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One Week Marketing

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#21 · Posted: 30 Oct 2008 23:15

It doesn't go into detail about keyword research, but she stresses not to obsess about it.. she says that people can spend days trying to find that perfect keyword with little competition and high search volume.

Exactly. I only spend about 1 hour researching the keywords I use for my articles and lenses.

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#22 · Posted: 5 Apr 2009 06:04

I am planing to earn from it as affiliate its good to know it works

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#23 · Posted: 6 Apr 2009 14:08

As far as I am concerned,

All the affiliate prgrams theories, are similar..

How they are approaching to customers are different I think.

What ever programs you use, just stick out, do not change

programs or business plan at the middle of work because you are

not making a sale

Just go step by step what they are telling you to learn.

And I hope you will get good results soon

Happy day~^^

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#24 · Posted: 26 Jun 2009 01:46

Jennifer with One Week Marketing is getting ready to send out a bonus guide to all the One Week Marketers next week on how to deal with the changes that are happening at Squidoo... if you did not get an email about it she says if you have purchased the One Week Marketing plan already the bonus guide will be free...

In order to get the free bonus guide your purchase of OWM must be made before the 30th of June.

Also if you download the free 18 page report from her site you will get her updates and news I believe.... although I am not sure what all you get, as those of us that are using the OWM get emails all the time (or should be ) with all kinds of updates, etc.

Have a great night - I am off to lala land.

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#25 · Posted: 26 Jun 2009 06:17

In order to get the free bonus guide your purchase of OWM must be made before the 30th of June.

Only a few more days before it's gone!

Why there's no mention about this at

If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
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#26 · Posted: 26 Jun 2009 09:09 · Edited by: mountainmom5

Only a few more days before it's gone!

Why there's no mention about this at

It's only for the subscribers.... and if you are a subscriber and don't get the bonus report by the 1st, you can send in a help ticket to her at with a copy of your receipt to get it.

I mentioned it here because it IS such a short notice and I don't want anyone to miss it, that is a OWMer.

edited to say that she does talk about it on her potpiegirl website.

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#27 · Posted: 26 Jun 2009 09:13 · Edited by: mountainmom5

I think that one week marketing is not doing a very good job on the most important part, which is keyword research.

Have you read her posts on her website on the keyword research? The OWM plan is one of the best plans as far as having an action plan for using free methods, and I learned a lot about keyword research by the additional things she has added to her site and that she sends to us on a regular basis that are using her system.

But I agree - keyword research is very important. Sometimes it gets me though when I research for half an hour to get a good or what I think it a cool, keyword phrase, and then it just sits there and then there are times when I just slap an article together it rises to the top with no effort. Go figure!

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#28 · Posted: 26 Jun 2009 11:56

I am a OWM fan. Purchased about a month ago and finally started making money. It just helps to have a plan all laid out for you because it is so easy to get sidetracked. I now have her plan to memory and have added things to it to make it work even better.

If you are want to get up and running fast and you have your product, I say it is worth it. Customer service is great too. I am not the most computer literate person in the world here. lol. I could not even open the ebook, it was zipped and I was clueless, she emailed me back and forth several times and helped my figure it out which impressed me.

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#29 · Posted: 21 Jul 2009 14:36

Hello, I recently purchased One Week Marketing course. I created 7 Squidoo lenses on my niche. I was required to do a blog post at I did exactly that. However when I try to search for my blog post, I couldn't find it. What is going on? Is that website working? Can anybody tell me please. Thanks a lot!!!!

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#30 · Posted: 22 Jul 2009 23:14

I was required to do a blog post at

Hello and congrats on your progress! I am not sure how that site works either except to create some backlinks for your blog and/or Squidoo lenses - kinda like Digg... maybe Robin has some better understanding of that...

I know with places like Digg, once you submit a short blog "blurb" it quickly gets buried under a ton of other stuff but it does work to get traffic to your sites so as long as those sites work - that's all right with me, until my feeble brain can get itself wrapped around all the concepts.

Margo Tuul
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#31 · Posted: 4 Oct 2009 11:48

Was just reading in other posts, where people ask about good internet marketing programs etc. And i can seen OWM is everywhere. Can someone please explain me, how this product is anywhere close to being good?

I bought this myself some time ago, and after 2 days, asked for refund. Why? I mean seriously. Would you pay money on something, what tells you how to search in google? OWM tells you how to create a lens in squidoo (free guide in How to ping your lens (free guide in squidoo). Where to post articles (search article directories in google - so free again). How to get backlinks (free information out there, google mostly and forums). How to connect squidoo lenses (featured lens module). I mean all information in OWM is out there for free. Either in squidoo forum, other people lenses or google.

And you are not going to succeed online if you follow this "one week 1 campaign". First you need to master one, succeed there...then you can either improve it...or go for next. Doing many different things on same time...will lead to fail.
If you treat your business like a hobby or get crap and hobby results. Focus.

Lets even take baseball. Will you be a top class player, if you play for fun, lets say hour a week. And next week you play hour again. Spend hour in gym, something else...another week something else, few hours baseball. I mean think about it.
But lets say you stay on baseball and want to get better. So you keep playing. Improve more and other sports. Just focus. Which way you become top class player? Doing bit of this...and bit of that...OR...doing only 1 thing.

OWM tells you to do bit of this and that. Every week something different. So how can you get any better?

I would set goals to myself. Like how much i want to make per month, what i need to do, to get this far. If i have completed my goals...and i have succeeded...i move on to new niche, OR...i will stay there...make it even better....get even more money rolling in.

So can someone please explain me, how this product is good. Or am i wrong here. Is doing "bit of this and that" good or is "full focus" good.

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#32 · Posted: 6 Oct 2009 08:39


It is true that all of the information in OWM can be
found for free somewhere. But most people don't
know what they need to do so how could they know
to look for it? The step-by-step instructions if
very helpful.

The great thing about OWM is that all of the
information is given to you without you having
to go hunt for it. And if you are anewbie you
don't know what you need to do in the first place
so how can you find it online if you don't know
what you are looking for.

With OWM it is laid out step-by-step, do this,
then do this. It is a very well done program
and you receive lots of updates from PotPieGirl
when there are changes or if she has an idea
that will help you make your lens better or make more

It is definitely worth the price to have everything
in a step-by-step manner to follow. It is very
precise and once you have one lens done, you
go to the next and do the same step-by-step again.
It is not going in a lot of different directions.
It is very helpful.


Rebecca West
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#33 · Posted: 6 Oct 2009 09:12

Becky nailed it!

All I know is that I thought I knew everything about building lenses but I could not get traffic to them until I used the OWM plan (and actually it is probably all the little tricks she throws in here and there).

Yeah, I agree, I probably did not take the time to find all the stuff on Google that she mentions , and everyone is in a different place with their IM experience.... but it was actually the Conversation with Nick that helped me the most.

I guess I have not ever downloaded anything or bought anything that I did not learn from in some way or other.

OWM tells you to do bit of this and that. Every week something different

I am not sure what you are talking about here - I guess maybe you didn't read all of it in the two days.

Margo Tuul
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#34 · Posted: 6 Oct 2009 13:52

So its a good idea, to take money from people, who don't know anything? But thats gives me a big opportunity to make my own product. Mostly about squidoo and stuff...charge half what is OWM and im pretty sure i will do well. Lets say "7 day marketing plan". But i wont do it. I want people to remember me, who gives information for free. Look at Travis Sago. A great man. Should be in history books. Why? He gives out great information for free. And why he makes more sales than PotPieGirl? He made BUM Marketing...for free. People trust and follow him. Then he makes sales. A lot of sales. Because people follow him...they know his stuff is good.

Mountainmom: what i mean is: OWM tells you "one campaign per week". Right? If you think im wrong...ill take a screenshot from the guide. Guide starts with "search 1 niche". And at the end of the guide...its says everything repeats. So next week you start with new niche. I mean seriously...think about it. Its so wrong. You fail badly. You make more money with 10 huge campaigns than 52 crap campaigns.

I didnt have to read it more than 2 days. You understand pretty fast that " every week different campaign" is a fail. Or every week new niche. And i know im right here...working every week on different bad.

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#35 · Posted: 6 Oct 2009 14:48

I didnt have to read it more than 2 days. You understand pretty fast that " every week different campaign" is a fail. Or every week new niche. And i know im right here...working every week on different bad.

Okay - gotcha. I think I understand now.

Yes, you have a point there. I don't do a campaign per week and it usually takes me longer than a week to set one up.

I am sure you will agree that when you first get started with affiliate marketing, and until you get your feet wet, so to speak, there is a lot of trial and error in finding your "niche"..

Some of those campaigns that get set up will do well, and others will produce nothing.

It's the life of Internet Marketing.

I personally work more with SBI and use what I have learned with OWM , Bum Marketing, 30 Day Challenge etc along with that to make a much bigger campaign than simply setting up a few lenses.

However, I do promote OWM and will continue to do so, as it was what helped me over the hump in understanding a lot of stuff, and I am sure others will continue to benefit from it.

You make more money with 10 huge campaigns than 52 crap campaigns.

You are so right - and that is covered in OWM as well.... to focus on the campaigns that are making sales and keep building on them, posting to blogs, adding lenses, etc... until you are ready to build your own website and then you will be beyond the training that is in OWM anyways..

Margo Tuul
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#36 · Posted: 7 Oct 2009 05:02

Oh we got somewhere . And thats why i said, its bad idea to create lots of campaigns. Only few will do and you can make lots of money. And there isnt point to create campiagn, if you dont do a research and a lot of it. Then go and test it. Its pointless to create it...then test it. Waste of time...but time is money

So to really its kinda good, but what she charges for it...unreal. There is forums, where you can get basics. Like this one here

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#37 · Posted: 7 Oct 2009 12:44

So to really its kinda good, but what she charges for it...unreal

The basic plan for $47 is not bad.... it's basically what most people are charging for that kind of a program. (some are way more, in fact) About the price of a tank of gas.... except it can help you a bit more than getting a couple miles down the road. lol

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#38 · Posted: 13 Oct 2009 16:32

The value of OWM is the daily and weekly tasks. I am not a big fan of Squidoo to make money.

Use this plan to create websites or blogs that you own.

Newbie Shield
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#39 · Posted: 13 Oct 2009 17:25

This is hilarious on all fronts, seriously.

Here's the deal - what matters more - providing true value for your readership or making a quick buck?

~Newbie Shield~

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#40 · Posted: 13 Oct 2009 20:29 · Edited by: mountainmom5

Newbie Shield:
This is hilarious on all fronts, seriously.

Here's the deal - what matters more - providing true value for your readership or making a quick buck?

Thanks I receive that....

p.s. did it cross your mind to get out the wooden spoon? I learn best that way, you know...

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