How to Be Lazy and Prosper

Discussion in 'Productivity and Motivation' started by A8ch, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. talfighel

    talfighel Silver Member

    I am not too sure if people are lazy, though.

    People are just not inspired to do what it takes to succeed.

    Good post though and thank you.

  2. shmeeko69

    shmeeko69 Member

    This business can be a breeding ground for laziness, but it will get you in the end.

    Just ask any top marketer, how hard they had to work in the beginning, as they have to find out the best routes to market & profitability & that takes time & unfortunately money.

    The key is to work hard & smart & find your best blueprint formula for creating decent income streams & then copy the one's that work & repeat the processwith any future businesses.

    If you put in the hours at the beginning & get smart with the marketing & money side, then you take it easier when the money starts to flow smoothly.

    Mark [​IMG]
  3. jaybird1973

    jaybird1973 New Member

    I don't remember who said it, it was possibly Thomas Edison or Henry Ford, but when he was asked what made him so successful at what he did he said it was because he always put 100% of himself into what he was doing, 90% of it was perspiration and the remaining 10% of it was inspiration.
  4. Just2EZ

    Just2EZ Moderator

    It was Thomas Edison but it was 99% perspiration!
    "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."
  5. mreese601

    mreese601 Member

    This is simple a great post! Why do we all want to work for our self? Well for me is to have more time doing the things that I love too do! Simple work hard doing the thing that will get you closer to my goal then I can relax and have fun the rest of the day. But I love what I do so I will be having fun doing what I do...
  6. MelissaB

    MelissaB New Member

    Ok Hermas, I feel better now that I read your post. [​IMG] You had me worried there for a minute after I read the headline.

    Great post! I think it really is about developing a mindset to always think about how we can do less work, which to me is just about working smart and focusing our efforts on the activities that can really move our businesses forward.
  7. uspellman

    uspellman New Member

    The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss is the ultimate guide to being lazy while increasing your income simultaneously.

    If you operate any kind of business whether it be home based or traditional, this book is a recommended read.

    To the Top,

  8. talfighel

    talfighel Silver Member

    It is great to get things done first and then relax.

    Far too many people do the opposite.
  9. dothistoday

    dothistoday New Member

    Good advice! Sometimes I wish I wasn't so addicted to my business...and would occasionally give my self a chance to be lazy.
  10. NetWizard862

    NetWizard862 New Member

    The thing is being busy and being productive are two totally different things. It's not about how much you hustle but rather what you create in the end. And none would estimate your progress by how much time you put into it.. like imagine you are writing an article online.. would you find it more useful if you knew that the author spend his entire day to write it?..

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