
Discussion in 'West at Home' started by cynthiaparrot, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. cynthiaparrot

    cynthiaparrot New Member

    Last week Thursday, I had begun taking the test for West At Home... I had gotten though the first 3-4 tests fine but then on the 5th test, I became a little nervous, and as a result, I failed the test. All I received was an email to confirm that I had failed the test. Is there any way I can re-take the test? I don't know why I suddenly got so nervous and almost intimidated, but I am really hoping for another chance to work for them. Working at home would be ideal for me since I am my terminally ill mother's primary caregiver. What am I to do? Anyone had this happen to them with the test? Did you get another chance to take it?
  2. miranda

    miranda New Member

    well, i failed one of the tests for GE and i was given an opportunity a few months later for another project. You will more than likely be given an opportunity again but not for the same project you were testing for. They are strict about that. Hope you get called soon
  3. GlennELee

    GlennELee New Member

    If you fail the test with West, you're lucky (West Customer Service Management Group LLC is a horrific company to work for, just ask any AT&T Agent). Aside from that, fail the test, wait 6 months and you'll be able to take it again.
  4. CarolinaGuy1979

    CarolinaGuy1979 New Member

    with me I failed DR in October of 2008 and it took them 14 months later (just got another one today) to offer me another skill.
  5. kcummins

    kcummins New Member

    i am on my last test # 5 and have 2 questions that i put in the Q and i need someone for comfirm my thoughts. i have 10 min to sign in and take test. i have 1 day to take test also.
  6. kcummins

    kcummins New Member

    [​IMG]help please

    q1. do not complete the OPR for the following situation?

    a. no products are listed on the decision screen meun that populates wuth the RTN
    b. when there is a grammer problem withthe scripting on the order sceen.
    c. at the end of an order when it will not submit (not the answer)
    d. when one of the PF function keys is not workign property

    q2. the operations Problem Report OPR provides you with a means tocommunicate and report proplems with?

    a. the order entry screen
    b. the online manual order form (this is not the answer)
    c. any calls received
    d. the training modules
    e. the message board
  7. luis84

    luis84 New Member

    Q1 the answwer is D

    Q2 the answer is e

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