What is true wealth?

Discussion in '1StepSystem' started by chrisharl, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. chrisharl

    chrisharl New Member

    In an interview with over 500 people, true wealth will be differently by everyone! True wealth may be to have the time to do what you want, when you want and with whom you want. It may be to travel all over the world, or to not have to worry about the bills! Too many times we associate the world "wealth" with how large one's bank account is. Famous author Robert Kiyosaki states that your wealth can be calculated by how long you can financially survive after you stop working.

    I was taught at an early age to focus on school and get the best grades possible, graduate from college and get a great job...and then be able to "have fun"! There's one problem with that, after I had completed everything I was taught graduating from college, pursuing my Masters degree, and working 2 jobs I did not know a single person that was "having fun"! Everyone was in "survival mode".

    Looking at successful and ultra-successful people I realized that they looked at wealth completely different! That I needed to focus my energy and knowledge on maximizing my time, money and health and then I would truly be experiencing TRUE WEALTH! Is this an easy task...of course not but anything worthwhile takes commitment, perseverence, hard work and the desire to soak up knowledge like a sponge!!!

    I love educating others on how they can maximize their time, money and health and most importantly learning how the masses define true wealth! How woudl you define true wealth in your words?
  2. FreeCashMan

    FreeCashMan Well-Known Member

    I think the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles stated it well, "Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains it is not possible to live a really complete and successful life unless one is rich."

    And poverty does not just mean being poor. Many have a job and are still poor, also known as Just Over Broke.

    However big or small, do something to make your own money, your own way, and enjoy the feeling it gives.
  3. Newbie Shield

    Newbie Shield Gold Member

    Hi Chris,

    For me true wealth is unshakable inner peace.

    How to achieve it may be different for each individual. That applies to the financial situation of each individual as well.

    True wealth isn't just a financial issue. It's also an authentic state of mind.

    I'm willing to bet that Vishal, Hermas, and a few of the other deep thinkers will have something interesting to say on this matter.

    ~Newbie Shield~
  4. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    Newbie Shield: I'm willing to bet that Vishal, Hermas, and a few of the other deep thinkers will have something interesting to say on this matter.
    Deep thinkers, huh? For a moment there I visualized myself a few hundred pounds heavier, sitting around in a loin cloth contemplating my navel. What a frightening image! [​IMG]

    Newbie Shield: For me true wealth is unshakable inner peace.
    I like that concise description, NS!

    There are myriad degrees of inner peace, many different pathways to finding it, and its composition is different for each of us.

    chrisharl: Too many times we associate the word "wealth" with how large one's bank account is.
    I agree! We have become so conditioned by society's standards that we have developed an internal, default mechanism that causes us (even at subliminal levels) to automatically assign units of value to our neighbor's material possessions, just so that we can guage her wealth.

    Then, in an instant, we apply these arbitrary values to our own similar possessions to make a comparative assessment. The palatial homes, luxury cars and swollen bank accounts are some of the trappings we recognize immediately.

    But are any of those things really as important as we make them out to be?

    While they do have their place in the overall scheme of things, there are other assets that are less obvious, but several times more valuable, in my opinion. They go by names such as: compassion, love, friendship, trust, honesty, discipline and so on.

    I think true wealth resides at a place deep within us. It is more an ATTITUDE than it is a THING. It is silent, powerful and invisible. Since it cannot be seen to be measured or understood, the only frames of reference we have are its external manifestations.

    Therefore, we ought to give prominence to those assets of wealth that cannot be devalued by changing economic downturns or by some entry in a balance sheet. Those intangibles are the assets that determine our character. That's a reflection of our true wealth!

  5. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

    A8ch: Deep thinkers, huh? For a moment there I visualized myself a few hundred pounds heavier, sitting around in a loin cloth contemplating my navel. What a frightening image!


    I believe both Hermas and NS said it very nicely.

    But I guess one thing that no one mentioned in Contentment. In my opinion, there is nothing greater quality to own than Contentment. You can have tons of wealth but if you are not contented, you can never be at ease and you can never experience real happiness. You'll always be hopping from one goal to another. I believe success cannot be measured by how much wealth you own but by the degree of Contentment you have.
  6. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    A8ch: Deep thinkers, huh? For a moment there I visualized myself a few hundred pounds heavier, sitting around in a loin cloth contemplating my navel. What a frightening image!
    HAHA - I needed that chuckle this morning - thanks!

    Vishal P. Rao: You can have tons of wealth but if you are not contented, you can never be at ease and you can never experience real happiness. You'll always be hopping from one goal to another. I believe success cannot be measured by how much wealth you own but by the degree of Contentment you have.

    Ahhhh... now I can go can my stinky fish that my guys caught last night *salmon season is open* .... I am so blessed and the reminder about contentment plus the other great thoughts here made me feel much more willing to go handle those smelly critters...

    Thanks for starting this thread *for me* this morning, Chris.[​IMG]
  7. joanpeterson

    joanpeterson New Member

    As someone who has battled cancer and multiple sclerosis, I have to say a part of wealth is one's health.
  8. bbray95

    bbray95 New Member

    It's gotta be the freedom of not having a boss driving you crazy all day! LOL At least to me.
  9. fixaprob

    fixaprob New Member

    Well there are many answer to this question but i feel diseases free health and happiness of life is true wealth..
  10. mbasa

    mbasa Member


    Well said, from where I am right now wealth is the ability to sustain my life financially without working for someone else. it does not matter if I am still on the same income range-that would just be the beginning. My time with family is priceless.
  11. houseofelijah

    houseofelijah New Member

    I agree with fixapro, and it does not hurt to have all your needs met.
  12. MaryGreen

    MaryGreen New Member

    There are lot's of philosophic looks on wealth and I think they are similar for everyone. As for me true wealth condition is anyway connected to money, not just money, but the situations when all my relatives and close people are healthy, my beloved husband is close to me and my son is playing happily. If some part of that is missing I won't have my true wealth anymore, I'll have just the money.
  13. HABS

    HABS New Member

    Couldn't have said it better. Myself I'm reaching for the stars and I absolutely will not stop till I get there. Richness in the soul is something different but as far as monetary wealth goes, I dream BIG.

    "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your Vision is the promise of what you shall one
    day be; your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil." - James Allen

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