Has anyone tried ZNZ Big Cash through dailypayments ?

Discussion in 'Business Opportunities and Programs Reviews' started by hsimpsonjr, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. rudolph

    rudolph New Member

    I,ve been doing it for over a week and it is pretty fun just as a fellow marketer stated follow rules and cancel things you sign-up for an it wont cost you anything unless you keep the services, I personally kept the offer for a domain it cost around $60.00 but that's cheap to start a biz! Have fun with it and good luck.
  2. makencashdaily

    makencashdaily New Member

    I love FREE treasure chest its the same thing and the money is amazing
  3. Chris Del

    Chris Del New Member

    I have experience with companies like ZNZ, it was pretty much the same concept. It's a CPA (cost per action) type network where you pretty much get people to try offers from big companies to help with advertising.

    What I like about it is once you get your commission it can NOT be refunded.

    If you're an affiliate or a product owner, refunds happen all the time and you lose out. But with companies like ZNZ the commission is yours, unless the person you referred didn't follow the terms and conditions, but that rarely happens.
  4. Justin Woitena

    Justin Woitena New Member

    ZNZ is an incentivized freebie network - these sites are great for making a couple hundred bucks a month and getting free prizes here and there but only a few people actually earn a living doing them. The problem with them is the learning curve, you constantly have to teach people how it works and there is always going to be someone who doesnt clear their cookies or some other small detail that will keep you running to Target to get more Advil.
    payment proof likes this.
  5. David Wagner

    David Wagner New Member

    I tried them about two years back, and got nowhere. I know some people have made money, but the whole idea that you sign up for free offers then cancel them sounds pretty dishonest to me. I avoid such things, because sooner or later it's going to bite you in the a**!
    TJamMoneyMan likes this.

    YAGOOFT Active Member


    As most have learned the hard way, never believe the hype about get rich quick or easy money, nothing worth having is easy to acquire, it takes time and money to build a home based business.

    Success to all,
  7. TJamMoneyMan

    TJamMoneyMan Well-Known Member

    "I know some people have made money, but the whole idea that you sign up for free offers then cancel them sounds pretty dishonest to me."

    Doing 20 hours of work and MAYBE making $10 is not what I'd call "making money"!

    YAGOOFT Active Member

    Look at how many of these so called survey deals have imploded over the years. The same for these product orders you have to waste a ton of time on, and then fight to get your money back if you don't cancel or request refund in time limit allowed, never mind the fact they will charge your credit cards a few days early often times which entails a ton of time to chase them to get credited, and this too can take weeks to see money back in your accounts. Total waste of time as I see it, and certainly not a sustainable long term income at this point in time as these companies see the pattern of cancellations growing every day.

    Success to all,
  9. Tina Sassy

    Tina Sassy New Member

    I agree with you YAGOOFT.

    Too much time on places to earn pennies when if you spend that same amount of time building a business you can earn dollars and keep them adding up.

    People want instant gratification, unfortunately that will only get you pennies.

    If you want dollars you have to work at it, build it, and nurture it. Like a real business.

    Not to say you couldn't do these penny thangs on the side, but leave them as that! WHILE you work to build a real income!

    Bountiful blessings!

    YAGOOFT likes this.
  10. WorkAtHome_Pam

    WorkAtHome_Pam New Member

    Perfectly said Justin!

    I still have my membership with Znz and ZnzOne after a year and a half of not working it. For awhile back in 2012 and 2013 I had a website promoting the two of them and I was blessed to have my site dominate the SERPS, so I was averaging a few conversions a day. While this wasn't enough to quit my job, it was a nice supplemental income, but you nailed it when you talk about teaching people constantly.
    I wanted so badly for everyone to "get it", I posted information (all sorts of marketing tactics), even wrote an e-book I sent to new sponsee's, but too many people just didn't understand the concept of affiliate marketing....and I found the money wasn't worth my time.
    But they always paid, and I would consider doing it again cause the extra money was nice, but your post was a nice reminder of why I stopped that one. :)

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