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Video marketing for website promotion

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#1 · Posted: 31 Dec 2009 04:28

How good is video marketing for website promotion? How do you effectively do it as part of your marketing strategy? Your advice is highly appreciated.

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#2 · Posted: 1 Jan 2010 00:44

It depends on the internet connectivity in the area. It works if high speed internet is available and affordable, but if people don't see videos it will not work.

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#3 · Posted: 1 Jan 2010 14:44 · Edited by: A8ch

Video marketing is excellent for website promotion.

There are tons of social media sites where you can upload your video promotions and direct viewers to your website, blog, lens or affiliate page as the next step in your process. It's entirely up to you.

You can create:

- a series of "how to" tutorials that show off how your product handles certain tasks, solves specific problems, or simply saves time.

- demo videos that show how easy it is to use your product.

- a series of video lessons on a range of topics related to your market niche.

Towards the end of each video you would mention and display the website URL viewers should to visit "to learn more." You can use these tactics to build lists and to create pre-launch momentum for a new product, membership site or other asset.

In the example of video lessons, you can invite viewers to sign up for your newsletter and receive similar lessons directly via email. Or, you could use each lesson as an opportunity to interest viewers in your brand new 6-cd video course for only $197.

These tactics give you opportunities to engage, educate and interact with viewers in your niche, and develop a relationship that could have mutual longterm benefits.

Your options are as vast as the fertility of your imagination.


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#4 · Posted: 2 Jan 2010 11:01

Video marketing can be part of an overall marketing strategy for your product or service. Making videos can be very time consuming depending on how long they are, but they help bring traffic like many other free sources. The right keywords in your subject makes a difference.

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#5 · Posted: 18 Jan 2010 18:04

Video marketing is excellent for website promotion.

There are tons of social media sites where you can upload your video promotions and direct viewers to your website, blog, lens or affiliate page as the next step in your process. It's entirely up to you.

You can create:

- a series of "how to" tutorials that show off how your product handles certain tasks, solves specific problems, or simply saves time.

- demo videos that show how easy it is to use your product.

- a series of video lessons on a range of topics related to your market niche.

Towards the end of each video you would mention and display the website URL viewers should to visit "to learn more." You can use these tactics to build lists and to create pre-launch momentum for a new product, membership site or other asset.

In the example of video lessons, you can invite viewers to sign up for your newsletter and receive similar lessons directly via email. Or, you could use each lesson as an opportunity to interest viewers in your brand new 6-cd video course for only $197.

These tactics give you opportunities to engage, educate and interact with viewers in your niche, and develop a relationship that could have mutual longterm benefits.

Your options are as vast as the fertility of your imagination.


Great info!

Video Marketing is a verry powerful strategy. It is simply a form of content in which you need to offer value to individuals and promote and build your brand.

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#6 · Posted: 18 Jan 2010 18:52

It really depends on the approach you take and what you are promoting. A lot of people use Camtasia, which is a free screen capture software, that allows them to record video of what they see on screen - they will use it to give previews of products they are promoting or to give tutorials. You can get a free 30 day trial at, but don't download it until you are ready to get rolling. Maybe check out Youtube to see what kinds of videos other people have created to promote the niche you are in, and create something similar to what they are doing.

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#7 · Posted: 18 Jan 2010 21:44

i firmly recommend video marketing as a portion of your advertising plan. as many members have pointed it out, there are a host of options available in terms of places to upload your video to, as well as software with which to create a video if you don't have a camera. We use Camtasia and have had great results thus far.

In addition to marketing, video creation is a great way to tackle the issue of training new team members. Going over the same information repeatedly can be tedious and time consuming, so we've found it very useful to create a series of training videos to help new people on our team get acclimated.

Best of luck!

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#8 · Posted: 9 Feb 2010 22:40

I shoot marketing and travel videos for websites in Florida. See my link and you will know how great marketing videos are and what they can do for you. Plus I have two of my Florida travel videos on my blog.

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#9 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 09:59

Video marketing should be a small part of your marketing strategy. Not every video that you will post get many visitors and potential traffic to it. It is the same thing like article marketing.

You can write and submit 50 article and only 5 of them will get you a nice daily traffic.

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#10 · Posted: 26 Feb 2010 10:54

Video Marketing is a great tool of promoting a website but you should not focus on video marketing alone. Try doing link building as well.

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#11 · Posted: 26 Feb 2010 15:52

Back when I did video marketing i got probably 75% of my conversions from it. I'll be honest theres much more to just shooting a video and throwing it up on youtube and watching the sales roll in.

But yes i would say if your not using it you should be especially in 2010.

I mail cheap, ugly postcards from home. Offline marketing and this system worked 100% better for me than any other program.
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#12 · Posted: 18 Aug 2010 01:50

Useful and helpful business promotion ideas shared with nice information and details.

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