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Anyone heard about Online Business Alliance

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#21 · Posted: 14 Apr 2008 12:57

Did they do you right in the changeover?

To my knowledge many stayed on and are still in it. I didn't stay and will be glad to explain why, but not in an open forum.

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#22 · Posted: 14 Apr 2008 21:55

I started with IGAM in July 2006 and was with them when they "fell" so to speak in Nov 2006 and carried over my membership to the OBA, and although I'm not an "active" member at the moment, I still have my membership and visit the forum frequently to stay informed. I have a customer list of I believe is still 14 members, but of course only one of those members became somewhat involved in their business for a short time..then disappeared..none of the others got involved and wouldn't even reply to my emails to help them.

If you can build an active customer base who takes advantage of the opportunities in their back offices to lease ad spaces and join and stay with the programs advertised in the ad spaces..then the potential to make good money with OBA is there. However the problem is getting your $5 customers to take advantage of the opportunities and stick with it. If you get nothing but do-nothing customers like I won't make anything but the $5 they gave you for the E-book they purchased. So the same thing holds true here as with any other online opportunity. If you only get people in your group who won't try and work the program after they join..then you are just beating your head against the wall trying to make any money. That's pretty much why I have moved on to other things. But I will say the admin at OBA is wonderful and everyone there will help you every way they can if you make the effort to ask.

As for IGAM, it was constantly under fire by many people who didn't understand what the program was all about and was constantly being accused as being a ponzi scheme then it ultimately was shut down by the admins ISP after several complaints of spam against one or more members and so after fighting it out with his ISP..the admin decided to let IGAM go and started the OBA in which we all had a hand in helping to name and create from the beginning and built it to the business it is today.

Hope this has answered some of your questions.

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#23 · Posted: 15 Apr 2008 01:19

it ultimately was shut down by the admins ISP after several complaints of spam against one or more members and so after fighting it out with his ISP..the admin decided to let IGAM go and started the OBA in which we all had a hand in helping to name and create from the beginning and built it to the business it is today.

Hope this has answered some of your questions.

Moreover, your reply helps me understand why they are so unusually hyper about people not using OBA ads in ANY email.
Even safelists!!

I have seen many people ask this question in the OBA forum.
Their reply as to why safelists, with their system of verifying the recipient as a subscriber to the emails, were unacceptable, never mentioned this.

Maybe this was covered in a different section of their forum but I never got any reference. Anyway, it's good, I would think, that the IGAM members had a hand in setting up OBA.
But of course, the only salient issue is how much money you make!

My only paying customer so far did lease ad space #1 so that's a good thing.
I don't think anyone serious about making money with OBA would not try to lease ad space #1 if nothing else!
I have sold $5/$6 plans that had almost nothing going for them compared to OBA, so I'll see what I can make happen with this.

For me the bottom line is how much money you make, considering the time and money invested.

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#24 · Posted: 15 Apr 2008 19:54 · Edited by: freebird658

Hello TJ,

The money varies and it depends on you and the customers you bring in.
You make $5 for every product you sell. Which puts that customer in your customer list..if they are interested in building their own business with your help and the help of all the others in the OBC then they also will sell $5 products and they will Lease adspaces from YOU and join the programs in the ad spaces and they will also be bringing in their own customers who will lease ad spaces and join the programs advertised. Each one of your customers must pass up their first adspace lease to you and so on and so forth.
There are several adspaces you work up to depending on if you are ready to invest in them. If anyone of your customers do not lease an adspace but makes a $5 sale to a customer who does lease you get the money from the lease. Each lease is priced at different levels with the first earning you unlimited $20 the second I think is $30 and so on.

I hope I was able to clarify this for you a little better, so if you do the math you can figure for yourself the unlimited earning potential.

But you need to get customers and you need to help them understand how all of this works. And with serious people who really want to make money YOU can make excellent money. But if you get nothing but lazy people who won't work or just want a free ride you won't. Of course you may only get people who just wants the products and not the business..but thats still $5 in your pocket whether they do anything else or not.

The programs advertised in the adspaces are designed to pay you residual monthly income from the downlines you build from your customers who joined them through your adspaces. The money to be made in those programs alone can really add up. And your downlines will grow in these programs without you having to do anything more than sell your $5 OBA product.

So if you are able to bring in a good group who is willing and able to lease the adspaces and join the programs under you and stay in them, and you can do this will make thousands!

That is why nobody can tell you how much you will make because there is so many factors involved. But you can make as much as you want to make..there is no limit. It just depends on your efforts and the efforts of your group you bring in.
I hope this helped answer your question.

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#25 · Posted: 16 Apr 2008 13:09

Most buyers won't follw through to set up the OBA
business. $5.oo isn't much of an incentive.

The $5.oo price tag gets people to buy the book but
most people who buy ebooks only read a few pages
anyway. This is well-known in internet marketing circles.

In my experience when there is greater investment
there is greater commitment. In the USA five bucks
isn't much of a commitment. To somebody in Africa it
might be a big deal and that person might take
it a lot more seriously.

Of 17 people who bought the ebook from me so far
only 3 have completed their back-office setup -
showing their intention to promote the program.

One guy bought the Adspace.

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#26 · Posted: 16 Apr 2008 19:24

Of 17 people who bought the ebook from me so far only 3 have completed their back-office setup -
showing their intention to promote the program.

Yeah, $5 can make people look down upon an opportunity.
I have a lot harder time than I can understand getting people to GET PAID $25, just to join TRME - a free to join payment processor.

Here it is someone will GIVE THEM MONEY, and they devalue the opp. as "too good to be true" & "there's gotta be a catch".

Of course, these people know nothing at all about what a payment processor is.
They don't know much about internet marketing either.
Lots of those who know though, will take the opp. and run with it.

How did you get those 17 sales?

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#27 · Posted: 17 Apr 2008 01:01

I sold 1 today so that puts it at 18.

How I sold 18 units of the OBA $5.oo ebook -

I just put links on several of my Veretekk portals
and on the side of my blog and in my sigline on
1 forum where I have made some informative posts.

I have traffic and I have continuity in my marketing -
its far from perfect but I present a somewhat unified
impression that I promote worthwhile stuff.

If I wanted to put the work into it I would build a
squidoo lens and comment on blogs and things like that
to get backlinks to the lens. There are a lot of other
things I could do if I wanted to promote OBA more,
but my test is showing not much of a tendency for
people to follow through and promote it.

Let me put it this way - I could do all this blog stuff and
backlinks and everything to sell that one $5.oo ebook
to people who probably won't read it or benefit or
promote it... or I could promote something where I make
a lot more money on the sale.

Either way you stack it there is a definite correlation between
investment and commitment. If you are building a sales
organization or downline you want you people to be
committed because if they aren't any results they get will
be just dumb luck - usually bad dumb luck.

I was a little reluctant to promote OBA to my list of big-ticket
opportunity seekers, but I emailed the list once as a test
and nobody bought!

Some people will only buy low-price things. Some people
will only buy higher-priced things. Its funny. Its just human
nature to connect value with price.

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#28 · Posted: 26 May 2008 17:57 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan

Some people will only buy low-price things. Some people
will only buy higher-priced things. Its funny. Its just human
nature to connect value with price.

Yes Mailbumentor,
People are a TRIP!!

I have gotten all kinds with OBA.
Those who don't do much of anything, and those that promote well.
I had one 'eager beaver' customer who wouldn't respond to any emails I sent!
Trying to be slick, he went on to develop his OBA downline, BUT was surprised when I got paid for TWO of HIS customers.
Caught up in trying to get $5 payments, he neglected to lease Ad Space #1 which will get you $20 payments!!

He didn't realize that ANY of those $5 customers may want to go further, and get $20 and $30 payments instead of just $5 payments.
I would have told him so, had he responded to my emails!
Had he visited the OBA forum, THEY would have told him the same thing!
Had he read just about ANYTHING on the OBA site - to include the e-book he paid $5 for, he would have found that out real quick!!
But noooo!
Mr Slick, is gonna get all those $5 payments, without taking anyone's advice!
Without even TRYING to find out what OBA is all about.

Soooo, thanx to this customer, I wound up getting FOUR $20 payments this week!
Ib addition to FOUR $5 payments!

So guess what?
That will put me in line for $30 payments!

$5 payments are good, but at OBA that is just the BEGINNING!
You want to get those $20 and $30 payments don't you?

Hell, I GIVE my $5 OBA biz to certain people FOR FREE, just for the follow up payouts!

Don't get hung up on getting $5 payments at OBA!
There's MUCH more to OBA than $5 payments!!

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#29 · Posted: 23 Aug 2008 12:02 · Edited by: 21times

It's nice to find this OBA thread on the WAHF.
Actually it's nice to find the WAHF Forum.

I've been with OBA for a while and spend most of my day in an out
of the OBC (That looks like a Forum but is the heartbeat of OBA).
An average of 20 or so people are joining OBA daily and registering
in the OBC.
Whenever they post questions for help I try to answer as best I
can. It's not always easy to be the first to answer as there are
members from all over the world so there is 24/7 coverage.
Un OBA people confuse online business with online program.
Un OBA people call OBA a program.
OBA is an online business.
Each person involved is an online business owner.
The success of each OBA business is the result of the skills of each
individual OBA business owner.

There are a lot of people for whom OBA is not suited.

My suggestion is try it out for 5 years.
Anyway, the kind of person I would like with me in my OBA is one
who will stick with me for 5 years or so so we can help other like
minded people do the same.


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#30 · Posted: 23 Feb 2009 18:51

Just came accross this one, looks
good, but who knows for sure, Look forward
to your post on this. Thanks

What is the Online Business Alliance?
An Honest Review
I stumbled across what appeared to be a legitimate money-making opportunity a few months ago. It is a program called the Online Business Alliance (OBA).

While it sounded reasonable to pay a simple 5.00 fee to purchase an eBook, and at the same time, receive a membership to the Online Business Alliance where you can have access to a wealth of information about starting an online business.

What it really turned out to be, is a front-end for an individual calling himself Dave. Now what Dave has created in reality is the ultimate lie. Dave is nothing more then a network marketer that has created the ultimate recruiting machine. Ever individual that joins the OBA is offered the opportunity to purchase what Dave calls "AdSpaces," which are nothing more then memberships into other network marketing programs that Dave is already a member. By doing this, you immediately become a down-line member of Dave's multi-level-marketing (MLM) stream of income.

Sure, Dave makes it appear as though he is helping people start their own business. He touts the business plan information, marketing strategies, etc. But what Dave doesn't tell you is how you have just become another down-line member in his own MLM. Dave is making money off of every single person in OBA, not only from the money they pay to OBA, but to the money they pay to the other MLM programs (ooops, Dave calls them AdSpaces). What a joke!

Now you may ask, how do I know these things? Well, I joined OBA to find out what type of a program it really was. Oh, by the way, Dave tells me that OBA is not a "program," but rather a "business" that you own and operate, and he does nothing more then provide you information.

Well, I did find some wonderful people that participate regularly in the user forums, and you can find a wealth of information sharing going on in those forums. However, if you want to make any real money as a member of OBA, you must do so by buying and selling AdSpaces (Dave's personal down-line wealth formula for his own riches)!

Anytime I questioned Dave or disagreed with Dave in the user forums, I was blatantly chastised on the forums by Dave, where he would twist my words, called me a liar, and clearly stated that I was dishonest. That was the final straw. As a retired Veteran and businessman that owns and operates two successful brick-and-mortar businesses, my integrity and honesty are of the utmost importance to me. To have someone getting rich off of people through sheer deception call me a liar and a dishonest person was the final straw!

Do you want to be part of a Socialist Regime operated by a lunatic MLMer?
My recommendation on OBA?

RUN, Don't Walk to the Nearest Exit.

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#31 · Posted: 25 Feb 2009 03:17

Do you want to be part of a Socialist Regime operated by a lunatic MLMer?
My recommendation on OBA?

You make a number of good points.
OBA and Dave are far from perfect.

And it would be good for them to hear some criticisms like this.

I don't agree with all of your observations though.

And I'd be curious as to how you know how the money flows all towards Dave Grey.

I don't pretend to know how it's all structured, but you are not purchasing ad spaces for one thing, but leasing them.
And there is no obligation to do so.
But that will enable you to permanently make money doing so.
And you can make even MORE money by buying into the adspace OFFERS - the onine biz's that are 'advertised' on the ad space.

That forum is filled with a LOT of different types of folx.
If, like I have, you too have been involved in some of those heated, extended and pointless discussions - like whether or not you OWN your OBA biz, you should have gotten some PM's from the OBA (OBC) members who see through some of the BS that I do agree is presented in the OBA forum (OBC).

Its an ALLIANCE of human beings after all.
Some more perfect than others.
Some less so.

BUT you CAN make money with the OBA system.

AND if any one cares to, they can PM me and MAYBE, I'll let them joing OBA FOR FREE!!!

YES, I will let them have their own OBA franchise and WAIVE the entry cost.

THEN, you can check it out for yourself!

(I won't be doing this for EVERYONE, or FOR EVER, but if you PM me,
well that's the only way I will do it, IF I will!!)

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#32 · Posted: 12 Nov 2009 13:19

l read the posts and note sure if l will join at present

Fast Cycling 2x1 Forced Matrix 2 referrals then you cycle, free re-entry back into the matrix one off payment
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#33 · Posted: 18 Nov 2009 19:59

That offer of mine is off for now.

good luck 2u...

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#34 · Posted: 13 Apr 2010 00:39

There's some sort of funny business at work with the OBA downlines.

I don't keep current with it, admittedly.

It seems most of my "downline", who are inactive, have been compressed out. Only one person is in it now, who signed up several months ago.

Out of 18-20 people I've now got one. There's no visible record of my "qualification" in the 1-up ad program and my original sponsor is now somebody else.

Something STINKS!

If this program is gonna delete your downlines, there's bound to be other stupidity.

No longer recommended.

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#35 · Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:50

It seems most of my "downline", who are inactive, have been compressed out. Only one person is in it now, who signed up several months ago.

Out of 18-20 people I've now got one. There's no visible record of my "qualification" in the 1-up ad program and my original sponsor is now somebody else.


I just checked my account.
Although I have been inactive for over a year, nothing in my account has changed.
I have the same customer list.
I have members that have been inactive for more than a year - but no deletions.

I will admit that there are some definite ATTITUDE ISSUES going on at OBA, but nothing like what you describe here!!!

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#36 · Posted: 5 Sep 2011 01:47

Hi there,

I'd love a mentor! Would you please be my mentor?


natstar ;-)
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#37 · Posted: 5 Sep 2011 02:09

how do i private msg u? im so new to the internet

natstar ;-)
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#38 · Posted: 14 Sep 2011 20:35

I got the hell OWT of OBA because I truly don't believe there is much being made in the way of income.

No doubt, you can eventually earn a few bucks, I did(!), BUT it seems that most people are spending 2 to 3 hours EACH DAY on Traffic Exchanges - judging from OBA forum comments that say as much, and not getting much in the way of income as a result.

Just not worth the time imho.

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