A Negative Mindset

Discussion in 'Productivity and Motivation' started by marketing2, May 29, 2008.

  1. PMHayes

    PMHayes New Member

    A psychologist friend of mine says that negative people listen to negative "self talk" in their minds. They listen to the lies they have believed growing up, going through terrible circumstances. Those are the lies that tell them, "you're no good, you're a failure, you'll never amount to anything, you're ugly," and so on and so on. Some of those lies were spoken to them by parents, some by spouses, coworkers, so called friends they grew up with, etc. They believed those lies, recorded them in their mind and now that recording plays on it's own, on auto pilot, if you will. Then because they believe the lies, those lies become a kind of self fulfilling prophecy, and they act them out in real life.

    The only hope for this person is to get in there, with professional help if need be and reprogram that recording with more positive self talk. It takes time and effort to do that, but it can be done. I think the reason so many people fail in life, in business, in whatever is because they are acting out that negative self talk. Worth considering, anyway.

  2. unselfishbuddy

    unselfishbuddy New Member

    Always.. always... always.. have a positive mindset and picture yourself already in possession of whatever you have been dreaming of. Do this consistently and you will definitely see results. [​IMG]

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