I am Getting Sick at this...

Discussion in 'Productivity and Motivation' started by samda, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. delman7777 New Member


    Keep your eye on the finish line. Know the "why" and although you get frustrated, if you can keep your eye on the why then the "what" you have to do does not seem as bad.
  2. Sonni New Member

    I'm in the mindset of just do it! No matter what just keep going whether you're motivated, disgusted or what it doesn't matter. I don't care how I feel I care about what I do.
  3. shevyresab New Member

    Goals are really what keep people motivated. Small realistic goals when achieved should give you a feeling of satisfaction and spur you on to the next one. However, while you are currently already working 9 hours, only set your goals so they can be achieved in short spells, ie. an hour or 2 every evening. That way you can stay relatively fresh and concentrated to sustain your long term initiatives. Don't burn yourself out trying to achieve something quickly when working, taking your time will in the long run save you time.

    Hope this helps
  4. moneymagnet23 New Member

    I wouldn't suggest leaving your day job, however, try and utilise your time a bit better.. make calls in your car, on lunch try and focus or plan what you need to do best for your business.

    Also, i try and do 1 thing each day on my business that will give me the most results...

    The most powerful thing i have learned is to congratulate myself after a busy day and know that i accomplished things each and every day.. if you don't congratulate yourself know one will.
  5. jkmark New Member

    Hiya Sam. I do understand your plight. I am one of fortunate ones in that I started doing internet marketing after I retired from my "regular" job. You have to work a routine in order to get things done. Cover bases. But the great thing about working from home is that you can break that routine when you like. take a little break, Sam. And then come back refreshed and focused. Just don't give up....
  6. nanlar New Member

    Hopefully your online business is something you truly enjoy. Maybe you can think of this as your leisure time. Coming home to your laptop should be exciting. choose a niche you can anticipate throughout your day.
  7. tygersclaw New Member

    Have you ever sat down and did a spreadsheet with your goals you want to accomplish over the next 1, 3, 5 and 10 years? If not, sounds like a lecture, but you should.

    And goals is not just for your business, but for what you want to do for your family, whether you want to buy a house or a new car. Paying of debts within x number of years. Maybe buying a local business which you can run in tandem with your online business.

    Most people who enter into a Online Business forget to do one of the most important things one should do when starting ANY kind of business. Have a Business Plan.

    The Business Plan will outline you goals and objectives and give you something to work towards.

    Working full-ime when starting a new business is trying on a person and it does not matter if it is Online or traditional businesses.

    I also work FT as I am starting out. 10 hours a day, 4 days a week, 4 days off. BUT. I also have a DJ business I run, hosting business I am bringing back to the forefront, I operate 7 different websites plus I am due to be a 1st time dad at the age of 52 in July.

    Yet, through all that, I still have 1 hour each evening to work online, posting, reading, updating etc.

    Initially, 1 hour a day is all you may have, but eventually, if done right, you will see positive results (I hope).

    Keep chin up. Good things come to those who are patient.
  8. jaesun16 New Member

    Hi, Sam It's me dangmyun

    I have been surfing this forum,and I got your name!![IMG]

    I didn't think you are depressed like this...

    I know what part time job you are talking about..[IMG]

    Keep it up ~~ there are much more people seeking for jobs!!!

    I believe you can be better than this~~

    I wish for your luck~

    Happy day~^^[IMG]
  9. oregoncountry Member

    Hi Sam, I'm sorry I didn't see this post before. I just wanted to tell you that I feel that way but I work from home. I mean my main job is caring for property and pets for an older couple. But life in general can get so uneventful. One thing I can't recommend high enough on a person's list of priorities, is to spend time outdoors. I mean this works for me and it could for you as well. I don't know anything about your life, area you live in etc., but maybe you can try to do this wherever it is your live.

    Im 56 now and I don't party, or mingle in the social scene. What you see me post here is about the extent of my socializing[IMG] But I have takin up walking, bicycling and snapping photos while I am out there. It is wonderful and it does give me more spiritual, emotional and mental fuel to caring on life. Not to mention my body just being in a lot better shape.

    Maybe you will get this still and I hope it encourages you. I only started practicing a regular routine of "getting outdoors" and smelling some roses[IMG] Write me anytime and maybe I can share a few more ideas that have helped me. I get depressed and refuse to do any pills. So this has truly helped me with that also.

    Hang on and no that even when you feel so alone, you do have people that relate and are there for you[IMG] denise
  10. realityshifter New Member

    samueldarwin: My routine is making me sick. Go to office, sit there for 9 hours, come back to house. Do some stuffs in laptop and sleep.
    It's not the routine that makes you sick - I mean going to the office for 9 hours, doing some stuff in your laptop, sleeping, etc. It's the activity that you're involved in that does make you sick.

    You simply dislike the activity; that's why you're sick of it. If you enjoy what you're doing would you feel sick about it? So the solution is to be involved in a job or activity that is aligned with what you enjoy doing.

    That needs some amount of self-knowledge and honesty on your part. That's not an instant formula which sometimes is readily taken to mean - if you don't like working in an office, then put up an online business, join an MLM company, etc. If you don't really like these alternatives also, you'd be bored to death afterwards as you have been with your office job.

    Would you like to have as an alternative pay-per-clicking 12 hours a day so that you'll earn .01 per second, huh?

    The clue is to become creative. Be there where you are creative!
  11. robinincarolina Silver Member

    I hated my 9 to 5 but needed it to survive, but guess what, I got laid off. Blessing, I think yes. I too like Tony Robbins, and currently I am at both desperation and inspiration. The desperation has inspired me to cater a few lunches, clean a few houses and get on this computer 8 hours a day. I get up at 6 if I don't have some sort of gig, stay on until 1 and then I go down to the lake, take a swim in the pool, and lay in the sun for about an hour. Then I am back.

    I too have set goals, if I stay on target based on where I am now and where I want to go, I should be able to give up the gigs in about 6 months.

    I also have a vision board. Pictures of things I want or want to do.
  12. MISongbird New Member

    I felt your pain & frustration! I too work 8:30am to 5pm Monday thru Friday. My commute is 1 1/2 hours roundtrip. When I got home, I used to be tired and didn't have a lot of energy to put into my business....the one that would take me away from the Monday thru Friday grind.

    Personally, I found that works for me is to get an earlier start to the day. I go to the gym in the morning and work out for an hour before going to the J.O.B. I also changed my diet to include more "good" food and less "bad" foods. Taking better care of myself resulted in having more energy to put in my business. The increased activity also gets the creative juices flowing. I have a notebook with me at all times in which I jot down ideas that come to me when I am at the gym, in the car, etc.

    While working out, I listen to training/inspirational recordings on my MP3. I also listen to this stuff when I drive to and from work. Right now I have a selection of recordings by Jim Rohn, Eric Lofholm, Ann Sieg, and Dwayne Golden. When I get home at night, I'm inspired to put time into my business.

    I also have a game plan each night of what I want to accomplish. I learned a long time ago that when I don't plan, I am actually planning to fail! I get sidetracked too easily not to plan out my work. It's a good time to review the ideas I jotted down and to complete a daily task list.

    And, I keep in contact with members of my team and others with whom I've gotten to know over the past few years via Skype. Sometimes we just "shoot the breeze". Often we share ideas and resources.

    If I find that I'm not being very productive, I step away, do something around the house that doesn't take much thought, and return when my mind is clear and I'm ready to tackle the "to do" list again.

    Finally, it helps to take time to visualize the future you want for yourself and your family. Close your eyes....see the home, car, and lifestyle you desire. Create a vision board and keep it near your desk. Having worked in the non-profit realm for so long, my vision also includes how I am going to donate money and/or energy to help others in need.

    I hope this helps. Feel free to reach me on Skype if you want to chat sometime or need inspiration.... robininpecos.