JustBeenPaid Reviews! Records Are Breaking!

Discussion in 'Business Opportunities and Programs Reviews' started by chadarcy, May 16, 2012.

  1. TJamMoneyMan

    TJamMoneyMan Active Member

    Good for you. Just be careful...

    I am still "pretty excited", but I am also investigating!

    Your reputation as a marketer is in the balance...

    Good luck
  2. chadarcy

    chadarcy Member

    Things seem to be not getting any faster as far as paying earnings and tripler placements. I would have expected by now that these new servers would be in place and running. I just hope they are honest with us and that is the real reason for the delays. It seems like there are always server upgrades being done, yet they state that everything will be back to normal when they are done. It has been at least 2-3 months since JBP has been on a normal schedule. It is hard to want to try and promote JBP when some aspects of the program just are not running as smoothly as it should be.

  3. TJamMoneyMan

    TJamMoneyMan Active Member

    I suggest you investigate JBP thoroughly.

    Don't depend just on what the site tells you.

    You must have a considerable downline by now and they'll be rightfully expecting as much from you.
  4. chadarcy

    chadarcy Member

    I have investigated JBP a lot and really kind of conclude that you will not get rich quickly with this program but undoubtedly, has a very low risk, as long as you aren't greedy and try to keep repurchasing to increase your daily earnings.

    Like a broken record, always invest only what you can afford to loose. But I believe you will have nothing to loose as long as you play it smart and try to make back what you originally invested as soon as possilbe. A good recomendation is re-purchasing two days in a row and then keeping the earnings from the third day. Do this until you have you money back and out of the program and you now have nothing to loose, and can take more risk by building your daily earnings.

    Also try to have a plan for the restarts. I am not settled into a plan yet myself but realize that the restarts can really effect your daily earnings, and with a planned strategy, my be able to reduce loosing so many triplers.

  5. chadarcy

    chadarcy Member

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