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Video Tutorials

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Matt Zenittini
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Joined: 16 Jan 2009
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#1 · Posted: 16 Sep 2010 12:45

I was thinking about a way to make this forum better. I don't really know how doable this is..

I understand forums pick up traffic from written content.. BUT

What if we are allowed to post video tutorials to the forum, with a guideline we need to follow for the content.

Is that possible with forums?

I know lots of things would be easier explained in tutorials and I think it would really BOOST the forums exposure.

Or maybe even make a tutorial section to post our screenshots and text.

If that would work better?

Or maybe we can just post tutorials like that in the appropriate category and this post is useless? lol.

Just a thought.


Skype: matthew.zenittini
Email: [email protected]

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#2 · Posted: 16 Sep 2010 19:39

I would love that as I have learned so much from video tutorials on various things.

I don't know if it is doable or not but if you decide to share some stuff via video - I would love to see it.

Matt Zenittini
Silver Member
Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 480
#3 · Posted: 16 Sep 2010 19:58

haha thanks! :P.

I have a cool idea for a 5 minute squeeze page tut =].

Or even a 5 minute mini site o.0.

Skype: matthew.zenittini
Email: [email protected]

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#4 · Posted: 16 Sep 2010 20:06

People would rather watch than read. Video is the new solid growth trend in marketing and communications.

My, oh my, what the internet has manifested.

Matt Zenittini
Silver Member
Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 480
#5 · Posted: 16 Sep 2010 20:38


Watching is much easier when you are learning something =].

I enjoy both. It depends what kind of mood I'm in.

Tutorials are sometimes better read depending on the type.


Skype: matthew.zenittini
Email: [email protected]

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Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1354
#6 · Posted: 16 Sep 2010 23:05

Hi Matt,

This is certainly a great idea but it's very difficult to lay down (and implement) guidelines for posting videos. You see, for regular postings, it's pretty easy to moderate posts depending on whether it contains self-servings links, self-serving content, overall quality, etc. But in case of videos, it becomes extremely difficult to lay down guidelines. Moreover, implementation of guidelines is altogether another subject.


Matt Zenittini
Silver Member
Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 480
#7 · Posted: 17 Sep 2010 00:38

Hey Vishal,

That makes lots of sense.

Maybe requiring a post limit to be able to post videos would limit abuse of the privilege.

I'm sure members on the forum would help to notify when problems arise as well.

But if it is not fees-able I certainly understand =].


Skype: matthew.zenittini
Email: [email protected]

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Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1354
#8 · Posted: 17 Sep 2010 22:02

Matt Zenittini:
Maybe requiring a post limit to be able to post videos would limit abuse of the privilege.

I'm sorry Matt, that cannot be accomplished with this forum software

Matt Zenittini
Silver Member
Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 480
#9 · Posted: 18 Sep 2010 00:39

Vishal P. Rao:
I'm sorry Matt, that cannot be accomplished with this forum software

No problem Vishal.

I was just thinking =].

All together.. this forum is great for what it does.

I don't participate in any other online forum because I've grown so attached to this one.

Good people, honest info, no spam.

You've done a swell job =].


Skype: matthew.zenittini
Email: [email protected]

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Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1354
#10 · Posted: 21 Sep 2010 03:10

Thanks a lot for Matt! You made my day

#11 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 03:37

Great idea Matt !
I would also like to suggest for the video posts.

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Joined: 17 Mar 2007
Posts: 1175
#12 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 06:30

I think that when you help people with text messages here in the forum, it does help. Video tutorials can do better but I really think that we should continue to do what we are doing now.

A great place for video tutorials is YouTube. If someone asks a question here and you can find a video tutorial on Youtube then you can post the link here to that video, if Vishal allows it.

That would be a great idea.


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