Free vs Paid Traffic

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by ironoutthegrind, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. dsdomination

    dsdomination New Member

    I see that everybody is more convinced that free traffic is the way, and that's right. Paid traffic, can be costly if your website doesn't have something good to keep them coming, or returning to. Free traffic, i personally think is better, cheaper, simpler and you have the option to choose what links to build. Relevant links ( niche links ) are the best ones.
  2. talfighel

    talfighel Silver Member

    Free advertising is a great way to go but it can be painful and slow many times. I still get traffic from free strategies like forum posting but once you get faster results, it does something inside your mind that tells you that you are moving fast and you are making great progress.

    If you want fast results, I would look into paid ads like:

    Pay per click.
    Solo ads.
    Banner ads.
  3. GEM

    GEM New Member

    I agree that paid traffic will yield results, but your training ground is with the free traffic options, where you can test and test again. Become proficient in that and then go into paid traffic options.
  4. moneysmartad

    moneysmartad New Member

    free traffic is slow process to promote your business on organic search results but if you want fast result for specific time than paid traffic is better for you.

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