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How would you build a successful entertainment blog?

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Joined: 7 Mar 2011
Posts: 2
#1 · Posted: 7 Mar 2011 04:04

Hi everybody!

I'm quite new here. Actually I was hanging around here a few times but have registered just now to participate.

So here I am with my story and stuck: I was thinking about having something different from an office job and after reading some good stuffs on the net, I just got started with my blog. It's really small at the moment, but to be honest I can see the potential in it. My problem is that it deals with funny pics, videos, online flash games, etc. So it was built to entertain. But however, I've already told my friends that "look, this was made by me and please have a look at it", I don't really know what more I could do to get people watch my site. So the question is actually where can I get real traffic from? How could I reach those people how are interested in my stuffs? Where to promote my site if any?

Thanks for your kind answers and participation,
slave of the puddle

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#2 · Posted: 15 Jun 2011 05:38

Hi, well you made a good choice for the type of blog you decided to setup, as anything that's entertainment related should do quite well and draw a crowd.

There are so many ways to market a website these days, but first of all i would suggest that every time you post some new content, that you get it bookmarked, which can be easily done at

Signing up with an entertainment related forum might be a good idea, and then you can add your blogs link to the signature box.

Last but not least, is by submitting a few articles to the top article directories. If your not an experience writer yet though, then you could search for some plr entertainment related articles and have a go at rewriting them.

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Posts: 87
#3 · Posted: 15 Jun 2011 05:57

Also, you could submit your blog to blog directories such as,,,,

You could also create a lense.

Hope that helps

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Posts: 244
#4 · Posted: 26 Jul 2011 18:20

If you've got funny pics or videos, you could create an email telling about it with a link to the pic or video. Then send that email to a bunch of people who forward emails to everyone else. If your pic or video truly is funny, they will forward it to more people and perhaps that email could go viral and bring you constant traffic.

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#5 · Posted: 25 Aug 2011 18:09

Make your website attractive since your number one priority and goal is to entertain.

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