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MPB Today

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#81 · Posted: 19 May 2011 01:14

That's nice if some of the Diamonds are doing that consistently week end and week out. And congrates to those that have earned that at all.

But let be clear on somethings. MPB Today changed their comp plan because the 2x2 one-time pay cycler was on death row, as usual. The owner essentially admits such in his video on the much needed changes to the comp plan earlier this year.

As to grocery home delivery that's not what MPB is about, or more so truly doing. It's about your Cash Walmart Card to go to the store and buy your groceries Free from the earnings. Not particularly an issue, but we are Not looking at a company making head way into, as you put it, "85 Billion grocery home delivery aspect." If you are "selling" that then

All that being said, I will say that the change in the comp plan to create residuals from those under you as they cycle, which was done by removing some cash from the initial pay plan to the new one's phase 2, is nice and puts a different cashflow spin on it that helps significantly keep money coming into members without personally cycling again. However, it is still built around a one-time pay cycler which has zero established, and a poor existing, history of providing a monthly residual income as whole to participants.

The bottom line is the mathematics works drastically against you because no income is produced on a monthly residual basis on existing team members. Generating sustainable monthly residual income from a one-time pay biz oppty is a fallacy based on mathematical facts. Thus my point remains still true, MPB Today does not have an effective MONTHLY residual comp plan that supports the free groceries theme or the elimination of one's monthly grocery bill.

Now if one can get their daily/monthly hustle on from a direct sale perspective each month with a team doing the same then there will be those continue to profit monthly.

All the best.

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#82 · Posted: 16 Jun 2011 16:38 · Edited by: made2prosper

I LOVE MPBToday!!!

I do not have an ILL word against them...I am now at the RUBY Level!! WOOO HOOOO

It is only getting better. I say JUMP in this one ASAP!!

You Know Anyone That Would Like FREE Groceries?
**Of Course You Do - CLICK HERE**

Scott Bland
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#83 · Posted: 16 Jun 2011 16:43


Do you know anyone who would be interested in Free Groceries? You can eliminate one of your biggest expenses with this program. We are just getting started and we thought of you. Let us know if you or anyone you know would like more information.

This is just WAY too Powerful and Simple not to Pass Along!

Have you ever sat down and calculated how much you spend on groceries and gasoline every week?

How would you feel if there was a way you could have your Groceries and Gasoline paid?

Here's the deal...

Do You Know At Least 2 People that Eat, Buy Gasoline or Shop at Walmart?


Would you spend $200 (one-time out-of-pocket) to TOTALLY ELIMINATE Your Grocery and Gasoline Bill FOREVER?

What if you received a Walmart card for the full $200 to buy the same name-brand grocery items you are used to getting elsewhere? Or, you could use the card for anything Walmart and Sam's Club sells such as Gasoline, Prescriptions, Electronics, Furniture, Tires & MORE!

Plus, earn $100 to $400 cash! Each personal sale you make $50. each sale!

That's right, a $200 Walmart card and $100 to $400 cash!

You can do this Monthly, Weekly or Daily (multiple times) as often as you'd like; it's up to you. There is NO Limit on what you can Earn...

It's simple... Tell 2 of your friends that tell 2 of their friends (a total of only 6 people) and you will earn a $100 to $400 check paid directly to you and have $200 of groceries delivered to you or you may choose a $200 Walmart card!

Talk about simple! And it makes sense! Everybody buys groceries. Everyone has to purchase gasoline for their car.

Hey, we're Excited... this is very cool. Think about ALL the people 
you know that would say YES!!!

"WHY? Because at the very least you are getting $200 worth of groceries that you can request anytime. If you request it early... you just pay shipping, but once you qualify, shipping is FREE!"

You can pay to come in with any major credit card.

Hurry before your friends are calling you!!!

Just imagine... Cash $$$ PLUS $200 of Pre-paid Groceries or you may choose a $200 Walmart Gift Card to use to buy anything Walmart or Sam's Club sells.

Available in the Continental U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

Scott Bland

PS: CALL ME! I will give you the GOOD, BAD, and the UGLY...If you don't call then we both lose!

You Know Anyone That Would Like FREE Groceries?
**Of Course You Do - CLICK HERE**

Scott Bland
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#84 · Posted: 30 Jun 2011 17:46

I semi-retired in 2010 and had not built a team in over 10 years. The grocery delivery trend has so much upside potential, this program brought me out of retirement and we are building a nationwide team.

I encourage people to take some time and get the facts for themselves, our experience is when people truly evaluate the risk vs. rewards with this program it is a "No Brainer"

This truly is the best opportunity I have seen in 30 years.

Dale C

Full-Time dedicated MPB Diamond Distributor with proven training and support programs helping people across the United States and Canada create wealth.
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#85 · Posted: 10 Jul 2011 01:02

Yes MPBToday is going EXTREMELY well for me and my wife. If you have any questions...let me know!

You Know Anyone That Would Like FREE Groceries?
**Of Course You Do - CLICK HERE**

Scott Bland
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#86 · Posted: 21 Jul 2011 14:09

Hi my name is allison931. I recently joined MPB Today and think it is a wonderful company. I have spoken with quite a few from the organization and they are really wonderful.
We can not expect that this is a get rich sceme and you will make thousands right away. Slow and steady is the best. Everyone needs groceries and when they get it they will join. It also has to do with where you live. Up in New York is quite a bit harder.

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#87 · Posted: 5 Jan 2012 15:30


Over six months since these rave reviews, and now nothing, so how is it going for you few who were raving about this deal back in July of 2011? Inquiring minds want to know.

Success to all,

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#88 · Posted: 30 Jan 2012 03:21

Over six months since these rave reviews, and now nothing, so how is it going for you few who were raving about this deal back in July of 2011? Inquiring minds want to know.

heheh. I am involved with MPB Today. They have helped a lot of people. I have moved on to Lyoness because I like the flexibility of residual income on any product as opposed to just one (grocery delivery/walmart cards).

And I like that you get immediate cashback in Lyoness whereas you are kinda holding your breath in MPB today until you cycle that first time.

And the compensation module in Lyoness does not have front-end, gateway and back-end. There are 10 residual income streams available to all members at all career levels.

Unfortunately Lyoness is in PHase 2 in the US which means you must buy $450 in gift cards $225 in Accounting Units to get started.. sort of similar to cashing in your grocery voucher as soon as you join MPB today. Phase 3 will change that... then there is no initial purchase required to be a member.

I'm still scratching my head about one thing Gary Johnson said in the super-charged comp plan conference call. He said the leaders were guaranteed a $25 payment per sale anywhere in their downline, regardless of how deep it was... is that really possible?

Lyoness - your shopping as your business!
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#89 · Posted: 30 Jan 2012 06:54

heheh. I am involved with MPB Today. They have helped a lot of people. I have moved on to Lyoness because I like the flexibility of residual income on any product as opposed to just one (grocery delivery/walmart cards).

Looks like most moved on like you, and if MPB was sustainable, there would be tons of posts, but few ever cycled because this comp. plan is seriously flawed, and as usual, only those in first who pound it hard make the money, 99% don't even break even. Good luck with Lyoness, another same old same old, pay to play.

Success to all,

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#90 · Posted: 30 Jan 2012 08:57

if MPB was sustainable, there would be tons of posts,

Let's see the beliefs underlying this statement:
1 - there is a direct relation between the success of MPB Today and whether or not they are posting at work at home forum. I'm not sure if I buy that

But the one thing that happened with MPB Today is they created a lucrative front-end but most people compensated themselves via walmart gift cards. But the original product was home grocery delivery.

But now they are tasked with turning a walmart gift card factory into a home grocery delivery company. And the gateway is not a one-time purchase thing. You have monthly personal grocery and training video purchases to make.

but few ever cycled because this comp. plan is seriously flawed,

What is flawed about a 2x2 cycler with follow-me and spillover? Not much... the flaw I see is $200.00 is a lot of money for some people. I liked how Residual Cash Blaster had a 2x2 matrix that had a $7.00 entry fee and then you went to $20.00 and so forth.... it's much easier to sell people on $7.00 tan $200.00.

Lyoness - your shopping as your business!
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Posts: 359
#91 · Posted: 30 Jan 2012 09:31 · Edited by: FREEBUSINESSES

Let's see the beliefs underlying this statement:1 - there is a direct relation between the success of MPB Today and whether or not then are posting at work at home forum. I'm not sure if I buy that

If you are on as many forums as I am, and seeing the same dead threads, just like this one went dead over six months ago, they you wouldn't question the fact most quit when they cannot even break even on their $200. plus investment.

Success to all,

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#92 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 00:26

The 2x2 follow me to riches from board to board to board isn't fatal in and of itself, albeit it few to none hit the "big boards" to riches except those that start the company, and an elite few, or those that put money back in to help with the stall to push up thus diluting actual earning.

Simple fact is using a 2x2 comp plan to leverage into a monthly residual building component with your existing team is what can work with some lasting success. Anything else has proven to be a joke in the mlm industry. The dream of residual income via series of 2x2's, 2x3's boards based on a one-time pay to get started is a continuous fantasy that keeps popping up all over the internet world.

Now if one is going for just straight cash, like direct sales, that's a different story. However that's not how the 2x2's cycle to mega dollars is sold.

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#93 · Posted: 31 Jan 2012 20:01

It's really just like Primerica or something where you really need to keep bringing in bodies or there's simply no more cash... it's not genuinely residual.

That's why they are pushing so hard for people to enter the gateway but I'm already at the bottom of the heap in the front-end so why should I be lining someone's pockets in the gate way.

Lyoness - your shopping as your business!
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#94 · Posted: 10 Feb 2012 16:53

I have been reading these posts for a while, and your right, the momentem seems to be slowing, certianly these posts are. I have been in over a year, and have been conceirned about the lack of focus of the grocery delivery portion of the business. Getting Walmart cards is fine at first, but the reason I got in is the ability to get in front of the Mega Trend.

Can't get a straight answer from others:
Gary said there are 12 I-Hubs and growing, are they currently delivering/open for pick-up? How many orders a day?
I believe in my heart MPB is sitting on a goldmine (the grocery [b]delivery/pick-up business)[b]. They just need to exacute. Corparte calls have lost their energy, some high level people have disengauged. Looks like management has tried to fix some of the obvious problems (open cycles, 90 day limatations etc.) Thats great, hope it's not to late. I miss the daily sizzle calls, and the excitement of new blood, and new success stories. Debra's was one if the best, average people doing extrordanary things.

My hope is that one of the new I-Hubs does a moon shot, just like the company did early on. Show people putting big money in their pockets, inspire me with a real life examples. Show me the money!

$5K a month is not an interest, is anybody at the $30-50K per month level? Thank goodness for Dale Calvert, a great product, no BS, and a path to follow.
Others companies are getting traction in this industry, it would be a shame to see others blow past MPB/Southwestern after their early success.

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#95 · Posted: 12 Feb 2012 12:18


Yes, getting ahead of a trend is what I look for, just as I did on first grocery deliver service decades ago, but every single one died the same death due to shipping charges and supplier issues. When you look back over the history of home grocery delivery services, very few are successful unless they are in highly populated area like NYC where a few have been operating. Shipping costs is the killer, and in FL only a few areas of higher population would be barely profitable with the rising costs of shipping.

Success to all,

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#96 · Posted: 14 Feb 2012 22:43

Not sure if MPB has the fomula with shipping charges of only 10%, but they are triing. Love to know how many orders they ship a day (if any).
A new company has come out with the idea of buying wholesale, then shipping dry goods to their customers across the lower 48, at low or NO cost. Comming on line this spring.
I can't believe their is no activity on this blog, have all MPBers quit?

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