Focusing on the main goal

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by larochelle, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. larochelle New Member

    Hi everyone

    I just had to mention a thought thats been whizzing around my head the last few days, and that is this:

    I have found that it is very easy to be side tracked from the never ending imformation that is available on the internet. The links to one side after another just keep popping up with different suggestions of how to make a success of working from home.

    Now, I'm new at this but I have learn't one thing which I am sticking to and that is this


    Whatever it may be that your choosing to do. Do one thing at a time. Well ...unless your a genius at multi tasking which I am not [IMG]

    Have a great day all and I hope this comment is helpful to others who tend to click on too many links.

    All the best
  2. steelpaulo New Member

    You have addressed a major problem for me and I'm sure for others as well. It has been brought forward many times by others and repeating the message is a helpful reminder.

    The problem is that when you open your email you have an untold number of distractions with bold head lines all screaming for your attention. People on the other end of those emails have maybe spent thousands of dollars to insure they are compelling.

    Once you click the link it can be a long, long time before you make it back on task. In the meantime you may have given your email address to yet another distraction producing auto-responder.

    What to do? One suggestion is to simply delete everything in the
    email box without viewing any of the mail. seems simple enough, however if that solution work we would not have the "distraction"

    Generally by the time we notice we have the distraction problem we are getting the distracting junk emails mixed in with all our important or relevant emails. Thus we scroll through the inbox and sure enough almost without meaning to we are on some other page and off on a tangent.

    A good place to start is to follow the emails to the bottom of the page there is a link on most emails saying "unsubscribe".
    Follow that and you will not receive email from that source again.

    Yet you may want to keep track of new launches and specials that may be use full to you. You can simply open another g-mail account
    and begin using that on offers. Soon you will have hundreds of those emails to chose from when ever you have set aside a littl research time.
  3. larochelle New Member


    Thats exactly the solution I came up with to, so I now have a new email set aside just for "research" when I have the time.

    Good to hear that I'm not the only one with this problem.

    All the best
  4. mountainmom5 Gold Member

    larochelle: Thats exactly the solution I came up with to, so I now have a new email set aside just for "research" when I have the time.
    lol - that is what I do and I rarely get back to them!
  5. larochelle New Member

    Ha ha! Great, then I know i'm on the right track. Thanks
  6. A8ch Gold Member

    larochelle: I have found that it is very easy to be side tracked from the never ending imformation that is available on the internet.
    You can probably blame that condition on our natural curiosity. Exposure to the variety of information on the internet can have us behaving like kids in a candy store. We can never seem to get enough.

    While that may keep us occupied, it doesn't necessarily mean that we are being productive as well.

    larochelle: Whatever it may be that you're choosing to do. Do one thing at a time.
    That's the key! It's the best way to stay on course and methodically advance to the next stage. For most of us though, that's easier said than done, at least until we develop the discipline required to pull it off.

  7. larochelle New Member


    Thank you for thoughts and input. It's like being in no mans land sometimes and being able to air one's own thoughts in a forum like this helps one too keep on track.

    Best wishes

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