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How to write about something you don't know about?

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#1 · Posted: 1 Jul 2008 19:23

Hi all,

I'm in the process of studying (bum marketing methods). The one thing I don't get is-if you find a profitable niche and don't know about it-how do you write about it?

This is in reference to using squidoo.I haven't taken the squidoo plunge yet.

The other question I have is:

I have a regular Ebay affilaite website-would it be helpful to build a squidoo lens about this niche and link to my ebay affiliate site?

Any advice would be much appreciated!


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#2 · Posted: 1 Jul 2008 20:15


If you dont really have any knowledge of a subject then you really shouldnt write about it.

But you could go research any topic and then put your own spin on it.

Any linking your site from your lens would be a great idea as long as the lens topic is somehow related. Thats what most of us use the lenses for. Its just another WEB2.0 method to bring traffic.

Hope this helps.

And if you are new to Squidoo review Newbie Shields lens on squidoo tricks.

It helped me out a great deal.

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#3 · Posted: 1 Jul 2008 20:56

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the reply. I kind of figured that was the case. I guess I get to put my paralegal degree to use (LOL). It's all about research.

I have bookmarked newbie shields how to lens and will read when I have a little time. A quick browse of it and it looks very informative.
So-thanks Newbie Shield for that!


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#4 · Posted: 1 Jul 2008 22:56

What you could do is do research about the subject you want to right about in ezines and forums, and as Bill said, you can then put your own spin on things.

...and its a great idea to link back to your eBay affiliate website using a Squidoo lens.

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#5 · Posted: 2 Jul 2008 01:16

Depending on how complex the niche is research could possibly enable you to write about it anyway. If its about something such as a different religion you can easily find tons of material to read up on. If its something more specialized such as hot to make the grapefruit diet work it may be useless.

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#6 · Posted: 2 Jul 2008 11:42


If you dont really have any knowledge of a subject then you really shouldnt write about it.

But you could go research any topic and then put your own spin on it.

Any linking your site from your lens would be a great idea as long as the lens topic is somehow related. Thats what most of us use the lenses for. Its just another WEB2.0 method to bring traffic.

Hope this helps.

And if you are new to Squidoo review Newbie Shields lens on squidoo tricks.

It helped me out a great deal.

Bill: I'm glad that you find my lens to be helpful.

I'm with you. Only write about something you are well-informed about. It's perfectly acceptable to research a topic to understand it well and then share your expertise with your visitors.

You're absolutely right, many use Squidoo and other Web 2.0 platforms for link backs and traffic.

Deanna: Wow, a Paralegal degree is a great accomplishment, a valuable credential, and should enable you to really flex your muscles in regards to researching ability. Furthermore, you might even create a site about Paralegals, researching, and/or legal topics. I'd say your set to really cash in on the online marketing opportunities!

Good luck,

~Newbie Shield~

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#7 · Posted: 10 Jul 2008 10:57

the bum market technique is a good one but i will also suggest the $100 a day program.

It has realyl helped me grow my business and the more work you put into it, the more money you can geenrate.

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#8 · Posted: 10 Jul 2008 20:19

I was wondering...I am really not up on computer lingo talk, and I was trying to set up my squidoo lens, I got really confused around the module portion. I read through the how to, but I am still unsure what all that stuff means. Do I just leave them all blank by not opening them and filling in the info? This very confused mind can't go any further on finishing my lens. Thanks for the help!!

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#9 · Posted: 20 Jul 2008 04:20

I was wondering...I am really not up on computer lingo talk, and I was trying to set up my squidoo lens, I got really confused around the module portion. I read through the how to, but I am still unsure what all that stuff means. Do I just leave them all blank by not opening them and filling in the info? This very confused mind can't go any further on finishing my lens. Thanks for the help!!

Squidoo pages are made up of modules. The TEXT module for instance allows you to enter text onto your Squidoo lens page. This is the most commonly used module but there are plenty of others including a Guestbook module where people can add comments, a Youtube module where you can add a Youtube video to your lens and so on.

The only way to get content on your Squidoo lens is to add modules to the page. Once you have added a module you need to edit it to add content. If you leave the modules empty they won't show up when you Publish the page.

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#10 · Posted: 20 Jul 2008 12:52

Hello taberdude,
You can go to social sites and groups and get inspitration and more info on your niche.

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#11 · Posted: 19 Aug 2008 16:29

Before you make your first squidoo lens look at a few to see what they look like. Once you have built your first one you will find it easier for your next lens.
If you don't know about a niche do research if is worth pursuing to become profitable.

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#12 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 05:42

I agree it's definitely best to NOT write about something until you know enough about a product to not make wild promises or sound completely silly.

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#13 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 12:53

Hello taberdude,

Go to Ezine and type in your key phrase.
Then find the most viewed articles, or the articles with the highest PR.

Read them, gather ideas and make an outline for your content.

I close them after my inspiration and write my own unique content.
It has been proved over time, quality relevant content is the best way to go.

Yes, you can visit forums, and other websites for ideas also.

Have a great day!

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#14 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 15:29

The Bum Marketing Method is a great learning tool and if it's still the same bum marketing method I read oh so long ago he should have mentioned using a "FAQ" or "top 3" examples. For instance rather than writing articles with spin on them simply write an article that is entirely fact based. Especially if you have a great understanding of researching information as you'll be able to present it well. I typically approach FACT articles like I was writing an essay for biology. Ideally if you could consolidate several pieces of information that a user would find useful then you can guarantee your articles will be killer.

In niche marketing you have to remember who you're marketing to, in most cases you're marketing to people who are going out to get information on a particular subject. So if they find your article useful and then at the end you have a site with more useful information then they are more likely to visit your site and buy something from you as they see you've already provided them with 2 sites full of information...for free.

Do be careful of promoting things you don't really know about, if the passion is not their then you run the risk of no passion in a can thank Newbie for that one too

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#15 · Posted: 10 Sep 2008 16:45

The one thing I don't get is-if you find a profitable niche and don't know about it-how do you write about it?

You can't write about what you don't know. There are two ways you can remedy this:

1. Pay someone who knows the subject to do it for you.
2. Take the time to learn about it yourself and then get to work.

Personally I think the second way is smarter. It's certainly cheaper than the first.

There are many great suggestions in the previous posts on how to bone up on a subject before you are qualified to let your pen do the talking.


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#16 · Posted: 8 Nov 2008 19:49

The key to being successful with Squidoo is finding a niche that is interesting to you and will be interesting to readers. Don't try to write about something you know nothing about, but make sure that what you do choose is at least somewhat unique.

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#17 · Posted: 10 Nov 2008 08:46

You can't write about what you don't know. There are two ways you can remedy this:

1. Pay someone who knows the subject to do it for you.
2. Take the time to learn about it yourself and then get to work.

THAT's it in a nutshell!

You don't have to become an expert in something to write on small portions of it.

Or even to write about your journey in learning about it.

Keywords are keywords no matter whether it's an article that answers the questions that are being asked or are the questions themselves.

Maybe consider JV possibilities too -- you ask the questions/interview someone who knows the answers -- the product can be audio, video, a .pdf, whatever - you both benefit


Phil Stones
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#18 · Posted: 21 Nov 2008 12:58

You can always pay someone to write articles/pages for you or get on the google and get some research done! I think a 250 word article is easily achievable in an hour.

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#19 · Posted: 2 Jan 2009 14:57

You could also google 'blogging on steroids', that has a lot of great tips about what to do. I know I read it once but I don't have the link on hand. Sorry!

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#20 · Posted: 10 Feb 2009 19:06

Your journey or your effort to learn something you don't know before can be the topic of your writing already.

By then you will know somewhat about what you initially intend to learn.

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