What happened to the New Topics Option??

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by mountainmom5, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    What happened to the option to view the new topics posted or is it just my pc acting up again...?
  2. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

    I've just removed it for testing purposes. You can always view the last 100 discussions by going to: Work at Home Forum - Last 100 Discussions

    A link to that page is displayed the the bottom of the home page (after forums list) : ?ยป Last 100 Discussions
  3. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    That's what I have been doing - I was just curious what had happened to the other option.. [​IMG] Thanks again, Vishal - for the wonderful job you are doing!
  4. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    mountainmom5: What happened to the option to view the new topics posted...?
    Funny you should bring that up MM5. I noticed the change too and asked myself the same question. But, knowing Vishal, I figured he was tinkering with things to monitor and compare the response. Looks like I was right. [​IMG]

    Veteran members of this forum ought to know by now that our esteemed Administrator is never negligent, but always looking for ways to improve the experience for everyone.

    Three cheers for Vishal! [​IMG]

  5. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    A8ch: Veteran members of this forum ought to know by now that our esteemed Administrator is never negligent, but always looking for ways to improve the experience for everyone.
    I know and that is what I thought was happening - just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask..[​IMG]

    I absolutely trust you Vishal [​IMG]
  6. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Hermas and Viola [​IMG] I'm really fortunate to you have you people here.
  7. Singapoor

    Singapoor New Member

    A8ch: Three cheers for Vishal!

    Hip hip hooray [​IMG]

    And thank you Vishal for creating a cozy hangout spot for WAH folks - truly.

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