What do you use most in your business decisions - heart or mind?

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Aug 3, 2012.


    YAGOOFT Member


    How many consider a business as a heart decision? I would say heart is more of a love emotion, not a business emotion, but hey, that's just me. I would more accurately say it is intuition and a mind decision, of which, you have to use both. First impressions are inuitive, as in, without thought or mind, sort of a gut feel you go on, which is how I first evaluate a business, but ultimately, you have to use you reasoned mind thoughts to close the deal, so both are important as I see it. If heart was involved, I guess it would have to be a dating business or fundraisers helping those in need, these are more heart related as I see it, so it all depends on the business.
  2. Wayne Miller

    Wayne Miller Member

    My website is my online persona and I love it! I love what I do too and I wouldn't want to have to stop or change. I always have to do what's best for the business, but years of experience and training give me the ability to do it in such a way that the love remains in tact. I make money and have a great online reputation so it seems like I've found the right combination of both mind and heart. I wish all of you the same.
    Just2EZ likes this.
  3. Sandra Kline

    Sandra Kline New Member

    I use my heart... Because everyone needs to be able to save on Healthcare...
  4. Inn Dev

    Inn Dev New Member

    i use my heart more than my mind, if i feel good in something i do it, if it feels bad than i will never do it and if nothing is felt than i will go with my mind and will think twice before making any decision.
  5. Wayne Miller

    Wayne Miller Member

    We all want to follow our hearts, that is probably why we all have a mind. Maybe one cannot work without the other!
  6. Kristinlynnxo

    Kristinlynnxo New Member

    I use my heart for core foundations of what I am doing, and I use my mind to execute the actions that need to be taken :) Good question! :p

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