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Help and learn from my mistake newbies

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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 538
#1 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 06:00

Yesterday Squidoo locked my lens, I had 14. It seems I had duplicate content in 2 of them. It is my error as I did not read the tos thouroughly. That is a lot of work gone. I have tons of links floating out there that I will never be able to track down that will now just go to la la land. I disputed, but they refused and will be deleting my lens.

I had purchased 12 domain names over the past several months and at the advice of one of the authors that I am an affiliate for, I forwarded the sales pages to these domains. It took me all day yesterday but I pulled every article and forwarded the links to the domain names. The articles all went back live the same day.

Question #1 Is this a bad move?
Question #2 Squidoo said I could still create lens, if I do it on the same topic, will it be deleted again.
Question #3 Is there an alternative that I am not aware of.

Reality #3 Its time to build my own site

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#2 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 12:06 · Edited by: A8ch

Hello Robin,

Sorry to hear of your Squidoo "slap" and I applaud your taking immediate steps to salvage what you could from the situation. How you respond to a situation is more important than the situation itself. Plus, you gain wisdom and confidence as a result.

Question #1 Is this a bad move?

I'm not sure what your question is referring to. If you are talking about forwarding the affiliate sales pages to your 12 domains, that seems to be the reverse of what you'd want to do.

The affiliate sales page is where you ultimately want the prospect to go to buy the product. Your domain should function as a tool to "warm up" and encourage the prospect to head over to the affiliate page and do business.

Question #2 Squidoo said I could still create lens, if I do it on the same topic, will it be deleted again.

To be safe, I would ask the folks at Squidoo, and get the answer directly from the horse's mouth.

Question #3 Is there an alternative that I am not aware of.

There are always alternatives. You could reproduce similar content on Squidoo-like sites, such as HubPages, Weebly, BlinkWeb and StumbleUpon for starters. Spread the risk (and the wealth) around.

Your experience has highlighted three important reminders:

1. It's important to read, understand and comply with the TOS of someone else's website you use.
2. You should always anticipate unexpected situations (they are inevitable) and have a Plan B handy.
3. Your ability to create is superior to anything you could create.

And so it goes...


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#3 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 12:20

Hello Robin,

I do feel for you.

I was using Social Marker last year, happily submitting and was banned from Slashdot, as so many people are.

I have no idea why I was banned, cannot access my account, and they are not helpful.
I sent the nicest letter to them too.

Please review this.

I would not use the same topic..unless you are certain you may.

Always keep a copy of your content.
I have mine stored within Rapid Writer, the Wealthy Affiliate content tool.
You can just save it to a Notepad file.

I hope this helps!

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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 538
#4 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 12:22

What I did to be more specific is I forwarded the sales page to a few domain names and replaced the link to my lens in my articles with a link to the domain name which now has the sales page, so yes a step is missing. Funny thing though, I have made 3 sales this morning already so I am sitting here going hmmmm.

I did get the impression that I can still use squidoo from the email they sent me but I don't know if I am reading that correctly and I don't want to put in more work only to be slapped again.

I will do as you say Hermas and go to Squidoo and ask. I love Squidoo and I would hate it if I could not use it anymore. Thanks for your imput so much.

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#5 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 12:23

Thanks Victoria, that helps a lot. The learning never stops.

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#6 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 17:01

Maybe you need to get that SBI site going afterall.

And no, the learning never stops. I guess I better go and check my Squidoo lenses....

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#7 · Posted: 1 Oct 2009 21:17

My thoughts exactly. Reason for everything. No accidents. Just in my opinion.

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#8 · Posted: 4 Oct 2009 23:23

I just want to say that I'm so sorry this happened to you. I have been having some problems with Squidoo lately (not nearly to the same extent, but my best lens is under review for who knows what reason). I put so much effort into it and I just hope that the whole thing's cleared up. But I understand how you feel. I would definitely try contacting them and explaining the situation. If you've been a lensmaster for a long time you should be able to explain to them that you're a loyal member and it was an honest mistake.


Jean LA
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Posts: 177
#9 · Posted: 6 Oct 2009 20:47

There are lots of topics that squidoo will not accept like pharmaceuticals. You should adhere by the rules in order for you lenses to be active.

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