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EZ Wealth Solutions

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#21 · Posted: 20 Jul 2009 20:50

I have only been a member for a week and I love the things I have been seeing.
A friend sent me a link where people were really bagging the company, which depressed me totally. So I am glad I found this site because this has to work for me and I truly believe it will.

The pay it forward idea is great. The movie it comes from is brilliant.

Thank you all for your feedback.

Great to see you join this biz. Laurence.
People love this business because it works.

Much success Laurence


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#22 · Posted: 20 Jul 2009 22:39

Hi Guy,

I am not sure how long you have been involved but my perspective has changed somewhat.
I don't know why but I have gotten over 100 hits on my ads of people looking at the site, 22 tours and no sign-ups as yet.

I am beginning to wonder what is wrong.



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#23 · Posted: 21 Jul 2009 19:54

I am not sure how long you have been involved but my perspective has changed somewhat.
I don't know why but I have gotten over 100 hits on my ads of people looking at the site, 22 tours and no sign-ups as yet.

I am beginning to wonder what is wrong

Hi Laurence, Where did you get those hits on your ads?
All I can say is to keep on working on your biz. 22 sign-ups is great. Don't give up.


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#24 · Posted: 21 Jul 2009 20:53

Hi Guy,

I think you misunderstood me.
22 people did sign up to take the tour BUT nobody has become a reseller as yet.
I have a couple of favourite classified ad sites I use. I have tried numerous ones and use traxad to see what works.
so 100 but ZERO is the concern,



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#25 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 10:41

It is not that you are doing anything wrong, its just that there is no product that has any value. What a great ploy they came up with. Imagine paying other people's way in. HMMMM I just wonder how many people paid the way in for others and how many of those people did anything with this no product deal? Just curious.

I got to give credit to this company though, I quess they figure that once your in you have to continue spending money on other people to get them involved. Very unique, I must say, kind of like there depending on YOU to give up all YOUR cash to THEM on a false premis, going for this pay it forward concept. OH boy! What a deal!

Understand this, that even when folks pay there own way in and give the biz. a meager try and when they get no results, they quit and scurry away onto the next so called big thing. Sorry, but paying somebody else's way in is crazy man.
Think about it, that's all.



[email protected]
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#26 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 11:58

I think skydancer you don't have a good understanding of the payplan of Ez Wealth Solution, you have to pay the way in to any sign-up only once to your sponsor and all the other time, it's like you pay it to yourself.
You should watch the video skydancer to see how it really works.

best regards

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#27 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 14:44

Hi Guy,

Do YOU have any suggestions, seeing you are also doing this??

I can get the hits, but not the tours, and I get no upline support either, which makes me more frustrated.




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#28 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 14:49

Hi Laurence,

Yes I believe I can help you.


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#29 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 14:53

What do you suggest then Guy?




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#30 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 14:56

I recommend you to send me an email and we will discuss on possibilities available to you.


p.s.: I've sent you a PM

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#31 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 18:24

Hotconcept, I have a question since you have been in it for so long. I looked at the opportunity about the same time you joined, and I chose not to because of the pay it forward concept they have. Not that I wouldn't like to have someone pay my way into an opportunity, but I thought it would be hard with referrals after I paid my way in. I was thinking that it might create some sort of "welfare mentality" with people, seeing as how they in turn would have to pay their referrals way in.

So, have you had any problems with your referrals activity as far as them getting new recruits? Or have you simply chosen to build wide and not worry about what they are doing?

I agree with you. I think it's a way to lur people in then if they are in then they find out they of to pay as soon as they sign up. How do you pay someones way into a program when u don't even know if they are in it for the long hall. Some people jump on this and as soon as they are in and see something not happening they quit. It encourages people to be lazy too.

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#32 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 18:33

I agree with you. I think it's a way to lur people in then if they are in then they find out they of to pay as soon as they sign up. How do you pay someones way into a program when u don't even know if they are in it for the long hall. Some people jump on this and as soon as they are in and see something not happening they quit. It encourages people to be lazy too.

Again, each has his own opinion. That's why there are some many opportunities. A biz is good for someone and none for another.
EZ Wealth Solution is a great home based biz opportunity. Their payplan is great.
I love this business.

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#33 · Posted: 1 Sep 2009 21:31

I am with Ez Wealth and have been since April. I love it! It is the only internet marketing business out there that pays 100% and the team I am on has great support and trainings. I have been doing well and only spend $10 per month admin fee.

Hope that helps

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#34 · Posted: 1 Sep 2009 23:03

Hey everyone

So far, by August 31, 2009, EZ Wealth Solution Have done over ONE MILLION Dollars in Sales!
No Doubt that we are a Trusworthy Business.

100% of The Money Was Paid To Our Associates! $1,025,830.00

I love this business.

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#35 · Posted: 17 Sep 2009 20:44

Great to hear. I know there are some great programs out there but its the way they are marketed that make me think twice before joining. As my friend say its better to have a business than none at all.

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#36 · Posted: 18 Sep 2009 07:23

You are so right zedra.

It's better to have a business than none at all, but I would add that it's even better when you have a business that helps you make money like Ez Wealth Solution.

I love this business. We keep 100% on commissions.
We are paid right away, don't need to wait in 30 days.

Enjoy the ride zedra


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#37 · Posted: 20 Sep 2009 09:19

I also had trouble with getting help with my sponser but not
everyone works this way . I myself feel somewhat obligated in helping my new referrals get started and making money!

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#38 · Posted: 21 Sep 2009 05:59

It's important to be a good sponsor and to have a good sponsor.
Working together will make us stronger.

have a great day

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#39 · Posted: 21 Sep 2009 06:21

Hi, I'm a new kid here so forgive me.
I joined EZ Wealth and just starting. Who knows what will come of it. My sponsor is doing really well and lots of others in the team too & there is a lot of support. I have tried a lot of things but this is the best I have come across - the ongoing fee is so low and the potential is so great. And I think the Pay it Forward plan is really smart.

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#40 · Posted: 21 Sep 2009 06:25

Hi, I'm a new kid here so forgive me.
I joined EZ Wealth and just starting. Who knows what will come of it. My sponsor is doing really well and lots of others in the team too & there is a lot of support. I have tried a lot of things but this is the best I have come across - the ongoing fee is so low and the potential is so great. And I think the Pay it Forward plan is really smart.

Hey Graham

Very nice post for a new kid. Enjoy the ride with EZ Wealth Solution. I love this business Graham.

Have a great day

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