50 to promote a site that was free or cheap to begin with but there should be some kind of CO-OP program or other EFFECTIVE low cost advertising method for a program like 20/20unlimited, that costs $50 to begin with!

YOU are friends with JOHN, the website owner, so you tell me.
Maybe you can give him a good talking too!

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#55 · Posted: 15 Nov 2007 00:00

Hey TJam,

Don't take your frustrations out at me, I'm just the messenger I enjoy helping people, that's what drew me to 2020 and I came up with the co-op ad program to help my direct customers (and of course, myself). Could you PM me your sponsor's name, if they are in my group maybe I can get them to shape up and get with the program. A searchpost solo ad would not cost you $50 ($39 for all forum members, I believe you asked and I told you this already, correct?) and why would you want to promote a free program with a $50 ad?? I would use a cheap or free source for free signups and more costly (better) sources for a $49.99 program, which is very inexpensive when compared to many other programs out there. I personally would not buy a $997 program, I'm just a cheap person. And there are some very effective free to very low cost ($10) advertising sources, once again I thought I sent you those, didn't I? My memory is getting pretty bad since my kidney transplant at the end of July, I apologize if I have you confused with someone else TJam. Well, I've got a few more ads to send out and many more ads to read (to earn credits), have a good night all.

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#56 · Posted: 15 Nov 2007 00:20

Quoting: AppealMarketing
Don't take your frustrations out at me,

I am not taking my frustrations out on anyone.
I am offering my experiences and thoughts on 20/20unlimited, which is what this topic is all about.

And by the way, SEARCHPOST.NET is DEAD.

I don't expect that you should solve my problems, but I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. In fact, I appreciate your availability and generosity of information and resources. I think I have made that clear before.

Like I told you, it was your postings that drove me to join 20/20unlimited.
Also that you made yourself AVAILABLE - with a phone number no less(!). That is a helluva lot more than I have gotten from ANYONE promoting an online program so far.

My frustration is that I don't see a way to duplicate some of your success, without spending more money than I bargained for.
Even then, there's no guarantee - of course.

$50 is still a lot of money. $40 is too. Still, I don't mind and I am ready to spend that kind of cash, but I have to know what kind of results I can reasonably expect.

20/20unlimited, promised me I could get results by spending $50 so I did.
Now I find I have to spend more.
That is the problem.
That is MY experience with 20/20unlimited so far.

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#57 · Posted: 15 Nov 2007 00:21

and DAMN!!

good luck with your KIDNEY health!!!

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#58 · Posted: 15 Nov 2007 00:31

Quoting: AppealMarketing
A searchpost solo ad would not cost you $50 ($39 for all forum members, I believe you asked and I told you this already, correct?) and why would you want to promote a free program with a $50 ad?? I

$39, $40, $50, I guess I should count pennies more, but it's really all the same to me!

Now I would happily pay $50, if I felt it would be EFFECTIVE.
But I'd be even HAPPIER to use a cheap/free program if that too would be EFFECTIVE!

Perhaps you could say my advertising budget tops out at about $50 per as often as I can afford to!

(and once again, SEARCHPOST.NET has been TERMINATED!!)

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#59 · Posted: 15 Nov 2007 03:20


I must say Marv appears to have found the winning formula on this one. I have placed ads some ptc sites and some solo mails on my own most responsive sites and I have a big fat zero in sales, this one seems difficult to sell. I signed up a few days ago at number 119 so it does appear that Marv and his downline are the only ones really selling this programme. 150 so members after a month or so of launch is not so good really for the programme itself, although good for Marv and his team. It looks like one of thise opportunities where you can luck in if you find the right lists to mail, from where I sit serach post has stopped so that is no longer an option. Also it depends upon the sales letter, maybe Marv has developed that well known but elusive killer sales letter.

Anyway I am always pleased to hear a success story, well done Marv, I will give this one a while longer but it looks at the moment destined for the bin.


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#60 · Posted: 15 Nov 2007 03:33

Quoting: maricel
I signed up a few days ago at number 119 so it does appear that Marv and his downline are the only ones really selling this programme. 150 so members after a month or so of launch is not so good really for the programme itself, although good for Marv and his team.

Well, this has been my point. I am happy for Marv but, according to his 70% figure, his team has driven about 100 of those sales - and i believe that!

That's good, I like to think that this program will actually SELL.
BUT, that doesn't leave very much for the 'no effort', 'no advertising', plan to have actually accomplished by now.

I have just resigned myself to the fact that this program simply won't sell 'without effort' (as advertised).
But I wish SOMEONE could show me how wrong my outlook is!

Have YOU benefited from the 'Rotator' yet?

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