Are You a Trailblazer, Pathfinder, Follower, or Wanderer?

Discussion in 'Productivity and Motivation' started by Just2EZ, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Just2EZ

    Just2EZ Moderator

    Trailblazers create a path where none existed before.

    Pathfinders look for signs left by those who went before.

    Followers see someone on the path and play follow the leader.

    Wanderers amble aimlessly without a destination or goal in mind.
  2. Just2EZ

    Just2EZ Moderator

  3. ericlenhard

    ericlenhard New Member

    Now I'm a follower. But I just started and still learning ...I plan to become a trailblazer in near future. [​IMG]
  4. talfighel

    talfighel Silver Member

    I guess I am both:

    Trailblazers create a path where none existed before.

    Pathfinders look for signs left by those who went before.
  5. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    Interesting survey, Jimmy! Wish an "All the Above" option had been included. I would have checked that one because I have been at every stage at one time or another. Probably still play each role as the occasion requires.

    Must have something to do with there being "a time for everything." [​IMG]

  6. Just2EZ

    Just2EZ Moderator

    A8ch: Must have something to do with there being "a time for everything."
    That and being around for a long time like you and i have, been there done that.
    It shocks me to see "Wanderer" leading the votes at this time.
    We all play each role at some time or another but wander in between.
    Sometimes it's hard to distinguish being a Trailblazer from Wandering.
    Many of the best trails were blazed by a wanderer accidentally.
    Most of my life has been one happy accident after another.
  7. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    Just2EZ: Most of my life has been one happy accident after another.
    You're lucky! No really bad accidents. Or you just managed to make the most out of them, which is what we are encouraged to do... turn lemons into lemonade. [​IMG]

    Maybe it shouldn't be a surprise that Wanderer is ahead in the poll. It speaks to the curious, adventurous, explorer personality that inhabits us at our core. That inquisitive, childlike aspect which is always in search of discovery. Could be the impetus that drives our progress.

  8. Sum Yung Ho

    Sum Yung Ho New Member

    Part Pathfinder and part Trailblazer.

    Sum Yung Ho!
  9. Just2EZ

    Just2EZ Moderator

    Sum Yung Ho: Part Pathfinder and part Trailblazer.
    LOL, I just realized that sounds like part Nissan, part Chevy.

    A8ch: turn lemons into lemonade
    My mom used to tell me life gave me lemons and I made them into lemonade.
    Miss her encouraging words, she would have been 80 next Monday.
    The Work At Home Forum is kind of like a surrogate mom for a lot of us.
    Full of encouraging thoughts from thoughtful people who like to share.

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