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#61 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 18:06

Scalar is a frequency that some people do benefit from however not to the extent that they will benefit from zero point energy field and the Amega Wand

Thanks for the comment. Are you familiar with anyone that has experience with both?

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#62 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 18:11

We have become familiar with the Scalar wand so we could explain the difference. There are people with our company now who have bought a Scalar so that they could test it and be able to give a good explanation. Scalar wands are a little cheaper but again, do not compare, it's a different energy altogether... I have learned this from those that have used both but have not had experience with both myself..perhaps there will be someone else that will come along that has used both..

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#63 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 18:33


I had researched Fusion Excel a couple years ago, but they had only pendants at the time, and having checked out the pendants, I personally could not feel any results. Still have one if anyone wants to purchase it cheap. lol

The wand is far superior to pendants, even Amega pendants which are more for maintenance than to eliminate pain fast which is what I experienced, so although the pendant may offer health benefits, I prefer to go with what works immediately.

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#64 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 18:45

The pendants are infused with the same zero point energy field and you can have tremendous results if you take the pendant and circle it in a clockwise motion as you would the wand(if you didn't have one or something) I've heard of people taking some DNA packets and wrapping them around an area of the body with an ace bandage and that even worked for pain relief, again because it, too, is infused with zero point field energy.

Also the pendant keeps a 3 foot zero point field "zone" around you so it can help with the things that can compromise us, cell phones, microwaves, etc...

I will eventually have one of everything this company makes because they are all so good and help with different things as well as work synergistically to increase the effect.

Glad you found the wand to be so effective right away!

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#65 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 19:33

If one has pain do they have to use the wand daily?

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#66 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 19:38

It depends on the issue...some find relief right away and others it may take more consistent wanding. Also to keep in mind, we are exposed daily to all sorts of free radicals, toxins, etc just from our environment so we would want to wand with some consistency anyway..

It's also makes a big difference if you wand the chakkras(energy centers) first, people seem to realize even more improvement after doing this.

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#67 · Posted: 29 Apr 2010 21:11

If one has pain do they have to use the wand daily?

Good question,

I have not personally experienced a consistant answer with my group, but in my case, one fifteen minute treatment of wanding my knee lasted 5 and a half weeks before pain returned, but I was also pushing it hard, shoveling snow, walking further and there were five back to back snow storms which always made my knee ache. When the pain came back finally, I simply wanded again and pain was gone again. Still no pain, so I guess the answer is we don't know yet. lol Everyone is different, as is every injury or immune system, so I will report back when pain returns.

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#68 · Posted: 2 May 2010 11:03

Give me a break! Any 10 year old kid knows this post could be the very same person, trying to lend credibility to their own post.

So much for this misleading statement, I checked with admin and he verified that this claim is false, different ISP's from both posts, so mythbuster is the 10 year old kid for making unsubstantiated claims about other members. Look in the mirror, I am having your ISP checked too.

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#69 · Posted: 3 May 2010 12:52


I started researching magis wand as a close friend showed me a gold pen he waved in circles and claimed to take pain away for a short period. He says his friend just got back form China and they will start selling these for $300 or so, and I can buy them for as little as $58. They will not multi market them, just word of mouth. Will you please send me the list how to spot fakes? Thank you.

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#70 · Posted: 4 May 2010 06:40

I am thinking of buying a wand, but don't know where to buy it from, plus that 300+ is a lot of money!

Then I fount this website

I wonder if anyone has had any experince with these ones or know anything about their wands. Well, any thought about the wands or just the website and their credibility would be welcomed.

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#71 · Posted: 4 May 2010 20:05

started researching magis wand as a close friend showed me a gold pen he waved in circles and claimed to take pain away for a short period. He says his friend just got back form China and they will start selling these for $300 or so, and I can buy them for as little as $58. They will not multi market them, just word of mouth. Will you please send me the list how to spot fakes? Thank you.


There are more and more fake copycats hitting the market every day with the extreme success that Amega has experienced so quickly in the North American market, so you have to be careful.

I have now purchased three no name devices, one from China, Malaysia and now another out of China just to test and report back on my website which you can see at my Pet-Pain-Cure site. I update it each time I test another copycat, but they are very close to looking like the Amega, minus the serial number and logo Amega uses. So stay tuned, but I have never seen a gold one yet?

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#72 · Posted: 4 May 2010 22:55

Hi There

Interesting Posts. I think the product is fantastic, i know they released a report with what minerals and crystals are actually used in the wand. Marc Victor Hansen had it somewhere, does anyone have a copy of this?

I have experienced this technology and it has good results, but things like this:

Start to sketch me out. None of these people have credibility, no-one really even knows what this Vibra Scan machine is, this is probably the shakiest 'scientific' document i have ever seen.

Also, Amega say's this product has been the result of 25 years of research, but they are only a 3 year old company. Does that mean the research is not theirs, but conducted elsewhere? And if so, then where is that research and how come they are not releasing it?

I think empirically, these products work, i am not trashing them. But it really seems strange that there is so little information from them. I can understand if they even said hey, this is a new technology, we are undergoing rigorous scientific experimentation on this product, we are going to post everyone with the details. Instead, all i find everywhere is smoke and mirrors. If this is the case, and there is no quantifiable evidence, then how do you know the fakes are any less potent than the real wands? I have bought one from China aswell, and it seems to work fine.

They say 'proprietary amized fusion technology', but i have not been able to find any patents, or research, or documentation, or anything really. Anyone who has somewhat of a scientific worldview will want answers to these questions, and justifiably so!

I personally have a spiritual worldview, and understand the nature of crystals for healing, they have been used for thousands of years for this. It is nothing new. Wands have been used for thousands of years with minerals and crystals in them for healing. This is nothing new.

This technology however, is something new. Fusion.

What i want to know, is beyond the subjective experience, what is quantifiable?

Science is incredible, it can measure slight changes in molecular fields. If the wand is releasing Zero Point Energy, then shouldn't there be some device to test it? I googled the Vibra Scan, it seems that like a smoke and mirrors device, showing up on a few badly designed healing sites.

This is what the multi-million dollar expanding MLM company are using as SCIENCE? Does that not seem odd to anyone?

25 years of research. And nothing. No papers, no documents, no reports.. nothing.

Do these wands work on the principle of ionization? Creating negative ions? I know they are built for entrainment, but what are they en training the cells to?

I know the proof is in the pudding, and people are having incredible healing experiences with this device. For that i am grateful, and i am happy healing devices are spreading around the planet. But i am also very concerned with the lack of science, and like that pendant shown in the link above, we have no idea of the long term effects of using this device.

Again, like i said above, if Amega has released no documentation of where their research was done, who developed this technology, where was it developed. If they have a proprietary technology, you would think they would show off their patent? How can you compare a fake if you don't even have information on the original? Most companies that have breakthrough technology put that as the first point of entry on their site. I am very dubious about this company. Even though this seems like a great technology, something is not ringing right to me.

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#73 · Posted: 5 May 2010 13:40

Here is a spiritual website that sells the wands for $99.

And what they have to say about it is this:

"..the wand only serves to empower whatever we intend to create. It is WE who are the creators...The Wand is as unlimited as we are..."

I come from the belief that if you believe something will will. And if you think it won' won't. Therefore, what works for one won't work for another no matter what any research may say.

Few have learned to really use the most incredible power they have....Their mind!

Wellness to all!

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#74 · Posted: 5 May 2010 14:00


I ordered an iyashi wand from them and am very pleased with it.

I called up their customer service number and they were very knowledgeable and helpful.

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#75 · Posted: 5 May 2010 14:22


No doubt, it is easy to produce look alike copycat fakes, after all, a half dozen have hit the market in the last few months following the huge success of Amega Global, and as I have researched, the original Health-Wand. Funny, there is nothing on the market before Amega, not a wand at least, but there were pendants from several companies before Amega.

The only way one can quantify technology is if they see results, which I have. I also have an ion meter as this was the reason it was sent to me by a friend to begin with, he didn't have a clue about technology, as I didn't when he said it was developed to elliminate pain, and I had pain to test it on, so it was a double dose of reality for me, it does put out over 1300 negative ions, and it did eliminate my knee pain with just a fifteen minute treatment. Is that proof it will work for everyone? No, of course not, but in my case, I am glad I got to witness the results on myself for I tend not to believe those I don't know, just as anyone here should not believe anyone they don't know personally.

Many good points were brought up and I agree, it would be nice to see the studies and research, but as to a patent, there is none, just like Coke formula, sometimes it is best not to patent a technology given they use natural crystals in combination which you cannot patent, so I suspect this is why no patent exists at this point. Working in the alternative energy research field, we have a similar scenario, although we have four patents on different aspects of technology, we will not disclose the fuel components, as this is our secret formula.

Skeptics are great, I was as well, but seeing what I have in my life, never say never when it comes to science and technolgies. Amega will in time release studies, I have seen a few, but as with all technologies being utilized for a new use, as in, health and pain management, there is a fine line when it comes to what can be stated in public, and if a research paper was introduced at this point, it could easily open up the door for more questions, ezpecially from the FDA. lol

Will there be third party research studies, no doubt, I hear this is in the works, but no matter what so called empirical data is disclosed, there will always be doubters, skeptics and naysayers, so the same skeptics that exist today will still be skeptics after disclosures, so as I see it, who cares, it worked for me, and thousands of others, so time will tell, but as I see it, until my pain in my knee comes back, I am happy as can be.

What I find interesting is that Amega is a real company, worldwide having hundreds of thousands of users, and yet all we have seen are a couple phantom posts from these naysayers. Doesn't that seem a bit strange not seeing more complaints if it did not work as promoted. We all know bad news travels faster than good news, so why no complaints after four years and hundreds of thousands of users. Something very strange about this as it would generally be impossible not to see complaints posted all over the internet with anything which did not work as promoted. I call this too good to be true, but I search every day for negative posters, and I am good at researching on the net, been on the internet before it went commercial, so where are the complaints?

I know, they are being suppressed as one naysayer suggested. lol I like to hear the good, bad and ugly of every product or service I research, and it still is a mystery why this seems to work for almost everyone who tries it personally, while the naysayers have not even evaluated it, not even one, so what gives? Could it really be working for almost everyone, or is it placebo effect on hundreds of thousands? Yes, there are many questions I too still have, but as long as it works for everyone I have asked to try it so far, sure makes it interesting.

With so many copycats, three of which I now have purchased to do the same tests on, and all three were not close to same readings as Amega, and I suspect more than a few are starting to see this pattern from what I have heard. Anyone want to purchase my three wands real cheap so you can do your own testing as I have been doing. While Amega is open door, and they manufacture their own products, and not one of these fake wand promotions even mention who is there manufacturer, and I have heard, oh, it is the same one, yet not one person has mentioned who that is, they are just trying to sell as many as possible fakes ahead of thousands of people complaining they don't work, so again, time will tell as it always does. With five months in NA market where American's are more skeptic than Asian markets, why can we not find complaints from actual users? Draw your own conclusions, I know I have.

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#76 · Posted: 6 May 2010 04:15

Thank you wandman!

They really seem like a good company and I think I might order a wand from them. The Amega wand might be the original one and there are many copycats out there but I do believe that there are other serious companys out there, being in this business to help people.

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#77 · Posted: 6 May 2010 08:26


I haven't personally tested this one yet, this is the first I heard about wand from Japan, so this makes one copycat from China, Malaysia and now Japan which I know of to date, they just keep on coming. lol

Since this Japan wand is evidently new to NA as was Amega in December 2009 when I first got wind of launch. I purchased one from each of the above countries, so I will purchase this Japanese wand and test it with my ion meter to determine if it is even close to the same ion frequency as Amega. One thing anyone should do when comparing is to shake it, the cheap knock offs actually have loose crystals if anything inside, so check weight if you have postal scale. I cut open the cheapest knock off and there was absolutely nothing inside, as in, no crystals, so a total ripoff. In doing a side by side test with others, there was no comparison, so who knows, this one may prove to be close or equal to Amega, so we shall see.

One thing to consider in your decision is the return policy, and this is where you have to be careful. You can go with this Japan product which is distributed from CAN, so if you live in CAN, you are probably safe, but if not, and are in U.S., then beware, the delivery time is 12 days and the return policy is only 12 days, so technically, there is no return policy for U.S. buyers.

I prefer the 30/90 day money back guarantee by Amega for many people will not see results in just a couple days use, while almost everyone will see results with Amega within 30 days, so keep this in mind if you are more concerned with truly a no risk offer verses a 12 day squeeze which this Japanese wand offers. Here is refund terms below so you can see for yourself. Price isn't everything, so if it is equal, I will report so when I get my order in 12 days. I would have no problem referring those who do not care about the tremendous income opportunity with Amega to this product if it is equal in quality, performance and customer support, so we shall see as time always tells the truth. I am posting results on my Pet-Pain-Cure site as I review, research and evaluate them all.

Japanese wand return details:

Shipping & Returns

We ship out of Canada by expedited delivery-Canada Post.

USA orders may take up to 12 day to ship.


If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase you can return it within 12 days. If you product is found to be damaged or defective we will replace it within 18 days. Contact Us for more information.

*Shipping fees cannot be refunded in the case of returns

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#78 · Posted: 6 May 2010 12:37

It will be interesting to see what you have to say about the japanese wand when you'll get it. I actually mailed the company about the return policy (a bit scary especially since I live in Sweden) and this is the reply I got:

Hello Jakob,

Due to the nature of internet sales in the case of refunds the customer ends up being responsible for the shipping expense which usually makes it impractical for most products. If you product is found to be defective or damaged we will replace it free of charge. We do accept returns within 12 days also.

If you are interested in more information about zero point energy wands we are currently posting new research.

You can view our latest video on "Breaking The Wand Code" at

We are also getting in contact with the creator of the Vibra Scan 1100 (a subtle energy testing machine) who will be testing our Iyashi Wands and the other popular MLM wands this weekend. We will have the information posted within the next week.

If you have any more questions on the technology or our policies feel free to contact us.

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#79 · Posted: 6 May 2010 13:26


Since this is a new company, and I cannot find any history of selling any Health-Wands, I was more curious since I also evaluate and research each new product to determine which work best.

What I found a bit misleading is the fact that this Japanese model is referred to as the original, yet no history of selling them exists, and their web page according to Alexa is not even listing data for it fall way under their minimum rating scale.

As to a YouTube-ZOOM video I saw comparing wands, it really did not define any data, just talk and one testimony, so I found this totally inconclusive. When this retired chiropractor pulled our his magnetic resonance meter, I had to laugh, there is no magnetics used with Amega, except in their bracelets, a totally different device addressing different health oriented issues.

So in my opinion, with nothing regarding ion meter testing levels stated in this evaluation video, it really tells us nothing more than this product as a magnetic charge, but nothing about zero point energy frequencies which is what I test for. This is a bit more misleading than the testimony, which can be variable depending on the health issues, this is why you must try it before you buy it in my opinion, or at least try the Amega since the return policy allows everyone to try it for an extended time with no fear of losing any money, this is not possible with this Japanese wand, so as with all decisions, we make our own, and don't believe anyone who is selling Health-Wands. lol

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#80 · Posted: 6 May 2010 15:55

Puh, this wand thing....

Maybe Amega truly is the best, I have no idea. I've never tried a wand at all to begin with. But I don't want to start selling these things, I just want one of my own to begin with. And the extra 100$ is a lot of money for me. But as you said, they have a good return policy.

Anyway, I don't want to dismiss all the other companys. I actually do get a good wibe from the "iyashi company". It would be intresting to know more about them and their wands, I mean how can you trust that all they say on their site and in their videos are true (but they do have other videos that's quite interesting).

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