I work from home and it seems that time is against me!

Discussion in 'Work at Home Dads' started by jeremybarker, May 25, 2011.

  1. jeremybarker

    jeremybarker New Member

    The main focus of working at home is to wade through the junk and keep going. My main issue is that it seems there is not enough time in the day to get what I need to get done between everything that I have going on in my life right now.

    But I have always been told to never give up and fight through it and in the end it will pay off.

    Does anyone else have any inspiring stories of time constraints and how they have overcome them?
  2. JackDProvost

    JackDProvost New Member

    I do!
    You need not ever give up! You know I have ran across a lot of "work from home" programs that turned out to be garbage. Work your butt off and make little to nothing.. They say keep on going is the key...

    I worked my bottom off for nothing for 2years then I dropped the program and just turned the website into a google adsense parked domain and now it is making me about $2-$10 a day and this is with no work at all put into it! Can you imagine if I worked at it? I am considering doing some work to make it earn me $100 a day. Sales arent doing so well for me but adsense is so I am going to weigh my options [​IMG]
  3. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    I ditto what Jack said... never give up. You will run into some things that don't produce and then you will come across things that work... every so often I get all bored and then I come across something new that makes it all so worth it again even though I make a fair amount of money.

    The adsense thing is nothing to sneeze over either. I make a nice adsense check every month from one of my main sites which keeps me exploring avenues as well.

    Keep going![​IMG]

    RICH4NURICHE New Member

    When it came to the lightbulb, it took 10,000 fails to finally get to the success. This was history and it paid off. We all must sacrifice something temporarily to achieve what we desire. I can give up 1-hour each day late at night to get something done like research or online stuff. I would read (and still do) books during lunch at work to study while sitting in my vehicle so nobody would disturb me. There's always a way. You just have to make a way.
  5. happywife

    happywife Gold Member

    I've discovered over the past couple of years that I can be my own worst enemy when it comes to time constraints. It is so easy to be distracted by the TV, or checking emails, etc., instead of just focusing on getting the work done!

    I'm not even on Facebook yet. I fear I'd never accomplish anything if I went down that rabbit hole. [​IMG]

    I've actually learned that I get MORE done when I have LESS time. I'm obviously perverse! I work well under pressure. Give me all day to do it and I'll take ALL DAY. Tell me I only have an hour or so and I get in and get it done.

  6. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    jeremybarker: My main issue is that it seems there is not enough time in the day to get what I need to get done between everything that I have going on in my life right now.
    Welcome to the club, Jeremy! While we are all different, we are still pretty much alike, and it's up to each one of us to figure out the best way to manage that unique commodity called time.

    On an intuitive level we know the solution requires us to carefully organize our activities and then execute them according to a particular schedule. That's the easy part.

    The difficulty occurs when we have to actually get started. We struggle to overcome the natural impulse to procrastinate, or we try to generate the necessary enthusiasm and desire to take the first step.

    The critical element needed to bridge this gap is DISCIPLINE. Without it the best plans, ideas and ambitions will remain plans, ideas and ambitions and will never materialize.

    Developing that discipline is an individual pursuit and requires persistent effort.

    But once attained, it will transform you into a dynamo of productivity, leaving you plenty time to smell the roses in the same 1440-minute period that previously seemed so hectic and overwhelming.

  7. jeremybarker

    jeremybarker New Member

    Thanks all for the inspiring posts! Puts a lot of things in perspective and that is what this is all about. Helping Others!
  8. JackDProvost

    JackDProvost New Member

    no problem! We love to share stories and thoughts to help inspire others [​IMG]
  9. juninhop

    juninhop New Member

    The most important thing, like everyone has said is to keep going and never give up and it takes a lot of work on one's psychological mindset to always try and find the positive-ness in everything.
    One of my favorite quotes is:

    Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm
    --Winston Churchill

    Keep the faith
  10. kenwrites

    kenwrites New Member

    The best line ever from a movie was made by a wrinkly, short dude named Yoda - "Do or Do Not. There Is No Try"

    We all face time constraints of one sort or another. But we can never "find" time. We must "make" time. There is a huge mindset difference between the two. Once you begin to "make" time, you will soon have the necessary time you need to build your business.

    It's different for each individual, because each of us live vastly different lives. But there is always ways to make time without taking time from family. Never under estimate the time invested in your business, no matter how small. That marketing you did in the only 30 minutes you had today, might be the one thing that makes you 10 sales.

    To Your Success!
  11. FreeCashMan

    FreeCashMan Well-Known Member

    If you are busy and time seems limited and your are making money than that's a positive thing. If you're busy and not making money...well!

    For people that can't dedicate full time effort and energy to their home business pursuits, I explain that to succeed you need to make a schedule and go to work.

    If you had a job at McDonald's to earn you additional income you'd have your schedule and you'd have your butt at work or you would not earn anything. This is the fundamental approach that one must do to get on the path to success working from home. From there you can in due course transition to full time home biz success.

    I like this, and it's true:
    kenwrites: "Do or Do Not. There Is No Try"
  12. Rach72

    Rach72 New Member

    Just a small motivational tip that helps me appreciate how much I am achieving during the day....

    Write a list of what you want to get done just for that day.
    cross things off that you do

    but ..... (and here's the real feel good thingy)

    also add and cross off all the 'other' stuff that you get done.

    you know, the extra forum post, the blog comment, the email, the social contact, the article spin, the research.... even the non-related blog post or phone call

    now see how much of this needed to be done and how much time you spent at work vs at the water cooler.

    Its quite interesting [​IMG]
  13. BloggingDude

    BloggingDude New Member

    Cool string. I think we all get like from time to time, yes? It's not that there isn't enough time but we feel guilty and unproductive when we get lots done but not all we intended to.

    I'm a go to work and then come back and work dad so when I feel beat down after my 9 to 5 and can't get anything productive done I always feel like crap! Its like missing a day at the gym....

    M biggest enemy is Twitter and Facebook. So I got a program to keep me off them during certain hours at night. That way I have no way of going into a "web veg" state. Lol.

    My other challenge is deciding where to spend my time. I am "new" to blogging and am trying to set up a few that will result in some decent resids but I make the brunt of my at home money with up-front paying writing sites. So I have to decide when to develop the blogs and when to do work that I know will result in money right then!

    The best thing I do to conquer that is with a simple schedule like someone mentioned earlier...I work on my blogs on certain nights and then knock out articles/content on others. It keeps the demons at bay!


    Ken "The Blogging Dude"
  14. akashbora

    akashbora New Member

    I think One should devote plenty of time to Online busines or if anyone willing to work from home. working part time according to me is a waste of time cause we have to get inside the VIRTUAL world !

    It takes a lot of time to get success unless u r a super genius it will take time !

    its seems very easy and yes it is easy but takes lot of time ! so we need to be persistent. I have been in to online business from the last 9 years !

    [Link removed - Admin]
  15. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    kenwrites: But we can never "find" time. We must "make" time. There is a huge mindset difference between the two. Once you begin to "make" time, you will soon have the necessary time you need to build your business.
    Great observation, Ken!

    Finding time is like waiting for "the right moment" which would be when the stars are perfectly aligned in the right constellation so that they start exerting their influence in our daily activities in such a way that our wishes magically come true, without any conscious intervention on our part.

    Some people call that procrastinating! [​IMG]

    Making time - that slight but important adjustment in perspective you point out - puts the responsibility squarely on our shoulders. We have to take charge and act deliberately to get the results we want. It's really up to each of us to make things happen.

    "If it's to be, it's up to me!"

    BloggingDude: I work on my blogs on certain nights and then knock out articles/content on others. It keeps the demons at bay!
    That's a handy tactic for getting things done in an organized, orderly fashion, without becoming overwhelmed and distracted by the sheer magnitude of the task.

  16. Mike McClurg

    Mike McClurg New Member

    A8ch: Finding time is like waiting for "the right moment" which would be when the stars are perfectly aligned in the right constellation so that they start exerting their influence in our daily activities in such a way that our wishes magically come true, without any conscious intervention on our part.

    Some people call that procrastinating!

    Making time - that slight but important adjustment in perspective you point out - puts the responsibility squarely on our shoulders. We have to take charge and act deliberately to get the results we want. It's really up to each of us to make things happen.

    "If it's to be, it's up to me!"

    Yes there is no such thing as spare time only targeted time
  17. mase661

    mase661 New Member


    I also experience the same thing while working from home, but I have learn a new way to work over that issue and try to get everything completed at a certain time so that I would know what it is I have to do next.
  18. mreese601

    mreese601 Member

    It all come to taking control of your day! Think about it! If you work from someone else, they tell you what too do when to do it and how long it should take you too do it. The same thing applies to working at home. You should work from a schedule, and have a time limited on your projects. Example I have 30 mins to be in this forum giving value where I can. Hoping I'm making a difference in someone life! Then I will move on to the next thing on my too do list. And remember once you find something that's working and making you money hire someone else too do that for you.

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