Learn Time Management

Discussion in 'Productivity and Motivation' started by Matt Zenittini, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Matt Zenittini Silver Member

    One of the most important things to be productive is time management. I listen to TONS of motivational CD sets in my everyday life. In one of these CD sets they shared a tip I would like to pass along.

    First off, nobody becomes successful working 40 hours a week. We are going to say 50 for this example. What is your income goal?. If you want to make six figures a year that means you want to make $40 an hour working 10 hours a day to have the weekends off and 2 weeks vacation each year.

    So when you are sitting at home during your dedicated work time and you become distracted by playing with your pen or using the internet for something that is not making you money.. Recognize you are not being productive and ask yourself, is playing with this pen worth $40? I'm pretty sure that will jump you back on track.

    Remember it takes 27 days to break a habit, so keep at it to advance your time management skills. You will have to continuously remind yourself and NOT make excuses.

    I'm sure if most of us added up our productive work hours we would find we work a lot less than we think we do [IMG].

    This seems like a pretty simple technique but it works! You are working, is what your doing worth $40?

    Keep in mind this can be used for a lot of things. If you are going to change your cars oil and know it will take you an hour of your time plus the cost of oil and a filter its costing you $40 + parts. Recognize that paying a mechanic is cheaper than your time and be smart about it.

    If you can't install your new alarm system in your house, recognize that it is worth paying someone else to do it because they know how to do it and are certainly cheaper than the $40 an hour you would be paying yourself =].

    I hope this makes sense!

    Stay motivated!!!

    Matthew Zenittini
  2. seeyalater72 New Member

    Very good advice. Time management is something I'm sure most online marketers struggle with including myself. It's especially challenging to those of us still working a traditional 9-5. When you factor in a commute, family, and other obligations managing the limited time you have left becomes critical to success.
  3. Matt Zenittini Silver Member

    Absolutely =]!. One of the most important things people need to do is set aside that time, whatever it is they have to spare and actually WORK during that time. It is critical that time is not wasted.

    Spend some days researching and know exactly what you are going to do. This is a business make a business plan.

    Then do it. Work. It's very easy to be productive when you know exactly what you have to do. (opposed to wandering around the web and "working")
  4. A8ch Gold Member

    It makes a lot of sense, Matt. Great advice!

    Time - 1440 minutes each day - is the one commodity we all have
    in common. How effectively we manage those minutes will define
    our achievements and the quality of life we untimately enjoy.

    Very useful post!

  5. Singapoor New Member

    Matt Zenittini: Absolutely =]!. One of the most important things people need to do is set aside that time, whatever it is they have to spare and actually WORK during that time. It is critical that time is not wasted.

    Spend some days researching and know exactly what you are going to do. This is a business make a business plan.

    Then do it. Work. It's very easy to be productive when you know exactly what you have to do. (opposed to wandering around the web and "working")

    I agree wholeheartedly and something I came across AGES ago (but never really put to use) is the concept of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals. I'll share it here because I think it's super useful for doing just that and also because I feel that in looking it up to share it, I'll nudge myself into action as well [IMG]).

    There are various versions of what the acronym means, but the way I originally heard it was as:

    S - Specific
    M - Measurable
    A - Action-focused
    R - Realistic
    T - Time-limited

    Wikipedia has a page on it and there the other versions are listed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_(project_management)
  6. dayflyer New Member

    Respect yourself: Constantly putting your own tasks aside to help others sends a clear signal that you believe their needs are more important than your own. Of course there will always be the exception, but in reality most urgent tasks aren't that urgent. As well as protecting your own time, you'll be clearly telling your colleagues that you aren't responsible for their failure to manage their own time effectively.

    Others may feel you should give them time when they want it, or put their needs ahead of your own but you need to be firm and defend your precious time. Explain the priorities you're working to and, if necessary, get them to help you renegotiate deadlines or other commitments.
  7. jschuman New Member

    Great post Matt. It really helped me to start viewing my time from an hourly rate point of view. This helped make me accountable for what I was doing and to start spending my time on the things that paid me back the best.
  8. Matt Zenittini Silver Member

    I am glad this post was helpful =]]. Now more than ever is a great time to get started at being productive. This is a character trait that will make you successful in whatever you choose to become in life.


    Matthew Zenittini
  9. tmorrison Member

    sarah_9: If you are able in managing your time rationally and properly, then nothing can stop you in your life from achieving your goals and dreams it is one of the most important chapter of our life that we should learn from the early stage of our life.
    I certainly agree. Great post Matt and nice reply Sarah!
  10. damodar New Member


    Great Advice. Proper management of time, enables you to measure the progress towards your specified goals. Doing the urgent tasks on priority basis by keeping the time factor in mind is the best guarantee of getting fast results online.

  11. mjb13815 New Member

    I agree that time management is definitely crucial to our success. I think what helps is to write down what you plan to accomplish each day.
  12. mexia Guest

    Great post you have there. I think adapting a strong resolve towards distraction can really get you what you want.
    Awesome Mat. Very though provoking.
  13. Matt Zenittini Silver Member

    I'm glad it helped =]. Remember. Organizing your desk does not pay you money, talking about what you are going to do does not pay you money, sharpening your pencil, or buying new pens does not pay you money.

    So do what pays you money =]]].
  14. robert jean New Member

    Your time management skill is one of the very greatest skills of your life, besides walking and talking you need to do an introspection and analyse why you always fall short of time Management Skills are not so difficult to do, but they are terribly difficult to get I found that when I come home I can't get done anything so I stay at work bit longer because I have a silent work area and I can study there better not because they're difficult to learn, but because they're difficult to find an effective time management skill requires awareness of where your time goes, and a list of what you want to fill with your time studying requires study time, study skills, and the motivation to keep it up until the exam. And then there are exam tips for managing those precious couple of hours.
  15. elle14 New Member

    I agree with the information...And here is what I usually do working in front of the computer.

    -putting a timer on my desk

    -putting some notes(motivational quotes) to inspired me [IMG]

    Having that thing helps me to manage my time in working.. And I can finish it on time [IMG]