Thoughts on UneeqLee Mobile Marketing Platform?

Discussion in 'Business Opportunities and Programs Reviews' started by bfryer, Nov 12, 2013 at 2:17 PM.

  1. bfryer

    bfryer New Member

    In my 5 years in the industry, I am personally noticing a shift in marketing tactics....that being that email marketing is now kind of taking a back seat to mobile/text-marketing. I know there are significant numbers being shared out there about how 90% of TEXTS are opened within the first minute of receiving...versus an email that most likely is being sent to someones junk mail.

    I am thinking of using this marketing method in my business. Is anyone here currently using this for any of their marketing? What type of results are you seeing?

    My objective here is to simply collect more leads(very targeted of course), because these prospects would have to optin to receive the texts, just like an email opt-in.

    Thoughts?? Thanks in advance guys.

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