Keyword Selection

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization (SEO)' started by rohnsmith, May 24, 2010.

  1. Keywords are the most important SEO element for every search engine, they are what search strings are matched against. It is the most crucial step to a successful SEO campaign. Of course, writing quality posts will help you to drive traffic but make sure that your posts contain the right keywords. Remember: Google bot is a machine which uses an algorithm to rank any site for particular keyword.
  2. dotnettraining

    dotnettraining New Member

    Selecting correct keywords is the best way to reach your site, because the keywords can make or break site future. So selecting correct keywords is an art, so that your visitors can reach on your site directly without any problem. But if your keywords are not according to your potential customer’s desire, or your web site doesn’t have the keyword which they are looking for then they will miss you, which is very bad for the future of your site. You should remember that when you select keyword for your web site, you must use those words which are related to your contents and also popular search words as well. This is called keywords optimization.
  3. Anders J

    Anders J Member

    Keyword selection is the ground work of marketing and SEO. Without proper research you end up taking to much time getting anywhere.

    If the keywords are highly competetive it takes a long time before you rank well for them but if you have serious working SEO going on a monthly basis you will get there with some time and effort.

    You have to decide to how long you want be in business when ranking is hard.

    As for blogs I use the SEOpressor plugin which allows me to post with a good sense of SEO in the content so Google will treat it well. I can highly recommend it.

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