Too many fisherman, not enough fish.

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by WhatAShipIs, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Khoa Nuyen

    Khoa Nuyen New Member

    Posting on forums is a long term strategy. Keep this in mind because if you have the attitude that there are too many fisherman, you will become frustrated. As another poster pointed out, there are plenty of people here who want to learn more about other opportunities, not just to promote theirs. Peace.
  2. NetMecca

    NetMecca Member

    I consider this a place for connecting with likeminded people all around the world. And as they say experience is the best teacher, and we all (even the fish) bring loads of experience to the table.. Don't be shy to share.. and think of it as helping one person. If you succeed at that, you have success..

    Just2EZ likes this.
  3. happywife

    happywife Gold Member

    Based on your question and comment (which is very perceptive, by the way), I have to assume that whatever you are promoting is "work at home" related specifically rather than a different niche. Is that the case? If so, the advice about posting in this type of forum is correct because so many people come to this forum to find out information about how to do just that.

    I remember reading the same advice from various programs I tried when I first started searching out how to make money online several years ago. I tried to follow the advice, but I thought it seemed ridiculous because I couldn't be genuine and had no idea what I was talking about. How could I tell others how to make money from home if I hadn't done it yet myself?

    It seemed really "off" to sign up for a program and the way to make money was to get others to go to your link to sign up to the program so they could get others to go to their link to sign up to the program and so forth. It was doing my head in! ;)

    Anyway, I ended up learning that it may be a better idea to build an online business around a different topic (other than the "make money from home" topic). That's when I learned how to build a niche website around a topic that I did know about. Now I have several websites targeting different subjects and only one of them is the home business niche.

    Forums are great gathering places for people who are interested in a particular subject (in this case, making money from home). As others have mentioned, you can learn a lot, create friendships and business relationships, and help others with your own knowledge and experience. And yes, you can even drum up some business along the way.

    I think, though, that if you go to a forum for the sole purpose of "fishing" to increase your own catch, you probably won't be that successful at it because you kind of scare the fish away. ;)

    This has been an interesting discussion, and for your first few posts you've made a nice little impact in our lake. :)
    Vishal P. Rao and Just2EZ like this.
  4. Eric Verde

    Eric Verde New Member

    You've got a good point. Since there are so many fisherman trying to direct potential customers its hard to be motivated into even trying. Like other people have said; try changing the bait up a bit to see who bites. If it doesn't work, try changing again but don't give up. Persistence is key; you may not catch all the fish but all you really need is a few to really get things going.

    ~Good luck to you =D
  5. JenMarie

    JenMarie New Member

    I'm new to this forum, but I will share my own perspective from the years I spent on another similar's true that many of the users post in forums for the sole original intention of promoting their business. However, even with that narrow purpose, most of us are open-minded when it comes to the topic of earning extra income. I began working remotely about seven years ago, making about $50k. It's been a long road, and I'm still traveling it, but I've made six figures for the past three years, and it's come through multiple businesses. Some of the increase is due to more business in the company I originally started with, but the most explosive growth is from expanding my efforts to multiple businesses...businesses that I learned about on a forum just like this one!

    Bottom line: Don't be disheartened if you see every user with an advertisement in their signature line. It's just like the corporate world where we all sent emails with our signature block at the bottom. Just because we represent that company right now, it does not indicate that it's the only company we represent...or that it's the only company we want to represent for the rest of our lives. Some of us just like to keep fishing even after we have plenty of fish in our nets for today's meal! Good luck!
  6. bluetexas

    bluetexas Member

    I joined this forum years ago, and just recently rediscovered this place. I'm glad I did, there's so much to learn here.
  7. Rhianna

    Rhianna New Member

    Yes there are many fisherman out there but you shouldn't worry about running out of fish, even the most established fisherman can still look for new opportunities to have multiple income streams, therefore turning them into a fish themselves, it's like a continuous circle! I hope that makes sense!!
  8. discrat

    discrat Member

    There is never enough fish to go after in IM and Work from Home Opportunities. There are just too many opportunities to pursue and too many fish that are mass producing everyday who need help to make money and will put out bucks to get that help ! :)
    That is where us fisherman come in to play ;)

  9. Art

    Art Member

    I recently heard that out of everyone that is trying to make money online only about 3% are succeeding! That would make the 3% the fishermen and 97% fish :)
    And actually more and more people nowadays are getting into the 'Work from Home' market which means there are fresh fish coming in every day!
    Good luck to the fishermen! :)

    YAGOOFT Member

    Good points,

    No doubt many hit and run artists hit forums just to fish, but as I have learned over the years, fishing takes patience and you have to learn how to catch fish, not just throw your line in the water and hope you catch something. Most often you will end up with a rubber boot using this hit and run strategy,

    You have to post good advice and answer peoples questions and get established as one who enjoys helping others is how I see forum fishing. Once you are established contributor for a forum, you earn respect of your fellow posters, and this takes time and patience.

    Some of my best people came from forums, and in most cases they were working other programs at the time. The point is, just because we all are working programs already doesn't mean a skilled fisherman can't catch the smartest fish in the sea. With so many programs that fail, and with so many people looking for a new or first opportunity, there will always be plenty of forum fish in the sea.

    Good luck,

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