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SBI vs Godaddy

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#1 · Posted: 25 Feb 2010 19:20

Just wondering.....

If a person is using SBI to build and host their web site...I understand it comes with LOTS of perks including the 'how to' of web creating...just wanted to know, though, after you have a grasp of your web site and it's up and running, do you still need to pay the $300/yr if you are just wanting to host the domain name and your site...or could you move your domain name to another hosting site, like godaddy (referred to on this forum..)...I think I read approx $10/mth, rather than the monthly pmt of $25/mth for SBI..

Strange question, I know, but curious, none the less...

Thank you in advance...

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#2 · Posted: 26 Feb 2010 00:02

To keep your SBI site, you need to pay the $29 a month...or $25 if you pay it all upfront.

I also use hostgator to host sites as I can host a bunch of sites on there for one low price but I would never advise a newbie to take that route first as the training with SBI on how to build a WORKING website is what you pay for with the $29 a month.

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#3 · Posted: 26 Feb 2010 20:07

I agree with Mountain Mom.

You must learn about market research, writing content, optimizing your web pages, directing traffic, building back links and so forth.

No worries, SBI covers it all as I understand it.

Additionally, they offer some of the best content creation e books around (free).

If this is your site site, you should learn these basics.

Remember to promote a niche you enjoy.

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#4 · Posted: 27 Feb 2010 13:45

Plus, as you grow your SBI website, you'll continue to take advantage of the Brainstorming (keyword research), Analysis (on-page SEO), tracking features, and more.


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MS Newbie
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#5 · Posted: 27 Feb 2010 17:01

Can someone compare SBI and OWM for me as I am at the point of making selections for web site building and web hosting, etc, with a planned focus on affiliate and niche marketing. Which one is best suitable for a newbie to get rolling. I've been reading for a few weeks and have lots of lists and bookmarks and realize I need to narrow it down to a single helping site to get rolling. Thanks for any help.

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#6 · Posted: 28 Feb 2010 22:28

SBI is better for beginners

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#7 · Posted: 1 Mar 2010 13:26

Thank you all for your comments...certainly is alot of different directions one can take!!

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#8 · Posted: 1 Mar 2010 14:59

Godaddy is the best in the world when it comes to registering a new domain name. I heard that it beats all of its competitors out there and is 3 times bigger in size.

Now for hosting, there are many good companies out there like HostGator. I never personally heard about SBI as a host company.

I currently use Host4Profit and totally love it.

It costs $24.95 per month, and if you want to get more sites hosted with them, it will cost you an extra $5 per month.


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#9 · Posted: 2 Mar 2010 00:26

MS Newbie:
Can someone compare SBI and OWM for me as I am at the point of making selections for web site building and web hosting, etc, with a planned focus on affiliate and niche marketing

I would advise to start with SBI as it is definitely the best tool for beginners.

OWM is not really designed for beginners - it is for frustrated Squidooers in my opinion!

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#10 · Posted: 2 Mar 2010 00:27

I never personally heard about SBI as a host company.

SBI has the hosting, website building tools, keyword research tools, domain name, plus a ton of training worth HUNDREDS all in one package for $29 a month.

MS Newbie
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#11 · Posted: 2 Mar 2010 20:14

Thanks for all the good comments on SBI. Sounds good for a newbie. I believe someone else, Lauram, asked the question that was not answered---can one leave SBI after some time and take their web site and domain name with them to another hosting site? I think I believe this is important if one is to have multple domains/sites down the road and SBI limits to hosting two.

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#12 · Posted: 2 Mar 2010 20:44

MS Newbie:
can one leave SBI after some time and take their web site and domain name with them to another hosting site? I think I believe this is important if one is to have multple domains/sites down the road and SBI limits to hosting two

No you can not move an SBI site to another hosting as far as I know.

And yes, once you have wrapped your brain around the concept of HOW to build a website that can get found on the net with SEO and all that stuff... THEN you are ready to use a hosting company where you can host unlimited websites.

Or that's my opinion on it anyways.

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#13 · Posted: 2 Mar 2010 20:57

MS Newbie:
Thanks for all the good comments on SBI. Sounds good for a newbie. I believe someone else, Lauram, asked the question that was not answered---can one leave SBI after some time and take their web site and domain name with them to another hosting site? I think I believe this is important if one is to have multple domains/sites down the road and SBI limits to hosting two.

Yes, you CAN take your site and move it from SBI to another host in the future if you want to, but I doubt many people do. You are not limited to only two SBI sites. I have 4.

The reason people stay with SBI and continue to pay $299 per year for each site is not because they have to. It's because after using SBI, you learn the incredible value of what you get.

There are so many "extras" that SBI provides and does for you behind the scenes that $25 a month becomes a tremendous bargain in your eyes.

Something else to consider is that SBI excels in teaching you to build an authority niche site, not a little mini-site. The more content and traffic you grow, the more bandwidth you will have to purchase at a regular hosting company. With SBI, you can build as big as you like for no added hosting costs.

For instance, one of my sites has almost 1000 pages and gets a few thousand visitors per day. I still only pay $299 to maintain that site.

I certainly understand your query. I wondered the very same thing when I started out with SBI. I "intended" to learn what I could and then do it "on my own" elsewhere. As time progressed, I tossed that idea out the window. I'm smarter than that!


P.S. Tal, SBI isn't really a "hosting company," so you wouldn't have heard of them as such. Because they include unlimited hosting as part of their business building package they sometimes get confused as "just another hosting company."

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#14 · Posted: 2 Mar 2010 21:22

Yes, you CAN take your site and move it from SBI to another host in the future if you want to

Thanks Angie! I didn't know that.

I have no intention of doing so but am glad you corrected me and as always you have such a great way of clarifying things.

To you all out there - happywife is the SBI expert around these parts.

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#15 · Posted: 2 Mar 2010 21:43

Well, thank you my dear. How nice of you to say so.

I wasn't even intending to "correct you." I had started my post well before you posted your note above mine. I had to walk away from the computer to take care of something else, and just came back and finished what I started. So it actually DOES sound like I'm correcting you.

I wanted to clarify that in case someone thought I was being a bit rude or like a "know it all." How embarrassing would THAT be?!


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#16 · Posted: 3 Mar 2010 19:09

Thank you ALL for your comments and 'clarification'

I wasn't initally comparing SBI as a hosting company against GoDaddy, I just wanted to know if you could, in fact, take your web site (from SBI) to another place to get hosting, rather than paying the $29/mth...

I certainly understand your query. I wondered the very same thing when I started out with SBI. I "intended" to learn what I could and then do it "on my own" elsewhere. As time progressed, I tossed that idea out the window. I'm smarter than that!

That was what I was thinking...but, I guess the price difference of SBI and self hosting is minimal compared to all the perks included with SBI...on going training, no additional costs for increased bandwidth....etc, etc...sounds like the list could go on and on!!!

Thanks again for everyones input...there sure is a wealth of information and experience here in this forum!! I appreciate it as I'm sure every other 'newbie' will as well!

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#17 · Posted: 4 Mar 2010 14:42 · Edited by: MS Newbie

Angie, thanks for some outstanding input. It did raise a couple questions for me. 1) I read your post to indicate SBI charges $299/yr for EACH site as opposed to multiple sites. Is that correct?
And 2) I believe I read somewhere that multiple pages in a domain tends to confuse the search engines in assigning ranking.
Or am I confusing site vs domain. I am a newbie you know. I guess each of your pages has its own domain name; is that it?
Thanks, Bill

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#18 · Posted: 4 Mar 2010 23:56 · Edited by: happywife

Hi Bill,

1. Yes, I pay $299 for each website per year.

2. I'm not sure what you may have read regarding confusing the search engines by having multiple pages on a site. That isn't so. You may have misunderstood something.

Each site has its own domain name, but each page on the site has the same main domain name and then the page is the extension on the domain.

For example: is my home page. is a page on the site related to custom chocolate bars. is another page on the same site talking about chocolate molds.

So each of these pages is on the same domain/site, but each page is about a specific keyword phrase all relating to the main subject/niche/theme.

When you build a page, you let the search engines know what that particular page is about by putting the specific keywords in the meta tags. (SBI does that for you if you are using them).

Maybe you are thinking about confusion that would be caused if you were covering a wide variety of unrelated topics all on the same site/domain? That is not recommended.


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MS Newbie
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#19 · Posted: 5 Mar 2010 09:38

Angie, that clears it up for me. Thanks very much for the info. I will be using SBI

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#20 · Posted: 5 Mar 2010 10:08

Glad to help. You'll love SBI. Just be sure to follow the Action Guide and you'll do fine.

Let me know when you get started so I can be one of your first site visitors!


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