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Article Writing Software

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#1 · Posted: 21 Jul 2010 10:45

I have seen Article Writing Software that is available for purchasing. It really didn't seem that expensive to me. However, I am not really familiar with this and wondered if anyone has ever tried using this before. If so, I would love to hear your comments on:

1.) Is it worth the money?
2.) What does it give you?
3.) Does it make writing easier?
4.) Does it make writing faster?
5.) Will it help ensure that your articles are up to par for publishing?

Etc., Etc. If there is any other information that you can give me on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

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#2 · Posted: 21 Jul 2010 11:33

Here I am

I am using the UAW (Unique Article Wizard) and love it . You DO have to write the original article, however and then the software will spin and submit hundreds of versions of that article to hundreds of directories.

Which should kinda answer 1,2,3, and 4...

I don't know if it makes writing easier... it just takes care of having to write so many different articles on the same topic, as they do a great job on article spinning.

on question number 5.. here is a tip... write an article and submit to ezinearticles FIRST. Once it is accepted there you know it is up to par for publishing and THEN take that exact article and use with the UAW (or whatever article software you choose to use)

I learned a lot about writing articles and content with SBI so it isn't that hard to write about anything - but I do get writers block sometimes and that is when I google stuff and get fresh ideas. lol

Hope that helps!

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#3 · Posted: 21 Jul 2010 16:36

write an article and submit to ezinearticles FIRST. Once it is accepted there you know it is up to par for publishing and THEN take that exact article and use with the UAW (or whatever article software you choose to use)


I thought they submit to ezine? I am still finding my way with this but so far it is good thanks.

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#4 · Posted: 21 Jul 2010 23:56

I thought they submit to ezine? I am still finding my way with this but so far it is good thanks.

No I don't think they submit to Ezine.... there is a list of some of the article directories they don't submit to but am not sure where I saw it.

I have a ton of articles at ezine already so am taking some of the ones that do best on there and running them thru the UAW.

If you watch the videos as you work with the first article, it will be a snap.

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#5 · Posted: 22 Jul 2010 09:35

I am using Magic Article Spinner and Magic Article Submitter and so far it looks very good. To get best results with this one should rather re-write entire paragraphs as well as Title and Resource Box.

This way you will have truly unique articles and Google will pick it up and depending on what key word you targeting (if it is not too competitive) you might end up having several articles on first page. You might have to put some effort in building some back links to the article but it is possible to rank high with articles.

Dennis Anthony
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#6 · Posted: 22 Jul 2010 13:35 · Edited by: Dennis Anthony

That sort of 'artificial intelligence' baffles me... :/
Is the article quality really here?
I suppose the only way to find out is to try it for myself, eh?

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#7 · Posted: 22 Jul 2010 13:45 · Edited by: sarauk

Dennis Anthony:
That sort of 'artificial intelligence' baffles me... :/
Is the article quality really here?
I suppose the only way to find out is to try it for myself, eh?

I was really sceptic too, but I am really impressed with the quality. Below is my article just two versions. The whole re writing is good quality, I put one original article was asked to re write it to 3 versions, with video guidance, then they spin these

1. Many people look for second jobs when the finances become a little tight.
2. When finances become a little tight, Many people look for second jobs.

Better example, overall it is good spinner, I did not use any other service to compare it with but now I understand mountainmum excitement.

1.Writing can easily turn to be the primary source of income
instead just a part time job, with the luxury of working
from your home.

2.If you are a good writer you may find yourself
turning a second income into a full time career that is not
only lucrative but allows you the time to spend with family
and work from home.

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#8 · Posted: 22 Jul 2010 21:31

After doing a little more research, I decided to go ahead and get the UAW program and also BestSpinner. The reason I got both of these is because you can use BestSpinner to spin the articles and then submit them to UAW and then of course they spin them again. However, I am still a little confused about where the spinning comes into play on UAW. I have several articles that have already been published with E-Zine, so I used one of those articles to start out with. FYI: They do not currently submit to E-Zine. You have to submit to them manually for the time being. The first article I put through the steps on UAW was a little time consuming, but I am excited to see what the results turn out to be from the Directory Submissions that they do automatically for you. They say it takes about 2-3 days.

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#9 · Posted: 23 Jul 2010 17:03

I know article writing works, I've successfully used it. However, is sending a bunch articles to a ton of directories necessary, except to get back links?

An article to ezine, goarticles, articledashboard, and a few other good ones will get you a top ranking in google with the right keyword title.

So if you main article is posted at Ezine Articles the number one online article directory, is it necessary to do all this spinning just to get back links?

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#10 · Posted: 23 Jul 2010 17:15

However, I am still a little confused about where the spinning comes into play on UAW

You will get a series of email within the next few days from them and one of them will explain how the spinning works.

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#11 · Posted: 30 Jul 2010 08:55

I know article writing works, I've successfully used it. However, is sending a bunch articles to a ton of directories necessary, except to get back links?

So if you main article is posted at Ezine Articles the number one online article directory, is it necessary to do all this spinning just to get back links?


I feel like the more orginal articles that you have out there, the more exposure you will get. I also feel like it will shows that you are an expert in your niche market......

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#12 · Posted: 30 Jul 2010 17:59

This is great info. I wasn't sure if it was legitimate either. I have a few articles on Squidoo and ezine, but haven't really done much with them.

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#13 · Posted: 2 Aug 2010 13:08

I just thought that I would give everyone an update on how things are going by using these 2 in combination with each other. I have been using both of these hand in hand with each other for a little over a week now and I am seeing a dramatic increase in my traffic stats. I can't wait to see how the stats are going to changes, once I get more and more articles out there.

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#14 · Posted: 2 Aug 2010 17:19

I just thought that I would give everyone an update on how things are going by using these 2 in combination with each other. I have been using both of these hand in hand with each other for a little over a week now and I am seeing a dramatic increase in my traffic stats. I can't wait to see how the stats are going to changes, once I get more and more articles out there

I know - I love it!

I explained a little how the UAW spinner works on this thread here....

Unique Article Wizard - I am stoked - lol - Page 2

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#15 · Posted: 13 Aug 2010 13:02

well, i have used article spinning softwares for writing articles. Just two weeks ago I spin an article and 100 articles were created by the software in no time. But, ya, i had to do some hardwork before submitting my article to software that took me around half an hour.
it look worthy to me. Rest is your choice.

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